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It wasn't until 10 pm when I saw the damage. Some of the outfits were ripped or even shredded.. and my favorite piece, the one I've recreated 6 times already, was totally ruined. It was damp and every little detail had been stripped away. The dress was in utter shambles..

"Who did this?.." I whispered to myself as I stared in tears.

"I'm so sorry Ophelia!" Duusu started crying right away.

"I bet it was Felix! Only the men had your clothes! Or maybe that new girl!" Leon was full of rage and roaring.

I took in a shaky breath and let it out as I rubbed my tears. "Go ahead and grab a snack while I set up, guys.." I told them and managed to smile.

"Cubby, are you sure you don't wanna join us?.." Leon asked softly out of worry.

"It'll have something later" I shook my head. They nodded than left for the kitchen. I sighed as I sat at the edge of my bed with my head in my hands. "Adrien said he was taking care of the clothes.. how could he let this happen?.." I muttered and felt so hurt.

I took a hold of the charm ladybug gave me so I could let go and just cry to get it out.. I even saw the butterfly come into my own home!.. But it stopped, probably because of the charm.

"Ophelia, look out!" Chat screamed out of nowhere. I dropped down right on the spot, I even dropped my charm! The butterfly came right to me but the chat managed to use his cataclysm.

"I-I had the charm but you scared me.." I stuttered as I stayed on the floor reaching for my charm while staring at chat.

"Nevermind that, what happened?.. You were about to be akumatized.." he asked as he came and helped me up.

"It's my clothes.. the entire line was ruined while I had my back turned.." I muttered and tried to hold everything back. "I-I let Adrien hold everything so i don't understand why they're all destroyed" tears welled in my eyes. Chat looked shattered for me.

"Maybe he had someone hold them for a second during the attack.." Chat wondered to me as I watched his ears fall.

"Why would he do that? I trusted him, not the others-.." I muttered before taking a big deep breath in and sighing. "Its okay. I'll just make them better now!.. I still have like 11 hours left till the shoot, I can do it!" I exclaimed and was trying my very hardest to stay positive. I walked right to my closet and got out my sewing machine and all the old material I used for this line. As I did that, chat laid back on my bed. I couldn't help but notice how his ears stayed down, pressed against his head. He looks so sad for some reason..

I finished setting up my work but before I started anything else, I went to chat. I climbed on my bed and sat on my knees right behind him. "Are you okay, kitty?.." I asked as I looked down at him. He had his eyes shut before then opened them. He couldn't look at me for long though.

He thought about what to say for a second. "Yeah," Chat sighed as he spoke and shut his eyes.

What's wrong with him?.. I'm the one who's supposed to make it better but i-ive never done this before! Usually I'd just keep bothering someone with a smile on my face till they're better but he's not-.. He's more important to me than that.. "You can tell me, y'know?.."  I asked as I lifted my hand. I'm almost nervous to touch him but.. I gently moved his hair away from his face. He opened his eyes to look up at me when I did that. My heart pounded once harder than it should have and my face began to burn. I lifted my hand away from him as nerves filled me.

I stared at his expression, trying to find anything that told me how he really felt. As I put my hand back in my lap, he smiled.. I guess seeing his smile filled me with relief. I relaxed again and smiled myself. "I'm okay.. I'm sorry your clothes got ruined during the attack. Were you safe?" He asked softly as he looked up at me and I looked down at him.

The Lion's Plan. (Chat Noir X OC)Where stories live. Discover now