Twenty Seven

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Ruby finds her way to the nearby balcony. She really needs fresh morning air to clear her mind. The dream is just confusing to her. As soon as she arrives there, she sees a guy with both of his arms on the concrete balustrade- as his eyes stare outside. He seems to not notice her yet. He's too focused on the view outside

Ruby definitely knows the figure as she approaches the man. Ruby stands beside him as she looks at the view. She can see clearly the garden that she went to last night with Alucard. It looks even more beautiful from the top view.

"Good morning, Granger. You're early" she said as she rest both of her arms on the concrete balustrade.

"Morning. I am sorry for not welcoming your arrival yesterday. I was a little busy" he said as he shifts his face to look at the girl. He did know she arrived yesterday but he really can't welcome her since he needs to take care of the other marksmen for their upcoming battle. He does feel bad because of it.

"It's okay! I understand you were busy. I feel great seeing you doing well today" she said as she smiles.

He feels warm as she said that. The girl is really an understanding person. The guy looks at her hand for a moment before he shifts his face- to looks at her back.

"I'm glad you wear it" he said as he smiles at her. He shifts his head to look at the garden. He can feel any better today. The girl really makes his life better. Ruby is puzzled as she doesn't understand what he meant. It took a while for Ruby to get what he said.

"Oh! the bracelet. Of course, it's beautiful. I like it so much. Thank you" she said as she raises her arm and looks at the bracelet. It does shine under the sunlight. It does look magical in her eyes- she will keep the bracelet forever.

"It's a pleasure. What are you doing here anyway? This is my usual spot every morning" he asked as he still looks at the garden. Ruby remain silent. She recalls back her dream. It still makes her head hurts as soon as she thinks of it. Ruby takes a deep breath as she looks at the blue morning sky. It does make her feels calm.

"Nothing, I just want to take fresh air. Sometimes, we just need it. Right?" she said. Granger notices right away the uneasiness in her voice. Her tone suddenly changes. He knows something is going on in her mind.

"I'm willing to hear everything you have in mind. If you want, of course. I don't know how to comfort people like how Alucard did but, I can be your listener" he said. Ruby smiles as she shifts her head to look at him. Surely he has his own ways to comfort people. 

"You got a pure heart, you know? Thank you, I appreciate it. I'll tell you when I am ready" she said before she continues,

"Oh and don't be like Alucard. Be yourself, for you to be my listener is enough to comfort me- I can't be any grateful for that. Plus, I don't want to make my head hurt to deal with two Alucards" she said. She can't imagine if there are two Alucards- it must be hard for her to deal with him. He chuckles.

"Thank you. Now it's time, shall we?" he asked. Ruby nods and both of them walks to the feast hall to have breakfast. Everything seems normal to her during breakfast time.

As everyone leaves to do their own business and tasks for the day, Ruby decides to go to the archive- to kill her boredom. Maybe there's a lot of books that will attract her attention. As she's on her way to the archive, she spots Granger with his black outfit who walks to the entrance.

"Hey Granger, where are you going?" asked Ruby as she walks in his direction. He stops on his track as he shifts his body to look at her.

"To the town. Need to buy pure silver bullets. Wanna come with me?" he asked, inviting her to visit the town. Ruby stands there for a moment, fighting off her mind whether to join him or not. Still, curiosity wins the best of her as she wants to look at the town. She wants to know if it's just the same with the dream that she just got.

"Yes" she said as she nods. She thoughts that maybe she will get more clues about what's going on. Another reason for her to accept his offer is purely just to hang out with him.

"Very well, let's go" he said as he starts his step. Ruby follows him from behind. As they finally arrive at the town, Ruby slips her hand to him. There are tons of people there, she doesn't want to get lost in the middle of the town. Plus, she doesn't bring her scythe with her.

At first, Granger was taken aback by her sudden movements but he just let it be as he squeezes her hand.

"We'll go to the bullet shop first. Is it okay with you?" he asked. Ruby nods- she doesn't mind it at all. They proceed to the bullet shop that's placed not too far away from the spot when they start. Ruby decides to wait for him outside the shop with a melon bun in her hand. She doesn't even realise where she got all of these things- it feels like her mind and body does it on their own. Even the taste of the bun is the same as her dream.

As she waits for him outside, a mysterious woman with a black hooded cloak appears in front of her. She hands her an orange crystal necklace. Ruby hesitates whether to take it or not. She can't even look at her face clearly despite the sun shine brightly today.

"Accept this young lady. It will provide you protection when you need it the most. other than protection, you'll receive some clue about the thing that keeps haunting you lately. You just need to wear and take care of it" she said. For some reason, it does convince her to take it.

Ruby slowly moves her hand as she takes the necklace from the mysterious woman. The woman smirks as Ruby takes it. Ruby looks at the necklace as she studies the red crystal, it does attract her attention.

"H-how do you know something keeps haunting me lately?" asked Ruby. As soon as Ruby looks back at the woman, she's not there anymore- as if she disappears into thin air.

Ruby can't discover where the woman go as she looks around. There's no trace at all. Ruby studies the crystal once again before she puts it in her pocket.

She will keep it as for now. The way the woman talked to her seems like she knows something about her problems. Due to this, Ruby decides to keep it. The necklace might give her hints sooner.


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