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"Hey, Ruby! Look what I found" said Alucard as he beckons. Granger who is behind Alucard looks at Ruby as he shakes his head- as a sign for her to not come there. Ruby who confuses at the spot, doesn't think much as she leaps from one rock to another and reaches near Alucard's position.

"What is it?" she asked as she leans carefully to the guy. Alucard smirks as he pulls Ruby into the water. Ruby shrieks with his sudden move. She quickly clutches Alucard's arm.

"You stupid, I can't swim!" she said as she hits him with one of her hands.

"I warned you to not go here" said Granger.

"You should've just told me and not giving me signs!" said Ruby. Her eyes are almost teary. She never tries to swim before. No one ever tries to teach her before and she doesn't have friends to play with back then.

She once almost drowned when she plays around by herself before. Luckily one of the villagers notice her there and she survived. Her bitter past slowly comes to her mind. She clutches Alucard's arm even tighter.

Alucard who notices that she starts to tremble feels bad. He doesn't know that she can't swim and it's truly his fault. He looks at her and tries to make this up.

"Now now, don't cry. I can teach you. Hold my hands" said Alucard. Ruby listens to him as she holds both of his hands. Instead of looking at him right to his eyes, she looks at the water surface. She doesn't think she can handle his visual.

For some reason, Ruby feels like she already experiencing the same thing. She's sure of it. The moment when she falls into the water, the familiarity quickly hits her heart. Something surely is wrong yet she puts it aside for now.

Granger on the other hand look at them. He truly envies the sight. Instead of standing there any longer, he decides to leave the place for a moment.

"I wanna buy some drink, I'm thirsty" said Granger.

"Can you buy for me too?" said Alucard. Granger look at him, unsatisfied.

"Please?" he said pleading. Granger sighs as he agrees with him. Then he leaves the place. Initially, Granger wants to walk by himself on the riverside, seems like it's failed since that dumb head request. He didn't know why he accept to buy his drinks too. He looks at both of them from afar.

If he keeps distancing himself, he won't be able to get her attention will he? He needs to at least make a simple move to her.

On the other hand, both Ruby and Alucard are still in the river. "Are you still sulking?" said Alucard as he moves his finger under her chin and lifts it up. Their eyes met. Ruby can't help but blushes at the sight. She confuses whether she should be mad or embarrassed to him.

"Don't make that kind of face, you're ugly" he said.

"Hey!" She punches his hard chest. Alucard whimpers. Her tiny hands do harm him.

"I'm joking. You're beautiful" he said. Ruby snorts.

"You're lying. Don't say that if you just want to make me happy. It's worthless and I don't buy that" said Ruby as she looks away. Once again Alucard uses one of his hands and shifts her face to look at him.

"My dear Ruby, I truly meant it. You're beautiful in your very own way. I have never witnessed any goddess in my real life except you" he said with sincere eyes. Ruby's face getting heated.  She can't believe she heard this. She feels drowned as she stares at his eyes.

"You are such a sweet talker, Alu!" Ruby said as she tries to move her face away- too bad there's no way she can break free from his strong hands. This is bad. She might do something embarrassing to him soon. She can't help but look into his eyes.

"I am not. I stated the fact. I can't help but to drown into your beauty" he said. Ruby face heated one more time. She's sure her face is too red. Slowly their forehead touches as they stare into each other eyes.

As their lips getting closer to each other, Alucard releases a whimper as he places one of his hand on his head and rubs it.

"What the- hey!" he said. A bottle hit straight to his head.

"Your drinks. You're welcome, oh and you better check it underwater. The bottle might drift away by the current" said Granger casually- as if he didn't do anything wrong.

"You dumbass- urgh forget it. Take Ruby with you, it may take time for me to find it" he said.  Granger doesn't say much as he goes to their place. Ruby carefully grabs his hand.

Alucard looks at Granger, unsatisfied before he searches for his drinks. Granger smiles at him mockingly before he looks at Ruby. The awkwardness slowly fills the air around them. 

Ruby on the other hand is deep in thought. The familiarity keeps bothering her. The moment when Alucard's head got hit by the bottle makes the familiarity rapidly comes. She's hundred percent sure she has been going through the same thing again.

"Do you want me to teach you instead? Well we don't know how long it will take for him to find the drinks" said Granger. The girl doesn't reply as she is truly deep in thought.

"Ruby?" asked Granger.

"Ah? Sure" said Ruby. She does interested to learn how to swim in the very first place.

"Hold my hands and try to move your leg like what we did. Don't worry, you're not going to sink. Trust me okay" he said. Ruby nods as she does what he instructed. She decides to distract her mind from the familiarity that keeps bothering her.

"Yeah, just like that" he said. Ruby slowly take her time learning things. Her hand is still in his. She trusts Granger better than Alucard- speak of which, he still hasn't found his drink yet.

"Let yourself be comfortable in the water. You're doing great. You can stop if you feel tired" he said gently. Ruby keeps moving her legs until she feels tired and stop.

"You're going to make a great instructor, Granger!" she said to him.

"Am I? I don't think so" he said.

"Yes. The way you teach me somehow make things easy for me" she said with the passion to learn more. Granger gives her a small smile. He finds her cute.

"For the next step, let me be your instructor, Ruby" said Alucard as he's back with his drink in his hand. Alucard smiles teasingly at Granger.

"You must be tired, here have some" said Alucard as he offers her his drinks. Without thinking much, Ruby accepted the offer as she share the drink with him. Granger looks away from the sight. Alucard knows how to keep a good fight between them.

Well, shall the best man win.


Me: No Granger, Dyrroth win this time

Alucard: Well I don't mind, I already have a fanfic with Ruby

Granger:.... fanfic gonna be yours

Granger: *screams internally*

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