Into Motion

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"Ladybug told me you had the peacock miraculous but i-i didn't think-.. " Rena Furtive stood in front of me. We were hidden together in the forest behind the eiffel tower.

"It's shattered.. duusu can't even come out anymore.." I told her as I showed the miraculous. "I saved duusu from hawkmoth.. but it was all for nothing now.. she's stuck somewhere.." I muttered.

"N-No! She's- duusu is with ladybug! She's totally separated from the miraculous somehow, we're trying to figure it out too.." rena explained..

Relief filled me as a smile grew. "Then she's safe.." I muttered and rubbed my face of stress.

"You said you saved her from hawkmoth but how did you even find him?.." she asked as I tried to think of what to do.

"He's in the agreste estate.. I cant-.. say much else.." I explained as I nervously grabbed my arm.

"Okay.. so what do you need me for?" She asked and crossed her arms. I'm so nervous..

"So my identity won't be revealed.. I won't be able to take his miraculous on the spot, it won't be that easy. Something is bound to happen.. So if I get hurt-.." I met her eyes when I said that but she looked so sad.. "I-.. I just need Ophelia. She has to be an illusion. Gabriel trusts his appearance, so-" I explained a little more but then she gasped.

"Y-You're-" she began shouting but I slapped my hand over her mouth. I hurt myself when I did that, I got a sharp pain in my side.

"Nm-.." I grunted and held my side in pain.

"I trust you, Kya." Rena told me as I slowly looked up to her in pain. "Whatever happens, I have you back" she smiled and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Youre ladybugs secret and now you're mine.. She can't know.. Chat either.." I muttered, "she can't know who I am o-or-.. If something goes wrong-.. Just go with what everyone else thinks.." I explained as a million scenarios ran through my head.

"Okay.." she nodded.

"Promise me, Rena.." I smiled and held out my pinky.

Her smile grew a little more, "I promise, kya. This is our secret." She locked her pinky with mine.

"Okay then.." I let out a sigh as I straightened up, "it's finally time.. I'm halfway there.." I muttered as I looked at the estate.

Rena followed me all the way to the estate and began to piece the clues together. "So its Adrien or Gabriel.." Rena contemplated.

"The second one, Adrien isn't exactly the evil type.." I whispered as I climbed the stained glass and waited. Rena was far off talking to me through a mic. I made sure no one saw us at all.

"Oh yeah, I bet you'd know that huh?" She hummed teasingly.

"I have a boyfriend, it's not-.." My mind blanked to when Chat and i were talking about our families. Chat's sounds like.. adriens.. "It's not him.." I whispered before turning off my mic and climbed through the window. It was fairly easy to open. I just sat there waiting now. The room is covered in butterflies like how I remember..

I sighed looking over it. "Meteor shower.." I quietly hummed as an old comfort song came into my head, "quick, take cover.." I muttered as I looked around. Its high noon..  "hawkmoth.. im waiting.." I mumbled and gently kicked my feet. In my head I thought, "I've got miles of regrets.. and confusing friends, but perhaps it's just my stupid head in the end thinking, 'Should I wait here or make my way home?'... You said, 'Go.'"
"Go.." I whispered and desperately wanted to turn back the clock. I want to be a baby again.. I don't even want to be alive anymore.. Can I even win?..

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