Twenty Four

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Ruby walks out of the room with a relieving smile. The Queen was so nice to her. Despite her fearful image and status, she is such a tender person she ever met. Ruby feels that they are actually close with each other as they talk. Ruby is looking forward to their chat next time. The Queen is an interesting person she ever meets.

As soon as Ruby steps out of the room, she sees Alucard is still there- as expected, waiting for her with the scythe is still in his hand. Ruby walks in his direction.

"Thank you for waiting. I'm sorry for taking your time. You must be busy" she said as she grabs her scythe back.

"It's not a problem. I'm quite free today. Anyway, it's fun practising with your scythe. It seems like my demonic hand is quite fond to it other than my sword" said Alucard truthfully as he was still amazed at her scythe.

"Is that so? Most people give up with my scythe as soon as they touch it- they will say it's heavy. It's great to know that I am not alone" said Ruby. She still remembers that people will refuse to use her scythe by giving tons of excuses. She's unsure whether to actually believe it or not since the scythe feels light in her hand.

"Maybe you should use my sword?" Alucard said- suggesting her. He doesn't suspect anything about her scythe being heavy because he uses a huge sword himself.

"No thank you, I never use any sword before. But maybe you can teach me" she said.

"Sure! Ah, Ruby, I am sure you're tired after the long journey. I'll show you your room. I promise to show you around the palace after dinner" said Alucard. Ruby nods her head in agreement. Her body feels quite sore after sitting in the carriage for an hour. A little nap might be great.

Alucard walks as Ruby follows from behind. The palace is huge and she can't wait to walk around after dinner- the thought of it makes her feels excited. She wants to explore the palace more and learns everything. Maybe this is the only opportunity for her to stay here.

Both of them keep walking until Alucard stops in his track. They arrive in front of her room.

"This is it. Have as much rest as you want. I'll call you when dinner is ready. If you need anything, just find me in my room" he said.

"Thank you! Well, see you later" said Ruby as she enters the room and she closes the door. Ruby studies the room. She still amazes with the design and the luxury. At the same time, she can feel the magic that surrounds this palace which makes it more mesmerising and pure. Even the view from her window is too lovely- she could sit here all day long.

Ruby leans her scythe at the wall as she sits on the bed. The mattress is so comfortable compares to her back home. Ruby feels sleepy as soon as she sits on it.

She lies on the bed and closes her eyes- feels the cosiness before she falls asleep.

"Yeah just like that. It was perfect, you're getting better Ruby. I'm proud" said the silver-haired guy. They just played a song together.

The two of them are sitting side by side on the piano bench as their hands are still on the piano key.

"Well? I've got the best piano teacher who taught me with great patience- although you lost it sometimes. But that aside, I should thank you for teaching me. I still need to practice more" she said as she randomly presses the key.

"You don't need to thank me, it is all about your passion to play the piano. Now, shall we play another song? Your choice, I'll be the follower" he said. The guy is actually curious about the girl's choices.

Ruby thinks for a while before she starts to press on the piano key. He follows with her lead. They both play the piano as the echoes of the sounds through the hallway that reaches where the lightborn squad resting.

"Seems like the prince and his girlfriend are playing a romantic song, Granger shall we dance?" said Alucard as he offers his hands.

"Are you fucking stupid?" said Granger as he smacks his head. Fanny and Harith hold their laughter meanwhile Tigreal is so done to deal with their nonsense- especially Alucard.

"Ouch, you're mean. Do you think I want to dance with you that much? Bullshit" he said. As usual, both of them start to fight with each other.

On the other hand, the prince and Ruby are immersed in the song that they play. They are too drawn with every sound that it produced. It's such a beautiful song that they play. Every person in the palace enjoys listening to the song. As they finish, the Prince speaks.


"Yeah?" she said as she shifts her head to look at the guy beside her.

"Did you indirectly confessed to me? It was a confession song. Well?" he said as he slowly moves his head to look at her. Ruby's face flushed. She looks away.

"I-I am not, it's my favourite song" she said as she stuttered. The Prince smiles. He moves his hand to her cheeks as he shifts her face. Their faces are facing each other yet Ruby avoids eye contact.

"I didn't know you're quite romantic" he said as he smirks. Ruby falls silent- she actually did chose the song with a purpose.

"Don't worry. Take your time, I'll be waiting for you...Even it takes forever" he said as he pats her head. Ruby smiles. She feels glad because he is such an understanding guy.

"Thank you" she said slowly.

"So you did try to confess" he said as he grins.


The prince gives a quick peck on her cheeks before she can even finish her words.


Ruby eyes snap open. It's another dream about this mysterious guy. This time, she can see his face well. He seems familiar to her. Still, she doesn't know his name. It does frustrate her every time the guy appears in her dream. She wants to know more about him.

She is wondering why she keeps getting a dream about that guy. Based on the dream she just got, he seems to be from a royal family. Yet, she still hasn't met him here. She is so sure her dream takes place in the palace. The design and the luxury match the palace.

With curiosity, she gets up and decides to wander around the palace by herself- hoping to meet the Prince. There might be a chance for him to be here. Ruby opens the door. She starts to walk without a clear direction as if her legs move on their own.

She keeps walking until at one point she stops. She stands exactly in front of the door. She has no idea what's behind this door yet something calls her to enter the room. She knows she shouldn't do it yet her hands slowly finds their way to the knob.

This room might be prohibited for someone like her to enter. Still, her hand turns the knob as she opens the door. Her eyes widen as soon as she looks around the room.

Without wasting any moment, she enters the room and walks in the direction that attracts her attention the most. She truly can't wait.


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