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'Ophelia.. I chose you for a reason. You are the only person strong enough to save the world.. to save everyone from shadow moth.. You do not have the same fears they do.. You will prevail.'

At night, I started hearing things like this. Things telling me that I'm strong, that I'm different from others. It never made sense to me..

"Kya, get over here and help me pull them up!" Chat noir shouted to me from the canals. I zoned out during the middle of a battle. An Akuma knocked a bunch of people in the water, today it just so happened to be rushing water. Chat had so many people hanging onto his staff that he couldn't pull them up. I could see how this went. If I used my chains to wip everyone out of the water, one would fall. There was a child at the very end..

I did it anyway. I attached my chains to his staff and pulled everyone. As I pulled, I threw the chains and jumped into the water. That little child went rushing down after slipping off chats staff. They were fairly good at swimming thankfully. It was easy to get to her.

"Hey, hey baby, it's alright" I hushed her as I held her tight while we quickly floated down stream. I dont have a way of getting out.

"I-Im scared! I can't breathe!" She shouted just out of fear. She's only in elementary or middle school, I'd be scared too.

"You can breathe, I've got ya, okay?" I said as I looked around us. I held her with one arm while trying to keep our heads above water. "Look, chat noir is coming to help us" I smiled and tried to show her. Chat came as fast as he could after the others were safe. He stabbed his staff into the water not far in front of where we were floating. I held her tighter then got to grab onto the staff.

"Ah! Don't let me go! Please don't let go, kya!" She screamed and held me much tighter. She was grabbing my neck, I was choking but I knew she was just scared.

"Babe, I'm right here.." I spoke softly to her and looked her right in the eyes. She finally got calm enough as she looked at me. It was now that I realized i had a magnificent power to sway peoples emotions. My power is purity, I guess I don't even need the power though. "We're gonna go up now" I smiled and gave her the heads up. She slowly nodded, still nervous but ready.

Chat slowly pulled us up from the water and brought us to the side of the wall. I kept the girl in front of me as we climbed chats staff up the wall back to the side walk. The little girls mother was running, crying and barely breathing as she came to get her little girl. Once the girl was on the ground, she went to her mother and they hugged.

I stared at their reunion with a sad smile. "Good job saving her but couldn't you have gotten them up a different way?" Chat noir asked from my side. I smiled a little more hearing that attitude he always gives me.

"Sorry, Chat.. Quick thinking isn't always my thing.." I apologized as I rubbed my eye before I cried, "lets go find lady-" I began but suddenly that mother ran at me. She knocked me down! I-I mean, she ran to hug me and we fell.

"Thank you, Kya!" She cried in my arms. My eyes were wide and I had stopped breathing. When it sank in that she was thankful I saved her baby, I felt warm.. I hugged her back as we laid on the ground together..

"I couldn't think of another way to save her with the rest of you.. Im sorry I scared the both of you.." i apologized and just felt.. weird. I'm happy and really sad.

"Shut up, you did amazing.." She whispered to me and held me a bit tighter before letting me go, "go get that Akuma, Kya" she said as she got up and helped me up too.

"We will." I nodded and gave a little smile. Chat noir went first while I took a couple steps back and watched that mom and her daughter hug again before going myself.

The Lion's Plan. (Chat Noir X OC)Where stories live. Discover now