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I haven't been the same since that afternoon. I was trapped in my own thoughts. It didn't matter if I were awake or asleep or carrying a conversation with someone else, I always heard these thoughts of a child. He'll kill me. He'll kill them and destroy everything he can touch. Everything will end. I'm scared.

It was these thoughts that made me feel numb. They distracted me everywhere I went. Even while fighting, I heard them..

'I'm scared.'

I was looking this Akuma in the face. It was just ladybug and i tonight. We had found the Akuma and I almost had it until I heard my thoughts. Then I stopped..

This caused me to get hurt. We were barely a few feet away from the easte when I was cut from the sky.


My screaming was the only thing heard besides the rain and light thunder around us.

"Kya! Hold on!" Ladybug told me but it was too late. I had fallen from the roof we were fighting on, she had no way to save me. No one did.. So I fell past the brick fence inside the estate. As I fell, I watched Adrien watch me with the look of sheer fear on his face through the window.

I screamed in pain once more after hitting the ground. I landed on my side through the tree that cut and scratched me. My spine had a moment where it almost shook. I couldn't move or even breathe anymore.

I think I almost blacked out. I didn't change back but I couldn't comprehend what was happening around me. I noticed Adrien though. He was in his pajamas with his hair already soaking wet. He looks like chat noir though.. I wonder.. why didn't he come for us..

"Kya, can you hear me?" I was suddenly in adriens arms. What happened again? Akuma, right?..

"Huh?.. Y-Yeah.." I stuttered painfully before gripping my bleeding side. That bastard cut down my backside.

"Adrien, kya!" Someone else was here suddenly. Chat noir?.. What? Why does he look a little older?.. His suit is different..

"Chat Noir?.." Adrien asked almost in shock.

Chat gave his younger self a short wink as he landed and walked over, "I'll take her, you need to go back inside where it's safe" Chat told him as he took me from Adrien.

"A-Ah!-.." I gasped but couldn't manage to get any air. When I switched to Chat, he pulled my cut open a little.

"I know it hurts.." he whispered and had me stay up right. He made me stand but he was really holding me up kind of. "I'll take her now," Chat told Adrien with a short nod.

"W-Wait, but-" Adrien tried to protest as Chat gently had me wrap my legs around his waist which hurt way more than it should have.

"She'll be alright.." Chat said as he held me up safely. Meanwhile I couldn't take in any air or hold up my head. I rested my forehead against his shoulder. "It's time to go, Kya.." he whispered to me before we lifted to the sky. I'm sure ladybug saw this while she was fighting.

Chat took us somewhere far, far off. It was my home actually.."Y-You're not-.." I muttered through heavy breaths but couldn't get it out.

"Not my younger self?" He chuckled as he gently set me down on my bed. He had me lay on my stomach so he could see my wounds..

"You found out?.. I can't keep a secret.." I muttered with a little smile as I watched him go right to my bathroom and find my first aid kit without even having to look for it.

"I had my suspicions back then but I couldn't prove it and forgot" he hummed as he came back over to the bed to me.

"D-Did we win?.." I asked quietly as I let my eyes shut.

The Lion's Plan. (Chat Noir X OC)Where stories live. Discover now