Scared Of The Dark

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About a month passed by of me anxiously waiting to confront hawkmoth. Chat just kept asking me to put it off.. We got closer through this though..

"So you're into fashion? Are you a model? It'd explain the cat walk" I hummed as I sat touching highs with Chat on the roof of some building far away. Ladybug didn't have patrol tonight.

"Yeah, maybe.." he flashed me a little grin.

"Oh, so that's why you're so obsessed with Ophelia Anderson.. I've seen you come to her rescue a couple times" I smirked back at him.

"What?! Look, when there's a creepy new guy hitting on a girl who's already dating someone else, you have to help out!" He explained to me in a little shout.

"Oh yeah?" I hummed teasingly.

"Shut up.." he bumped my arm, "Besides, why would I be with a supermodel who doesn't know my identity? That's boring" he told me.

"But would you be with another superhero?" I raised an eyebrow, "if we had another girl that was totally your type all suited up who knows you just by your superhero side, would you still be with her?" I tried to explain just out of curiosity.

"Would you?" I asked curiously.

"Uh yeah!" I shouted out, "who cares about your other side, as far as I know, when you wear a mask you show the real you. Besides, this is technically our separate life" I shrugged and scooted closer to his side. My back was hurting so moving like this helped adjust it again because I was falling.

"So you think we could have a relationship in uniform and out?" Chat asked suspiciously.

"Mnn.. No.. It's kinda weird when you're crushing on- Ah- wait, no that's not-" I stuttered and totally almost admitted that I was talking about him this whole time.

"What?" He grinned and turned his head to me, resting his forehead against mine.

"Wh-What?.." I whispered back with a bright blush on my face. My chest instantly sank into itself.

"Do you have someone else you're talking too?" Chat hummed as I stared at his lips so close to mine.

"I-I uh- n-no but yes?.. Wait, someone else?.." the burning got worse now.

"You break my heart Cubby, I thought I was the only boy you talked to.." he pouted as he turned away from me. He got that nickname from leon..

"Ah-.." I hummed in pure embarrassment and anxiety, "w-wait, but you like ladybug!" I shouted out as a sort of defense.

"Maybe when I was a teenager" he chuckled as he got up and left me sitting alone, "sometimes you've gotta grow up tho" he flashed me his pretty smile as he took out his baton.

"Ugh.." I groaned and slapped my forehead.

"What?" He chuckled innocently.

"We're messes.. I cant deal with you tonight.." I sighed as I got up myself.

"We bid you goodnight, chat noir!" Duusu flew out from hiding to shout.

"Good night ladies," he bowed to the both of us as I giggled and grabbed my chains.

"Good night Chatton, be careful going home" I smiled with a little tilt of my head before I left first.

I got home to my half finished dress. It's something special for a 1900s romantic park date shoot. Gabriel decided we should do some old school stuff which is my favorite so I've been working non stop.

"Wow, is it just me or has Chat noir been getting REALLy close to you lately?" Duusu asked while leon had his snack.

"Its because he knows I have to go soon, there's no other reason.." I shook my head as I changed into my pajamas.

The Lion's Plan. (Chat Noir X OC)Where stories live. Discover now