Phase 2 Planning

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I got up early and went to pick up Adrien from that hotel. I guess he was still trying to sleep off his hangover when I got there. I made him eat something then I drove him home to the estate. I gave him medicine when we got there and some water then made him sleep more. I started getting to work on my designs again. I managed to finish all 10 by the afternoon then it was time for me to go talk to Gabriel.

"Sir? May I come in?" I knocked at his office door.

"You may!" He told me before I walked in.

"I finished all my designs just a minute ago, sir." I informed him.

"Really? I'm afraid I'm a bit stuck on one of my own at the moment. It might be best if we switched now anyway though" he gave me a smile before handing me a tablet-.. Oh, he does it on tablets.. I'm more of a paper girl.. "If you need any help you're always free to ask" he informed me as I gave him my sketch book. It only had those 10 designs in it because this was a new book.

"Thank you sir, I'll try my best" i nodded and smiled before leaving.

"A big phone? No paper?.." Leon whispered to me in confusion as we walked down the hall back to my office.

I didn't answer at all. I don't trust electronics, this could be hacked by shadow moth of something! On a piece of paper, I wrote down "don't talk. This might be recording." Leon read it in his head then nodded.

From there, I printed out all Gabriel's designs then gave the tablet to Natalie so Gabriel can have it back if he needs. That, and so no one could listen to me.

"I forgot this place has secret evil people.." Leon hummed in thought after we were alone. This makes me wonder if we really are alone..

"I think it's time for me to go home for lunch.. Maybe I can get it together there.." I said to myself as I quickly packed up a few of my things then went on my way. I made sure to ignore Leon during that. Even while I was in my car, I had Leon hide. When I got home, I looked for anything strange. Thankfully I didn't find anything. Duusu was chilling out in my room snacking on trail mix.

All day all I really did was work on these designs but they all seemed so perfect already, I couldn't think of how to make them better! So I took a break. I need to hurry up my plan so I can tell chat and ladybug already. I hope chat hasn't said anything yet..

I put duusu somewhere safe, not on me but in another location. It's safe to say that shadowmoth, or rather, hawkmoth won't be finding it, ever. It wasn't in my home either. It was actually in my safe at the top of the eiffel tower with a note that said "property of Kya. Please do not open til I give permission."  Just in case chat or ladybug found it but I doubt they would.

Meanwhile I went to the estate as kya and looked around. It was hard to be secretive about it but I managed to stay out of sight of all the windows. I don't want Adrien or Gabriel seeing me after all. I watched for a little more than an hour just waiting but I couldn't find anything. I need someone to get Akumatized even if that means putting other people in danger but who?.. I cant upset my friends..

"Boo!" Someone shouted right behind me. I was so on guard that I threw my chains at this person and wrapped them up. "Whoa, hey!" Chat noir shouted once I saw him.

"What are you doing out here?" I sighed as I let him go.

"I was wondering about that safe at the tower. Please do not open until I give permission" chat repeated the note.

"I don't give you permission, I just cant leave it home.." I told him with a sigh as I sat down again at the edge of the building.

"Whats in it? Is it a part of your super secret plan?" He asked with this new happy attitude he's only ever given ladybug.

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