Keep moving on..

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"No.. Wh-What have I done?.." I asked myself.

It took me so long to calm down. If hawkmoth got to me, I would have done something horrible to Adrien and the city. I just kept repeating that I loved him and want him happy. I had to convince myself that I was okay with him leaving. He's safer, he's okay without me. I can figure out things on my own, I can be okay as long as he's still happy and alive.

My phone began to ring.. "hello?.." My voice was scratchy and horse. I sounded sick.

"Ophelia? You sound unwell, did something happen? Did you get hurt?" Gabriel asked through the phone. He must know who I am now.

"Who shot me?" I asked with a dull voice.

"Wh-what?" He asked and sounded shocked. Bastard.

"Who the hell pulled the trigger that time?" I asked calmly but my voice was shaking.

"Kya?.." he asked and sounded surprised but it must be fake.

"Who did it?!" I screamed into the phone.

"I see.. It was my son." He lied. I know he lied to me!

"It was Natalie wasn't it?.. That lady couldn't catch a break with the peacock miraculous and now you have her resorting to murder.." I muttered with a trembling voice.

"No, I told you it was-" he tried.

"Youre a lying bastard, Gabriel." I was fully over this.. "I told him about his mother. I told him you've played dirty. The worst part is that it was easy for him to believe.." I warned. "Kya isn't laying low anymore. She'll be back for you and she'll burn that place to the ground. Shoot me one more time, maybe you'll hit the right spot." I told him before hanging up. I'm pissed.

"Ophelia you shouldn't have told him that!" Duusu shouted to me but I ignored her. I called Marinette next.

"Hello? Ophelia?" Marinette called out.

"Dont let Adrien out of your sight. Gabriel knows adrien knows about his mother and his secret.." I told her without breaking my tone of voice.

"Wh-What? What do you mean? Did you tell him?" Marinette shouted.

"And one last thing.." I muttered, "Stay out of kyas way." I hung up the phone. She tried calling but I refused to answer. Immediately after, I called my phone company and changed my number. I started looking for a new apartment while I was at it. I made doctors appointments for physical therapy and check ups. The last thing I did before I ended my day, cut my hair.

It used to be long. It was a reward for getting away from my mother but now I need to change. I cut it so itd sit hanging onto my shoulders, I had long bangs and many layers. It wasn't so bad I guess.

As fast as I could, I moved out. I found a new place a bit further away and managed to stay away and out of sight of all superheros and friends. I acted dead towards those whom I used to know.

The news somehow found out that I had left my job with Gabriel. With that, Gabriel told them that I was never allowed near his establishment. The public never found me again. My face wasn't recognizable anymore. Not with the scar. I had a scar from the back of my head going to the edge of my eye. My eye is fine, my ear is sown back onto my head. My hair won't grow back but the line is thin and I have thick hair so you could hardly tell. I dyed my hair dark. It used to be blondish, now it's back to my natural. I changed my wardrobe to something plain. Usually just jeans and a black zipped up jacket..

I watched everyone I knew in secret. Adrien began living with nino and alya for a short period till he found somewhere else. He found a nice little apartment far off somewhere in another town. He found out someone had told his farther he knew everything. I still don't regret doing that. Adrien needed to be this careful from the start. He needed to cut ties with Gabriel completely. I found out that Gabriel broke down when Adrien disappeared. It made me smile.. He got sick and stayed in bed for weeks. The agreste brand deteriorated.

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