New Friends

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It's been a couple days since I got my miraculous. Leon is an amazing friend, we have more in common than I'd ever think. He helps me get through the tougher nights. I'm pretty low on money but I finally got a new job. I'm a waitress at a seriously fancy restaurant and my bosses are so sweet! It's family owned and they make the environment so nice and calming yet crazy somehow. It reminds me of home.

"Think Chat Noir will ever like me?" I asked Leon in wonder while I laid on my stomach on my bed typing up a paper for my class.

"Yeah, I doubt it. He thinks you stole his partner. You're dead to him" Leon told me bluntly.

"Thanks, that makes me feel much better Leon" I looked at him with a cheeky grin.

"Ha," Leon sighed and relaxed, "you're the only holder of my miraculous that I actually like, y'know? You can take a joke" he told me happily.

"I don't suppose there were many more holders, were there? Maybe it's just cuz I'm that cool of a girl.." I grinned and kept trying.

"Thousands, maybe millions of Cubs I had.. You feel much different from them. Maybe it was always me though.." Leon wondered while I looked away from my screen.

"Millions, huh?.. Not everyone gets people like us. Most people think I'm pretty harsh sometimes but I don't mean any harm. I believe you're the same way as me. We'll probably fight a lot since we're so similar though" I giggled and pushed my work to the side to talk with Leon.

"Huh? Wouldn't that mean we won't fight?" Leon asked as he flew up. I turned to lay on my back and held out my hands for him to sit on. While we talked.

"You'd think so, right?" I smiled as I watched him fall into my hands. "My grandma is Italian and we're very alike. We fight way more than I'd like to admit to but we also get over fights easily. We aren't people who hold grudges. We still love each other too, fighting is just normal. I think it shows you care" I smiled as I watched Leon get more confused.

"Fighting shows you care?.. I never thought about it that way.." Leon muttered before he grew a big smile, "Ah, you'd love to meet Plagg! Him and I fight all the time!" Leon shouted.

"Who's Plagg?" I giggled as I sat up with Leon in my hands.

"Chat Noir's kwami! I wish I could go see him but I have no idea where they could be" he sighed and looked all sad.

"I'll try and talk to Chat Noir about letting you two visit but I don't think Chat likes me much so don't hold your breath" I gave a crooked smile.

"Thank you!" Leon shouted as he flew up to kiss my cheek.

"We could go on a walk and look for him. I haven't explored ground level Paris yet" I asked as I stood up.

"Yeah! C'mon, let's go!" Leon shouted and was trying to pull me up. He's definitely a strong little guy. I was already dressed in some nice clothes so we got going quickly. I had a purse hung over my shoulder that Leon could hide in while we traveled.

"Hey, why is your sketchbook here?" Leon asked while we went outside and started going down the sidewalk.

"So I can draw if I feel like it. Paris is beautiful, Leon" I smiled as I looked around me.

"Yeah, I guess.." he sighed to me. This walk was really just a sightseeing thing. There were so many small stores and places to explore. The first place we stopped at was a bakery for a little snack.

"Welcome in!" A woman called happily to me behind the counter. Oh hey, isn't that..? "Oh, it's you!" The girl with pigtails, how could I forget?

"Hey, I didn't know you worked in a bakery" I gave a smile as I walked closer.

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