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Adrien came home with me that night. We didn't do anything more than just sleep. Ah, I passed out so quickly.. I cried way too much that day.. But he stayed and laid down with me.. Duusu even came back super early in the morning to give me back my miraculous. I was glad to see them again. Leon was a little mad. I had them go but it had to be done to keep them safe.

From that night forward, Adrien and I weren't just in name anymore.. N-Not to me at least-.. I mean, I didn't tell him that but in my head I've just thought that we were real.. now.. He came to grandma's funeral with me in Illinois. That's where I had her buried.. Next to dad and grandpa and my little brother.. All that's left is me and mom but she doesn't really count.. Adrien stayed at their graves a while longer with me. We sat together talking about a lot of things.. I'm sure dad would have been happy to meet him.. Grandma, she would've been proud of him too. If only she got to see him now..

We went home to Paris quickly. We got on with our schooling and work. I had put Kyas secret duties on hold to take care of Ophelia's health. Things were good..

Ah, then there was drama.

"Ophelia, dear where is your little boyfriend Adrien agreste?"

That damned British model has been tracking me down the entire month.

"Leave me alone." I still don't even know that guy's name.

"What do you mean? I'm just visiting the park like everyone else" he hummed. I slammed my sketchbook shut as I stood. I called Adrien immediately just to complain before things got worse..

"He won't leave me alone!.." I grumbled as I began walking off. The stupid boy kept following again.

"What? Who are you talking about? Are you okay?" Adrien asked in confusion and sounded like he was out somewhere. Maybe he has a photo shoot now?..

"Some boy.." I mumbled.

"Some boy? I'm the most popular male model in the industry as of now. I'm merely just trying to be friendly towards another in our line of work" the boy hummed casually which was pissing me off.

"Can I kick him?.." I whispered so the boy wouldn't hear.

"No, no-" Adrien laughed, "come home and I'll find you on the way, okay?" He told me happily.

"Fine but if he so much as breathes next to me-" I warned, which made Adrien laugh more and more.. Hearing that made me feel better..

"Just hang on, okay? For me?" He chuckled happily.

"Fine.." I grumbled before we hung up. I sighed and couldn't help my blush..

"Dear, I was hoping we could go visit the bakery around the corner for an afternoon-" he began talking again but then he stopped.. chat noir?

"Whoa, is this really the same guy?" Chat asked as he stood behind me, in front of my follower.

"As I was saying," the boy completely ignored chat noir and even walked around him! I stopped in my place which made the boy come to a stop too. "I'd be delighted to take you out for some tea and cookies" he asked cheekily as I turned to face him with a pissed off look on my face. Chat's eyes went wide like he was surprised and scared. Chat tensed up and stayed where he was just to watch what I'd do.

I took a short couple steps close to this boy with a glare I've never given to anyone. I could tell it made him nervous too. "Walk away." I commanded with a stare that could have very well destroyed his confidence as well as his pride.

"I-Ill take that as a no.. I will see you again though, Ophelia!" He told me before he basically ran away.

"Mnnnn.." I grumbled as I put my hand in my hair with pure anger inside me raging.

The Lion's Plan. (Chat Noir X OC)Where stories live. Discover now