Twenty Eight

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After the mysterious woman left, Granger just finished his business with the owner of the shop. "Sorry for making you wait. I am done" he said as he steps out from the shop with a bag in his hand.

"Oh, it's fine" she said.

"Is there any particular place you want to visit? As you at aware that I'm free today" he said. Ruby stays still as she thinks. It's the first time she ever steps her feet in the town. She doesn't even know where to go. So far everything is just the same as the dream that she got. Then she recalls back about her dream.

The lake. She wants to visit the lake.

"Hmmm, something with....nature?" she said, not giving him a clear answer. She knows that he will bring her to the best place that he visited- she trusts his decision.

Granger stands in his position as he thinks. There are several places in his mind, but he chooses the one that he thinks is to her liking. Then he nods.

"Sure, let's go" he said. Both of them continue to walk as Granger takes the lead. Ruby follows him from behind but she knows the route. It seems the same as the dream that she got. Granger doesn't tell her where they are going but she knows where this road takes them to.

As they arrive at the place, Ruby studies every part of it. It was identical to her dream. She recognize the place where both she and Aurelius sat, the place where the children played and the spot where Aurelius fell into the lake.

The most important thing is the feeling as soon as she arrives there. It was almost the same with the Dark Forest. It's only 2 days but she deeply missing the forest. She will probably visit the forest as soon as she goes back to her village.

Both of them sit in the same place where Ruby and Aurelius sat. They look at the clear and calm water. It does bring peace in her mind- it's just the same how the forest gave.

"Do you miss the forest, Ruby?" said Granger as he can read her well. Ruby, who was deep in thoughts, shifts her head to look at him. She's impressed with his words. He can see her through.

"Yeah, you know that I will visit the forest every day, never skipped it even for a day. It is all because I have no friends at all. No one ever tries to approach me. I was lonely- especially after my grandparents died" she said. Granger stays silent as he listens to every word that she said.

Ruby takes a deep breath before she continues,

"So, I went to the forest. Just to play by myself every single day. I played with the animals, learning every single species of plants and many much more things I did in the forest. It does bring me joy and happiness. It does kill my loneliness" she said as she recall the memories of her pasts.

"I am sorry to hear that," said Granger as he places his hand on her.

"No, it is fine. It was a long time ago. I feel better now. I am not that lonely anymore. Well, thanks to both of you and Alucard" she said as she looks at their hand.

"Before I realize it, I did visit the forest every day and planning to keep doing it until I die. The forest now is a part of my life" she said.

"I am glad to be part of it" he said as he smiled. It's such a great thing knowing he's one of the reasons who makes her less lonely. There's a long pause between the two of them as none of them talks. After some moments, Granger decides to break the silence.

"I was lonely too as a child. It's just the same as you" he said. Ruby looks at him with an eyebrow raised.

"Really? I didn't know that" she said. She suddenly feels bad for not knowing his pasts.

"My parents died during a battle between the demons. I was taken to the monastery. No one ever tried to approach me, just like you" he said. Their hand intertwined with each other as he talks.

"How do you find your happiness then?" she asked. She knows the feeling of loneliness- she knows the living of solitary life. How bad the loneliness is, there's must be something that made him happy- that made him keep moving forward.

"Violin" he said. Then he continues,

"I love the sound. It makes me alive. It gives me purpose to keep moving" he said as he truly admire the sounds of the violin.

"So, that's the reason why you have a guitar case with violin in it. Can you play the violin? If you do, can you play it for me?" she said- she's curious because she never saw him plays the violin before. He coughs. He was actually expecting her to ask him, but he still feels bad about it.

"I may have a violin with me but I'm tone-deaf. Sorry for giving you hopes" he said. He feels ashamed of it.

"Oh, it's fine. Anyway, I couldn't believe that we actually have something in common. But it's a good thing the solitary now is gone, right?" she said as she looks at their intertwined hand. They've been hurting from the past- it's good that now they have each other back.

"Yeah. I feel better after I talked to you. Thanks" he said.

"Thank you too for being my listener. I feel the weight in my chest is gone" she said. They stay there for a moment, enjoy the sound and the view of nature before they go back to the palace. It's almost lunchtime and they don't want to be late.

The lunchtime is just the same as the breakfast time before. The Queen will say grace before they start eating. Everything seems to be normal for her until the Queen calls her name.

"Yes, your highness?" said Ruby as she places her cutlery down and looks at the Queen.

"I did hear a lot about you being a great fighter. Also, I am curious about the scythe in your possession. Would you have a spar with me, during the evening?" said Silvanna. All the lightborn members look at the Queen- disbelief with her sudden request.

Ruby almost chokes on her saliva when she heard that. She baffles on the spot- not knowing how to answer the Queen. A silent pause fills the air for quite a moment.

"I-I... Sure your highness! But I'm not as great as your royal warriors. So, I apologize if my skills are below your expectation" she said as she looks at her meal. She can't find herself to look at the Queen- she's a bit shy of it.

"I beg to differ" said both the fighter and the marksman of the lightborn squad. They glare at each other for saying the same thing at the same time.

"Yours first" said Granger as he takes a sip of his drink.

"Thank you, I just want to say that her skills are equal to ours. She will surprise you, your highness" said Alucard- giving the hooded girl support.

"I witnessed the way she fights and the way she handles her scythe. I can say that she's pretty decent and strong" said Granger. Both of them tries to lift her spirits up. Ruby blushes with their remarks- it does make her feel better.

"Very well. See you at 4, in the practice room. Everyone is welcome to watch" she said.


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