First Attack

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The calm never lasts. Someone's always mad. There was an akuma. What made it worse was that it had the power to control water.

"Guys!" Alya warned as a wave quickly came towards us from further out into sea. It's huge, we could never survive something like that. I couldn't think for myself, the only thing I had on my mind was my father. This is exactly how he died. It was the ocean who took him.

Most of us tried to make it to the boat. I didn't, I just stared. "Ophelia!" Marinette called..

"Ophelia, I've got you!.." Adrien next. I guess he tried to get to me before the wave hit but he didn't make it anywhere near. Everyone else was on the boat then knocked overboard by the wave. The boat was fine but we weren't. My body trembled and salt water was in my eyes and lungs. Somehow I managed to stay awake. I made it to the surface of the water.. but Adiren didn't. The others were out of my sites. Where was adrien? How far did he get thrown back?

"A-Adrien?.." I just barely called his name as tears streamed from my cheeks, "Leon?.." I whispered and grew even worse. I checked for my earring, it was still there and fine but where was Leon? "Adrien?" I shouted once. I managed to see him for a second underwater. He was so far away but if there were a chance I could bring him up I'd take it. I already waited too long so I started swimming. I couldn't go fast, I was breaking down. I managed to grab him but he's so heavy. I could only bring him up for a second but I doubt he was breathing. I wasn't getting air either. "Leon! I-I need help!" I screamed out as I dragged Adrien and I to the boat while under water. I managed to grab onto the ladder but I couldn't pull him up. "Adrien, open your eyes'' I said as I held him against my chest while I tried to keep hold of the ladder. I put my ear to his mouth and could hear just a little breathing but not much. I know how to give rescue breaths but is that what I'm supposed to do? Is that how you save a drowning victim? "Adrien!" I shouted in his ear in hopes it'd wake him up. Nothing.. Before it got too late, I tried the breaths. I took first aid a million times, it's like muscle memory but I'm terrified. These tears won't stop streaming. God, how am I supposed to be a hero?

I pushed him against the ladder and managed to keep him there. I closed his nose and tilted his head back a little then gave 2 breaths. After the second, he coughed. "Shit.." I whispered as relief filled me and my tears paused. "Hey, hey, adrien" I tapped his cheek and tried to get him to look at me.

"Huh?.." he was so out of it..

"A wave hit us, there's an akuma, I need you to get on the ship, can you do that?" I asked seriously.

"Wh-What? Yeah, are you okay?" He asked as we started to climb up.

"Fine, I'm fine. You need to sit-" I said as I got on deck then ran to the other side. It looks like mostly everyone is above the water but in tears. "They're safe.."I muttered as I let out a breath.

"What happened to me?.." Adrien asked as he came over to my side to see what I did.

"You half drowned.. Go sit and rest before you pass out" I told him as I grabbed a couple life vests before jumping back over board. "Hey! I have vests, who can't swim right now?" I shouted and swam to Rose because she was struggling the most.

"Thank you Ophelia.." Rose thanked me wearily. She's not looking good.

"Ophelia over here!" Alya shouted. I looked to find Nino struggling, I think he hit too hard. I threw one to him and Alya then went over to Marinette and Luka.

"Are you two okay?" I asked and was being very serious.

"Y-Yeah.." Marinette stuttered. They're both in bad shape..

"Luka, put this on. Marinette I'll take you to the ladder" I said as I gave Luka the last vest and helped Marinette.

"W-Wait, she should-" Luka tried to protest.

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