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About a week passed by of me trying to plan how to set my new plan into motion. It was rough.. things at the estate were going great. Adrien was with me just about all day. We'd go out to eat or make lunch and dinner together everyday. On top of that, I began modeling the next week after we hung out so much. It was December 13th, close to my birthday when I started modeling again. The photographer was as amazing as last time. On top of that, I was finishing up the designs Gabriel gave me. We switched back medias before but I kind of threw my old book in the trash. My old sketches were already taken a picture of so I threw it all away and bought a new one.

After those 2 weeks of chat and I talking about me leaving for a short bit, something happened.. We had an Akuma like always but after ladybug left, we started talking.

"Ill be leaving soon.." I told him as I sat with the safe on my lap again.

"I've already told you-" Chat began but I talked over him.

"I don't care, chat! I have to do this!" I shouted for the first time which caught him off guard. "This is the only way!.. However I get Akumatized, I will calm myself and follow the butterfly." I told him.

"No, you're not! It's not right!" Chat stood up and yelled.. than.. Duusu came out.

"Its our chose as kwamis to go with our holders plans! Kya is making the right choice, she's already saved me!" Duusu shouted as I watched in absolute horror. She gave herself up..

"You-!.. We need to talk somewhere else.." Chat noir began quietly and tried to hide duusu.

"We're not talking about anything chat, and you need to hide.." I muttered and had duusu go back in the safe.

"How?.." Chat asked and sat down again.

"If she told you specifically chat noir, so much would go wrong!" Duusu shouted from in the safe.

"What?.." I asked in confusion.

"Its because of who he is! Leon and I already know but kya doesn't! Honestly, we'd be safer where ladybug lives or up here on the tower!" Duusu shouted to me.

"What is that supposed to mean? Why wouldn't you be safe where I'm at?.." Chat asked as I slowly gasped.

"Do you live near the estate?.." I whispered with wide eyes, "I-I can't leave them with you.. Shit, what do I do?.." I whispered as I put my hand in my hair. "Why didn't you tell me, duusu?.. Do you think I should?.." I asked her as I stared down at the safe in a panic.

"Hes the only one your partners you've specially entrusted to help you with this secret.. I think we'll be safe as long as we don't come out.." Duusu muttered to me.

"But that could be weeks, I can't do that.." I whispered back.

"Weeks? Kya, you can't just be gone like that from the team and why isn't my place safe?" Chat asked me almost in anger.

"Chat, please stop.. I need some time to think." I said as I stood up with the safe.

"Wait! We have to talk about this! If I'm part of this big plan, I have to know!" He shouted and took my arm.

"Fine.." I muttered as I grit my teeth. I just have to trust him to take care of them.. "I'm leaving them under the bridge tonight at 10 o'clock sharp and I'll stay to make sure you've got them. After that, go home. When I've finished what I've tried to do, I'll leave another note under the bridge telling you that it's okay to give me back my miraculous." I explained.

"How will I know it's you that wrote it?" He asked me in all seriousness.

"Then.. Ill sit under the bridge covered up waiting. I'll be there at 10 o'clock at night too.. Whenever you go on patrol, just check.." I explained.

The Lion's Plan. (Chat Noir X OC)Where stories live. Discover now