Rewarded with it all

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Well, my life was coming back together. It seemed like everyday I was with my old friends. Every night I was with adrien, he kind of moved in with me. I think he was tired of living alone or maybe he just couldn't stand being away from me any longer.
Kya was out every chance she got along with chat noir and ladybug. The superheros of Paris and their story spread world wide. After about a month of kya coming back, news stations world wide came to Paris just to see us! Police here didn't exactly know what to do. Ladybug told them some things, im not sure what, but I guess I'm not in trouble anymore. Things were okay till there were helicopters everywhere, we could never find somewhere to transform. Oh! And then something new happened..

I got a knock on my door. It's Saturday morning and I was just doing some cleaning. Leon, duusu and ivy were all jumping around the couches and walls. Adrien made ivy a whole wall with little shelves and things for her to play on meanwhile Marinette and I worked on our designs usually. I told leon and duusu to run off to my room to hide for a while so I could grab the door. My mistake was opening it up without looking to see who it might be..

"Ophelia! What do you know about kya?"


"Why did you leave your apprenticeship with Gabriel agreste? Did he kick you out?"

"Ophelia! How did you really lose your leg? How did you get that scar on your face?"

"I-I was shot-" I tried to answer nervously. I want them to go but how do I do that?

"By who? What about the one on your face?" Someone shouted as all the microphones were pressed to my face. Everyone stopped talking right them.

"Um.. Someone shot me there too.." I muttered and felt sick and anxious.

"Who? Was it kya again?"

"Are you in a gang? Is that why you keep getting shot?"

"No, im-" they wouldn't even let me speak! They kept pushing forward too! Th-They even came inside!

"Was it Gabriel? Did he do all this?"

"Was is Adrien?"

"No! Adiren and i-" are dating.. They didn't hear that though.

"Gabriel hates you! So he mustve did it!"

"Where is Gabriel now? The agreste brand has totally stopped!"

"What about your clothing? Did you quit?"

"How are you not dead?-"

How?.. Im not sure either. These questions got personal far too quickly. I'm not even dressed right now and how could they come into my house like this?

"Have you talked with kya recently? Why is she back?"

"She-" I tried as they pushed further all past the door inside.

"What about chat noir and ladybug? Are you dating chat noir?"

"No, im-" dating adrien..

"What happened to-"

I was drowning. They're all so loud and so close. I can't think and I can only feel my body trembling. Everything is starting to go numb and dark, what should I do? I can't hear them or see their faces. Why are they in my home? Why won't they leave me alone?..

"Adrien Agreste!-"

"Everyone, out now!" His voice.. It was a relief to hear him but everything was so loud. I slowly and carefully pressed my hands over my ears as it all became too much. I cant focus and I feel nauseous. Can't they give me a break? Shouldn't they have set up an appointment with me instead of breaking into my house? 
I quietly stared at the ground in a trembling fit. I'm so scared, they're all so close. Would they hurt me too?

The Lion's Plan. (Chat Noir X OC)Where stories live. Discover now