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I started doing my makeup after those masks were done. Adrien went and finished lunch while I did this. I was about half way done when he called me to the kitchen to eat. He made a chicken pot pie. I didn't think Paris had these things but apparently they're kinda popular. I used to make them all the time for myself when I lived with my mom. She never really cooked or was home so I learned a lot of things. I guess the same could be said for Adrien though. After lunch I finished my makeup. It was nearly 5:40 by the time I was done.

Adrien asked me to do his hair while we had time. All I really did was spray some of the things I use in my hair in his. Then I messed it up a little.. He looks like his other side for sure.. But I think for this event he'll have to look nice and sleek. It wasn't gelled down but it did have a bit of hairspray. He looks so nervous to see what I did, I think he was nervous that we were close like this anyway. Even so, I knew he was excited.

Once I had finished his hair, it was time for him to go back home and get himself ready. Oh, but then I realized I had to put on my dress over there too but I needed to talk to chat for a second so Adrien had to go.

I waited for a long while for chat to show up but he never really did. By the time I had to go, chat still hadn't come. I really wanted him to wear my suit but I guess he won't see it.. I left it out on my bed just in case he comes over at some point. Maybe he'll find it.

I went to the estate with my dress neatly tucked away in a dark bag. I had brought extra things like makeup, hair products, sewing kits, ect. When I got there I was instructed to put on my gown and be ready asap. So I got myself all ready and soon Adrien and I were in a limo going to pick up Luka and Marinette. In my head I could only think about how we're all superheroes. How only Luka and I knew. How weird it was to be so close to ladybug and chat noir yet not at all. They hate half of me and love the other half for what the first half did to the second. I wish I could tell them it was just me playing a trick but they'd still be furious either way.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think multi mouse and viperion were accompanying us tonight" I teased as my friends joined us in the limo before we drove off to the party.

"Kya and ladybug, or is it Chat Noir and ladybug?" Marinette teased back while I shrugged and giggled. "When are you planning to show the second dress?" She asked.

"Whenever it gets boring maybe" I hummed in wonder.

"I wonder what chat noir will say about your second dress. I still haven't even gotten to see it" Adrien pouted to me while I rolled my eyes. He's so cheeky sometimes.

"Everyone will love both the dresses no matter the theme" Luka told me with a smile. That helps me feel a bit less stressed. Believe it or not, I've been in a panic because of my kya themed dress.

"Even if kya is a traitor.." Marinette mumbled and had her arms crossed as she looked out the window. I'm not a traitor but I'm not very honest with my team.

"Yeah.." Adrien gave a light a sigh as he looked down at his hands. I'm sorry, Chat.

I glanced at Luka to see what his thoughts were. He just gave me a little smile and nod so the others wouldn't see. I'm glad at least he and rena know that what I'm doing is right somehow. I gave a crooked smile in return and felt all sad.

Soon enough we had reached the event. It was much bigger than all of us anticipated. For blocks, miles even, people lined the streets trying to see just a glimpse of us. The sun had gone down and lights were everywhere.

When the door opened, Luka and Marinette got out. Cameras went crazy on them. Then after a second, Adrien stepped out. The flashes got so bright it was almost like a spot light. Finally he stopped to hold out his hand for me which I took and got out myself. The crowd literally had gone into a frenzy. People screamed and gasped and people tried shouting my name to ask me questions about why I'd ever chosen a kya theme. I'm just glad they knew what my theme was honestly.

The Lion's Plan. (Chat Noir X OC)Where stories live. Discover now