Sixty One

222 9 16

It's the final day for the rain to pour. The blood moon will occur right during midnight. Ruby and Dyrroth don't feel awkward anymore, instead, they act like they know each other for a long time. It's all due to the dream and the connection that they feel with each other. They feel like they knew each other inside out.

But, what's concerning Ruby now is the demon Prince's condition. After they visited the forest, Dyrroth got worse. His temperature increase abruptly and his energy drains quickly. What's concerning her more is that he doesn't act like a child as the previous day- he looks even weaker now.

He has been lying on the bed right after they visited the forest until the nighttime hit. She somehow feels that something isn't right. She wonders whether all demons will be going through this kind of 'phrase' before the blood moon takes place or it is because of the cold.

Ruby decides to check on him as she brings him dinner. She walks to the room and Dyrroth is still there, lying. He hasn't even moved a little from the place. Ruby places the tray on the table as she slowly moves her hand on his forehead- it is hot. She also notices his shallow breath. The girl suddenly feels uneasy about this.

"Dyrroth, wake up. You should eat then you can sleep again" she said as she slowly shakes his body. He doesn't respond even a little.

"Dyrroth? Wake up" she said and she once again shakes his body. She starts to panic as she doesn't get any response from him. The uneasiness getting stronger. Her mind is full of only negative thoughts.

"Dyrroth, please give me a sign if you hear me, even a little will do," she said. He still hasn't responded. Another thing that makes it worse is she already used the healing potion completely. She needs to meet Pharsa for another potion.

She looks at the demon Prince with concern. The uneasiness is still there- as if the worst thing will happen today. She feels like she has already experienced this kind of misery before yet she still doesn't know how to counter it. She's afraid about her future- she knows something terrible going to happen soon.

"Wait for me, I'll be back," she said without even hoping for him to reply. The girl goes to her room and grabs her scythe that perfectly leans on the wall. She walks to the door and she pulls her hood. Despite the dark rainy night, she decides to go to Pharsa's hut. She needs the healing potion quickly as the blood moon will occur just soon enough. She doesn't have much time left as she notices the rain starts to calm down.

With her hand grabbing her scythe tightly, she runs to the witch's house without even looking back again. Good thing for her, she hasn't come across any monsters or wolves during the night.

As she arrives at Pharsa's hut. She heard a conversation between the witch and her familiar- Diggie. The conversation between the two is quite serious by only listening to their tone. She decides to stay there under the light rain- to hear their conversation before she enters the hut.

"I heard from the hare in the forest about one of their kind died tragically as it's kind of a punishment," said Diggie. Ruby can sense a hint of caution in its voice.

"Punishment?" said Pharsa.

"They said it's because the hare calls the demon Prince with his original self, Aurelius. Ruby was there too" said Diggie. Ruby eyes widen. So what she thought before was right. Aurelius that she dreamed about was actually Dyrroth, the Queen's brother who was kidnapped by the Abyssal demons when he was a toddler.

Ruby freezes at the spot. There are still a lot of questions lingering in her mind. What about the dream? The moment about her and Aurelius? The only thing that seems possible and makes sense in her mind is she and Aurelius are childhood friends.

But, she grows up completely alone. She doesn't any friends when she was young. She recalls that she grows up in solitary, with no one to lean on. She feels a strong headache attack her as she keeps thinking about it- as if it's not letting her think more. She feels even more confused as she stands there, under the rain.

"I see. The nature and the two of us are not allowed to say about it. The poor hare shall receive it. There's nothing we can do" the witch said with pity in her tone. Ruby feels upset as she acknowledges it.

She's upset because the poor hare that she helped died and she's upset because both Pharsa and Diggie know about what actually happened.

"It's sad. The poor hare sacrifice itself to tell both Ruby and Aurelius about what's happening and the prince true identity. But it seems useless since both of them hasn't realised about it yet" said Diggie before it continues.

"It's all my fault. But I don't have a choice but to do it, I need to protect your life" said Diggie with sorrow. Ruby stands there in confusion. To do what? There are still a lot of things she doesn't know about them. No, she barely knows anything about them.

Ruby doesn't know what kind of power the owl has. As long as she lives here, she hasn't learned or even bothered to know its power. As for Pharsa, she only knows her as a witch and nothing more.

"It's all in the past. Fate has been written for all of us. We shall look into the future and wait for them to realise about it. We shouldn't rush things" said Pharsa with assuring voice.

"But, the blood moon is the only opportunity for them to learn the truth. I am afraid if that blood demon Queen finds us soon. I don't think I can survive next time if we meet her. I want to save both Ruby and Aurelius, and even the empire. Everyone doesn't deserve any of this" said Diggie with pure regret and sorrow.

"As long as she doesn't know that we're using a powerful cloaking spell, then we should be fine," said Pharsa with a little hint of doubt in her tone.

Ruby feels she's having a heart attack. Now the blood demon Queen is involved with this too? What does the cruel blood demon Queen do to all of them- especially to Dyrroth? The red hooded girl can't stand still as her curiosity increase abruptly. She desperately needs to know the truth. She can't stay oblivious all the time.

She needs to confront them and make them spill the truth.

Without wasting any moment, she pushes the door as she looks straight at both the witch and the owl. Both of them look at her sudden appearance in the hut with a shocked look.

"I need to know the truth," said Ruby as she approaches the two of them. As the red hooded girl is about to learn the truth, the rain stops pouring. Slowly, the blood moon appears and illuminates the dark sky throughout the night.


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