Fifty Nine

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"Did I trouble you that much yesterday? Ugh, I can't remember" he said as he places his hand on his head. The demon prince is a little bit better than yesterday. He still hasn't completely healed yet. Good thing he's acting like himself and not as a child behaviour.

Both of them just finished having breakfast on the bed together- they sit side by side. The cold morning make them not want to get up from the bed.

"It's actually fine for me. No worries. You're behaving well" said Ruby, lying to him. Even though he's actually troubling her a little yet his child-like attitude and cuteness win her over.

"That's good to know," he said as he sneezes. Actually, he has a little bit of doubt about the girl's remark. As soon as he catches a cold he feels like he lose himself. He can't remember what exactly happened yesterday right after they visited the forest.

He did have a dream about him being a literal child when he's sick- that's the last thing he wanted to happen. He dreams that he got pampered by the girl and the fact that he's upset by an ice cream make it worse. Thinking about it make him shiver in disgust. It must be embarrassing for her to witness something like that from him.

He shifts his head to something else as he looks outside through the window. it's been raining for 4 days straight now. He doesn't sure why is that. He thought it's completely normal at first, but it doesn't seem like that. Besides, Ruby hasn't mentioned it at all. Guess it's the right time for him to ask.

"I notice it keeps raining. If I'm not wrong, it's already 4 days straight. Is there any particular reason for the rain to start pouring?" he asked as he looks at her directions with a questioned face. He tries to hold the sneezes yet he fails.

Ruby was expecting him to ask her this question. She looks at his face then she shifts her eyes to look at the pouring drops of water through the window.

"It's the sign for the blood moon to occur soon," she said. Dyrroth eyes still haven't moved from her face. So the human also knew about the blood moon. He decides to ask her more.

"How do you know exactly the date of the blood moon?" he asked as he is curious about the human race knowledge about the blood moon.

"It's been 4 days when it starts raining right? It will continue for up to 5 days. Tomorrow is the last day for the rain to pour. During the midnight, the rain will stop and the blood moon will appear" she explained as she looks at him.

"Why do you ask anyway? Don't demons know it better?" she asked.

"How do you know that we knew better?" he answered her with another question. Ruby shrugs.

"Only my own theory, nothing solid. We, humans, are not allowed to go out when the blood moon occurs. They said the demons are full of pure bloodlust during the blood moon. The demons will lurk around to find prey. So I thought, your kind probably knew better" she said as her eyes darted to the demon prince face.

"I see," he said as he nods before he continues.

"Indeed we actually knew better. We know exactly every date the blood moon will occur. What you said were true, we will fill with pure bloodlust. We can't even try to control ourselves during the phenomenon" he said as he tell her by his perspective. He sneezes once again before he continues,

"I mean, not all demons will be filled with pure bloodlust. Only some. The stronger the abyssal magic and the longer the demon lived, the higher their resistance to the bloodlust. So, some of them still can control it" he said again.

Ruby nods as about the knowledge that she just received. She thoughts every demon will fill with bloodlust- that's mean their Queen, Alice can probably handle the bloodlust better. Then her mind shifts to think about the demon in front of her.

"How about you, yourself. Will you be filled with pure bloodlust too?" she asked curious about the demon.

"Maybe half? I may have strong Abyssal magic in me but I don't live that long yet. But don't worry I'll leave before the blood moon comes. I don't want to hurt you either" he said as he shrugs. Ruby nods as she smiles- he actually does care about her.

"You are kind," she said.

"I told you I am not usually like this," he said as he crosses his arm- the word 'kind' doesn't suit him at all. Ruby chuckles.

"Anyway, do you know why the bloodlust come during the blood moon phenomenon? I've been thinking about it" she asked. She's truly curious about it. Why did it happen only during the blood moon and not other specific times?

"Based on what Alice said, the first generation of demons was born during the blood moon phenomenon. So all of us are given enormous bloodlust and power during that period in order to defeat your races, human" he explained again. Ruby nods her head as she understands what he meant.

"Then why won't you attack us during that period?" she asked. The demons will probably win if they ambush the Moniyan Empire during that moment.

"As I said, they are uncontrollable. It's hard for us to arrange strategy" he said. Ruby nods once again. It seems she finally knows about the blood moon and the demon history.

"I see. Thank you for telling me everything" she said.

"Not a problem," he said.

Both of them continue their life as usual. They do everything together during the day. Like the previous day, the two of them will visit the forest by using Dyrroth's teleportation spell.

At first, Ruby was planning to go to the forest alone but Dyrroth insist to go along despite his cold still hasn't gone away. Well, obviously she can't say no to him since he probably didn't even care about what she said and her opinion.

Slowly, they start to feel comfortable with each other presence as they enjoy every moment together.


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