Closer To Chat

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Seeing Chat noir get hurt because of my mother, no matter if she was akumatized or not, it made me come to realize how much I truly hate that woman. She's not my family. She's nothing to me. That's when I began fighting seriously. Chat had a gash on his back and blood running down his face. He must've gotten hit in the head.. So now, I was mad. The fearful days I've had are long gone. She got exactly what she deserved.

When ladybug caught the butterfly and let it go, my mother was still mad. She didn't have an ounce of love for me and that was clear. So I went back to the estate without my transformation, just as Ophelia. Adrien found me quickly and took care of me but I refused any sort of affection from him. I can't have love in this life.. Maybe kya can.. somehow...

Mother was sent home to the United States and I was forced to stay at the estate. They took care of me well, but still.. I couldn't hold onto any of this.

I hadn't seen chat noir on patrol for a few days, but finally on the fourth he was back. It was still snowing, December 29th. There he was sitting atop the eiffel tower almost as if he were waiting for me.

"How's your wounds?.." I asked quietly after I found him.

"Just fine, there's nothing to worry about" he smiled and showed me that I really had nothing to worry about but.. that was my mother that hurt him so badly..

"Did you go to the hospital?.." I asked as I slowly sat down next to him and kept my knees pressed to my chest.

"No, it wasn't too bad. Besides, with our miraculous we heal a little better" he hummed happily.

"While that's true, you still got hurt very badly.." Duusu flew from the pocket of my jacket.

"And what about you?" He asked me and sounded a little more serious.

"Me?.. What about me?.." I asked quietly and couldn't look at him.

"Youre sad.." he noticed it so easily..

"Yeah.." I murmured.

"Well.. Maybe patrol will help" he smiled at me as he got up and offered me his hand..

"I-.. I dont think it will this time.." I whispered and lowered my head between my knees.

"Kya," chat began as he took a knee in front of me. "We're forced to live 2 different lives and although ladybug and I have done it longer, you've experienced the worst of it. You got so much further than us, you even saved duusu.. I don't know much about your other life, but I do know kya is amazing and she shouldn't have to feel so sad.." as he spoke, I slowly let my eyes try to find the glowing green ones looking for me. They guided me to a better today..

"Yeah.. but what happens when hawkmoth is gone?.. I don't want us to split up.." I asked, feeling more sad.

"I've wondered the same thing.. But the truth is, someone is always going to cause trouble. We'll always be here" he smiled and rubbed the top of my head, "lets go, the swing might help you feel better." That smile on his face made everything feel better.

"Okay.." I couldn't help a little giggle. He held out his hand to me so I took it, but then as he pulled me up, he leaned back and soon we were falling! I was scared but chat caught us. He brought us up into the sky then he let me go to soar on my own. Being so high up in the freezing night, I felt at peace. So I let myself fall a little ways for a second before I caught myself. I'm sure it gave chat a little scare but he could only smile watching me go.

Soaring through the night sky with snow falling all around us, I feel truly free. Sometimes I forget that I am kya. I'm not bound by one life. I can make it.

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