Sixty Three

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"Did you hear everything we talked about?" asked Pharsa as she actually doesn't even notice her presence around the hut. Instead, the witch suddenly feels uneasy, she feels there's strong dark magic surrounding the red hooded girl. The witch decides to ask about it later as the girl brings up the most important topic for today.

"I did," said Ruby. She wants to learn the truth now. She can't stand it not figuring anything of the familiarity she felt. Pharsa nods.

"That's the fate that has been written for her. I am glad. She was meant to learn about it now" said Pharsa to her familiar- Diggie the owl. The owl seems to be at ease.

Diggie flies in her direction as it positions itself in front of the girl.

"Take this first then you shall ask everything you have in mind. It's the potion of time" the owl said as he offers her a bottle that come from the cuckoo clock that is held in its wings. Ruby hesitates at first yet she has to know the truth. Her hand slowly moves to take it as she observes it.

It's only a small bottle with a clear liquid in it. The promising look expressed from both Pharsa and Diggie faces makes her drink the potion. It doesn't give her any reaction at first then she suddenly feels a great headache hitting her.

She closes her eyes as she clutches her scythe tighter- to prevent herself from collapsing to the floor. Slowly, an image appears in her mind.

"I am Prince Aurelius, nice to meet you! uh--? I am sorry for playing with your cheeks it's so soft and it can't be helped. It feels like marshmallow and I feel like to bite it"

"Ruby, my name is Ruby. It's okay I don't really care, but don't eat it!"

Ruby can see clearly the memories of her with Aurelius. That was their first meeting. Another memory of them being together are shown in her mind- as if she's watching a movie in a cinema.

There's a lot of happy, sorrowful, joyful, hurt moment between her and Aurelius that's being shown to her. She looks at herself who is happy when Aurelius is around. It feels like both of them share mutual feelings with each other. They enjoy each other presence as they hate being apart even for a second.

Then the memories between her and Aurelius stop when both of them lies on the bed- sleeping side by side, having their last moment together.

Her mind suddenly shows of herself, alone in the forest. Playing by herself, living in solitary. No one even try to approach her when she was a child- Ruby realise it's her own childhood that she experienced before. The memories about her keep continuing until she's at Pharsa's hut, hearing the conversation.

Ruby catches her breath as she feels she's drowning. All the headaches are gone as she finally remembers everything. Every moment about her and Aurelius, she can perfectly remember it. Aurelius is truly her childhood friend that she always admires.

The feeling about her memories and Aurelius is still there in her heart. She can feel her true feelings for him, the uneasiness that she felt during the last night and even the feelings of regret towards the guy. She can feel every of it perfectly.

What's still bothering her is that she feels like she's having a childhood moment for the second time. She's so sure the memories between her and Aurelius was real.

Ruby then stares at the cuckoo clock at Diggie's wing. It takes her quite a moment before her eyes widen in realisation. She has a theory in her mind yet she's unsure. She needs to ask Diggie about it for confirmation. Besides, she heard the conversation about Diggie doing something from the past.

"Diggie, are you... perhaps having a power of controlling time?" she asked as her eyes shifts to look straight into the owl eyes. She's afraid to learn the truth.

"I do. In fact, I am the timekeeper. Every familiarity that you felt is not a coincidence" it said as it gave her hints. Ruby eyes widen. How can she just know about it? She decides to ask the owl again, to confirm everything that she has in mind.

It's the most important question that she wants to ask. She doesn't sure whether she's actually ready for it or not. The red hooded girl takes a deep breath before she asked the owl.

"Are you actually turning back the time? Making all of us experiencing the second childhood?" she asks with a really low voice yet her question still can be heard by the owl- she's truly afraid to know the truth.

It takes Diggie a while before it answers her question. The owl slowly nod.

"Indeed. I am the one who did that" it said with an upset look- clearly shows that he did it because of force and not because of his own advantage.

Ruby eyes widen as she feels she just got slapped with the truth- hard. Every single moment between her and Aurelius was true. Every feeling and emotion that they shared was true.

The red hooded girl doesn't know what to feel anymore.

Her grips on her scythe loosen as she collapses on the floor. She feels weak. Without her realisation, a single drop of tears escapes from her eyes. She feels confused, miserable, sad, everything at the same time. She doesn't know what to do anymore.

Ruby value every moment between her and Aurelius. She was a happy and joyful girl in the past. But everything is gone after an unwanted fateful event that destroyed everything. She only can feel pain after she learns about it.

Pharsa goes in her direction as she pats the girl back- trying to comfort her despite the fact that the dark magic getting stronger in her.

"It's okay, take it easy. It's meant to happen. It's the fate that has been written to all of us" said Pharsa.

Ruby takes a deep breath as she collects her courage. It's true with what Pharsa said. It's meant to be this way. She needs to accept it to move forward. Yet Ruby still need time for her to accept everything.

"Diggie, but why?" asked Ruby. The determination for her to know more still hasn't faded. She needs to learn everything and no one can stop her.

She might still not ready to hear everything, but thinking about Aurelius or Dyrroth who still being oblivious about his true identity make the fire in her lit.

She will save her childhood partner no matter how it takes. She will go through everything to make him realise who is he.


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