Finally Done

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Today has been very rough for me. I went to school at 8 like usual but I got rear ended so bad that I gave myself a panic attack even if I was fine. I didn't go to school after that so I went home, had something to eat and napped.. but I had a migraine the whole time.. then I got to work at the estate, Gabriel told me most of my designs are basically copies of what I've already shown him. He wanted something different. That really upset me.. So I had a new pressure to create 10 more designs in a week then start creating them. I thought I'd catch a break when Adrien came in with snacks. He brought bread from Marinettes and all this other nice stuff to eat while I worked.. And then he just kissed me.

You'd think, "wow, that's amazing he's been a great friend, why not take the chance?" But I don't. That made things even worse for me.. And I ended up running off. I think I just cut ties with Adrien when I ran but I couldn't think of anything else to do..

I was right outside the estate trying to take a walk and clear my head.. But I saw the Akuma. A black and purple butterfly flew from the estate towards me.

"Day by day.." I whispered as I shut my eyes and took a deep breath in then out. Before dad passed, he told me to take things day by day. That has always been a helpful reminder to me to stay positive and keep hope. When i opened a second later the butterfly had stopped and turned back around. In the middle of the estate is a beautiful stained glass piece with a-.. Butterfly.. The agreste brand is a butterfly.. I watched it fly inside and disappear.. Is it.. Is it Gabriel?..

That night I went right to the bridge hoping and praying chat would notice me when all covered in black. It was about 9:30 when someone came up to me.

"Hello?.." someone called out to me. I peeked over just a little and found chat standing there.

"Hey Chaton.. How are you feline tonight?" I asked. I used our code word, but  sure if he remembered.

"I could be better.. But you're back now right?.." He asked in hope as I lowered my head.

"Yeah, I need to come back now.. I didn't actually end up getting Akumatized. I almost did today though" I gave an awkward laugh.

"Yeah, I was close to that.." he sighed, "what was wrong? Did you make it go away?" He asked and came and sat with me. He didn't look at me, he kept his back turned.

"Too many things.. it kept building up till I about popped but I calmed myself down when I saw that little butterfly" I answered him happily.

"How?.." he asked quietly.

"I told myself to take it day by day.. Today was history but tomorrow is a mystery. Tomorrow is new, you can change everything about yourself overnight if you're clever enough.." I couldn't help a giggle.

"I think I need to change.. I think I ruined my chances with this girl I really liked.." he mumbled to me out of sadness.

"I ruined a good friendship when all I should've done was talk to them.." i mumbled before we both sighed. "Sorry about your crush.. If it helps, I've got a friend who likes to push tom cats around sometimes" I mumbled happily before he bumped my shoulder and laughed.

"You?" He laughed as I grabbed the top of my hood and pulled it down more while I giggled.

"No, someone by the name of Ophelia is a real joker" I told him.

"I bet.." he quietly chuckled and looked down.

"But if the kitty needs more attention, I have plenty to give" I hummed as I stood up and stretched.

"Maybe without that disguise, I think I prefur you just the way you are, mon cheri" he hummed as he put his hand out in front of me. I looked at it in confusion but.. "The safe, it's where no one could ever find it. Lets go" he told me, sounding so happy but I couldn't raise my head to look.

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