Sick Day

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It's been 5 days since I got sick and I'm doing a lot better. I've still got a nasty cough and I keep getting dizzy when I stand but I'll be alright.

"Are you sure you're feeling better, cubby? Are you gonna relapse?.." Leon asked worriedly. He's still scared for me but I'm holding on.

"Don't worry, I'm doing just fine. You've done a good job keeping me healthy" I smiled and patted his little head. Right now, we're sitting at my kitchen island eating breakfast together.

"Hehe.. thanks" he gave a cute little laugh and looked so full of joy.

After our talk, I looked at my phone to see the messages from the girls. They're all doing good still and made plans to take me out somewhere once I'm better. Marinette has stopped by every day just as she promised to bring me some baked goods and take care of me a little more. These new friends are amazing people. They won't give me the time of day to be alone, they're hearts are so big. Especially for being college girls who aren't drunk all the time, they're amazing.

All day I took it easy. I shopped online for furniture for my apartment since it's so empty. I haven't had any time to shop yet! All I have is a bed, tv, dresser and some stools! While I was shopping, around lunch time, something happened. There was an akuma. It's been very quiet considering how much crime there usually is. Chat noir told me to stay down for a week and it's been a business week already, that counts right? I was restless anyway so I transformed. Leon was excited that I was feeling better so he let me.

I swung outside for barely a second and got dizzy. I threw up pretty quickly once I stopped somewhere. "Mn.. Mhm.. that's the good stuff.." I muttered after I threw up my breakfast. I kept pushing it anyway. I wanted to throw up again but I didn't have anything left so I figured I was fine. The villain today is named thunder. I guess that means we have to deal with the elements again.

"Kya!" Someone called for me. I assumed it was chat noir because of that name and I was right, "what are you doing up? Your kwami is terrified of how sick you were!" Chat immediately started yelling at me. He really doesn't like me..

"It's been a business week, chat." I shrugged as I turned my chains into a sword and leaned on it. I won't show him it, but I feel like I'm going to pass out. "Besides, it's much more fun out here. Leon did a great job taking care of me" I flashed a smile.

"Chat! You guys are here!" Ladybug shouted and met us.

"You need to go back home, Kya" chat warned me as he took a small step away.

"Kya?.." Ladybug asked herself as she looked at me. I just shrugged. "What's going on here?" She asked us.

"She's sick. Her kwami found me and asked me to take care of her. He was even willing to give up your identity because of how bad you were." Chat stepped closer to me and was super angry. I think I'm gonna pass out..

"I didn't know you cared so much for me. That letter really put it into perspective for me" I gave a cheeky grin as my face burned up. "You're so reckless! Get it together and take care of your kwami before he dies-" I said happily, "what a beautiful letter" I hummed as I turned my sword into chains and flew off. I left in a hurry when my sight started going away. I made a crash landing by accident somewhere far away, I doubt they noticed.

A sudden loud boom of thunder woke me up again. "Ah.. ugh, okay.." I muttered in pain as I pulled myself to my feet. "I feel disgusting.." I mumbled as I put my hand on my head. It's rainy out and so loud. Stupid akuma..

"Ladybug, chat noir! I'll really give you something to fear-" the akuma shouted as another boom of thunder sounded. I coward a bit but stayed strong as I slowly walked out into the open. No one is on the streets. "Come out or I'll flush you out!" The akuma shouted with more and more thunder. How can they fly? I wish I could fly.

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