Fifty Three

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Ruby wears her red raincoat and she wears her boots. She meant it when she said she will visit the forest no matter what it takes. The demon Prince is actually there watching her as he raises an eyebrow. Both of them act like nothing is happening- during the morning and last night.

They act normal like the previous day. Both of them didn't even try to bring the topic up as they are still confused- especially with the dream and the familiarity that they felt.

"Where are you going?" he asked as he looks at her as she tidies her raincoat.

"To the forest," she said with a cheerful tone. The thought of going to the forest always excites her and always will.

"In this rainy day?" he asked again. He doesn't understand the girl. Everyone is staying at the house yet the girl insists to go to the forest.

"Yes. I will go to the forest every day. Why bother anyway? It's not like I ask you to go with me. Whatever, I'm off" she said as she closes the door- leaving the demon Prince alone.

"Geez, what's up with that grumpy attitude of her," he said to himself as he watches her close the door.

Ruby on the other hand opens her arms wide as she feels the rain. It's such a relief the rain is not that heavy as the last night. She actually likes the rain- only the drops of water and not a struck of flash and a certain roaring sound.

Ruby continue to walk by herself in the rain until she arrives at the forest. The forest looks oddly beautiful- probably because of the rain. On the other hand, it does look scary.

Ruby walks through the forest as she steps on the puddles. She might look like a little girl but she doesn't care. Besides, she's only by herself today. No one bothers what's she's going to do.

As she walks, she hears a cry for help. She is sure it's not a human who calls for help. It's the animal in the forest. Ruby tries to follow the sound and she discovers a deep hole. She leans her body to look inside the hole. There's a hare that is stuck at the root of a tree. The worse thing is that the water level in the hole getting increasing due to the rain.

"Help me, Ruby. I've been stuck here for almost a day" the hare said. Ruby look at the hare with pity. That poor thing shouldn't have stuck there- it doesn't even deserve to be stuck in a hole alone.

"Wait, I'll help you," said Ruby as she squats down. Ruby leans her hand into the hole as she tries to reach the poor hare.

"A little bit! Hang in there" she said as she leans into the hole a little bit more. As she manages to hold the hare and free it from the root of the tree, she falls into the holes with a big splash. Ruby hugs the hare in her arms, to protect it.

"Oh no. I think I'm trouble" she said as she looks around. With the slippery earth and the deep hole, she doesn't think she can get out.

"Ruby! I am truly sorry. It's all because of me. I am so sorry!" the hare said. Ruby look at the hare in her hands as she smiles reassuringly.

"It's not your fault. Okay? I'll let you out and tell your friend about this okay? Try to grab people attention" said Ruby as she raises her arm with the hare on her palm. The hare hops from her hand to the ground.

"Will do. Please wait for me" the hare said.

"No need to do that hard work. Please watch where you're going so there's no one will fall into the deep hole again" said Dyrroth to the hare as he suddenly appears there. Then, he offers his hand to the girl.

Ruby eyes widen as she feels like she heard his word somewhere- "Here you go. Play it carefully so there's no one will fall into the lake again"

"What are you staring at? You don't want to get out? If that's the case then I'm fine with it" said Dyrroth. Ruby shakes her head as she takes his hand. Dyrroth pulls her out from the hole.

"Thank you for your help. I will remember your word,..." the hare said before it continues,

"...Prince Aurelius," it said slowly before it quickly hops away. Soon, the hare will receive its punishment for telling the thing that is not supposed to. The hare doesn't regret it as it feels grateful to receive help from them- it just wants everything back to its original.

Both Ruby and Dyrroth seem to be struck with the hare calling the demon as Prince Aurelius. They shift their head to look at each other as they both into deep thought.

Ruby sneezes which make them snap into reality.

"Look, who's act all nice and kind then fall into a hole? Next time, don't try to play the hero. Alright?" said Dyrroth to the girl. Ruby pouts as she looks away. Then she sneezes again.

"I am not playing hero. It's just an unfortunate day for me," she said. Once again, she sneezes. It's indeed an unfortunate day for her as she also catches a cold.

"No thanks at all? Even the hare thanked me earlier" he asked her.

"I owe you this time," she said slowly.

"What? You love me?" he asked, teasing the girl. Ruby faces redden.

"I OWE you. Are you deaf? Ugh never mind it's just wasting my time talking to you" she said as she walks away- to her house. She needs to take a bath as she doesn't want the cold to get worse.

As she arrives at her house, she opens the door. The first thing she sees is the demon Prince. Then she recalls that he knows how to teleport- still, sometimes it does scare her as he suddenly appears out of nowhere.

"Yo," he said. Ruby ignores the demon as she sneezes. She walks straight to the bathroom to clean herself.


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