Sick Day

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For some reason, since that Christmas morning breakfast, the public thinks Adrien and I broke up. I guess it was because of how angry my mom got that made them think this way. Now on all my social media platforms are really just models asking me on dates. It sounds nice, but its not. I get lots of death threats from little girls because of this stuff as well.

Then one day early into January, a man stepped up to me. He had bodyguards all around him and fans girls crowding.. and he was coming towards me. I was just sitting inside that cafe Adrien took me to once trying to create new designs. I noticed someone pull out the empty chair in front of me, I figured they just wanted to take the chair-.. but they sat down. I looked up to find a pretty boy smiling at me. His eyes are completely dead and he's about as tall and skinny as a twig.

"Miss Ophelia, right?" He began. He's got a funny accent. Is he from England?..

"Yes, is there something you wanted?" I asked as I sat up straight and shut my sketchbook tight then put it in my purse on my lap.

"Actually yes, I was wondering if you'd accompany me to the newest movie premiere this coming Saturday" he asked and was so confident about it. As I looked to my right, where the window was, fan girls stared inside directly at me. The guard on his boys hip was very intimidating..

"I apologize, but I can't make it" I told him as I stood up. How is he gonna ask me to go somewhere with him when I don't even know his name?

"Really? Is it because of that old model, Adrien Agreste? I could have sworn the relationship the two of you had was over" he asked which made me stop.. People think we broke up.. So this guy wants to take me on a date..

"It's not and speaking of Adrien, he's waiting for me. Have a good rest of your morning, sir" I gave a polite smile as I passed by but.. A guard blocked the door.

"Please, stay a minute longer dear" he hummed in a sickening tone. I'm stuck.. I-Im not ready to do this right now. I'm scared..

I picked up my phone and texted adrien. Honestly, he's the only hope I have of getting out of here.. "Please come to the cafe. They won't let me leave." That was all I asked before that boy just took my phone!

"Adrien? You think I won't let you go?" The boy laughed and looked through my messages. Good thing we don't text often. We're always just standing next to each other..

"Won't you? It seems you've trapped me." I asked as I glanced at the guard at the door.

"On the contrary, he's just here to keep everyone else out!" The guy laughed happily, "I'd love for you to join me though. For a date to the premier" he asked again.

"No." I said sternly and dropped my fake 'nice' expression. Now I need to be straight forward.

"Really?.. Well, we could always go to another event" he asked in a quieter tone and got closer, "somewhere I can show you off.." H-His hand-.. He moved the hair away from my ear covering my miraculous and the gore of what my mother did. I'm trembling now. After what that woman did, I'm scared for anyone to touch me.

Suddenly, everyone outside was screaming in joy.. It took this boy's attention away for a short second. I'd kick him between the legs if it didn't get me in trouble. The guard at the door, he was pushed to the ground when the door opened.. And there stood Chat Noir.

"Ophelia, is someone bothering you? I saw the crowd and thought I'd come to help" Chat asked casually with a smile and stood at my hip, glaring at the boy in front of me.

"Adrien Agreste as well as Chat Noir have fallen for you, wrapped around your little finger.. You really are a clever girl, hm?" This boy looked at me with a nasty grin. He's horrible.. "I don't want any trouble, I was only here to talk" he struggled and stepped toward the open door.

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