Fifty Four

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Ruby lies on her bed as she covers herself with a thick blanket. She currently is alone in her room. Good thing is that there's no lightning or thunder during the night. Bad thing is that the rain is quite heavy.

The cold atmosphere makes her feels uncomfortable in her room- even she has a thick blanket on her. She keeps sneezing during the night. Her temperature is high- indeed, she catches a cold. It's been quite a while since the last time she's sick.

She lies as she stares at the blank ceiling. She suddenly feels hungry. She wants soup. Chicken soup might be great, especially when she's sick and the cold weather. But, there's a problem for her that prevents her from having chicken soup for that night.

She doesn't have much energy to cook for herself. She doesn't even have her dinner yet. She feels like she's stuck in her own bed but at the same time, she's starving. She thought it must be good if Alucard or Granger is here.

Then her mind shifts to the only demon that currently stays in her house. Can she ask him to do it for her? He is a demon, does he know how to cook? As she's having doubts with the demon, her stomach rumbling- she's truly hungry.

Despite her headache, burning body and stuffy nose, she collects her courage to find the demon. Her feet touch the cold floor as it gives her chills. With a blanket wrapped around her body, she slowly walks to find the demon.

Good news for her, the demon is actually there- looking at her belongings in the house. It can't be helped for having a busybody demon staying with her.

The demon Prince shifts his body as he notices the girl presence. He looks at her, up and down. Her face is red with blanker around her body. She doesn't look fine yet he still finds her cute.

Ruby then plops herself on the sofa as she can't stand any longer. She looks at him with pleading eyes. She sneezes before she speaks.

"Dyrroth, can you help me with something?" she said. The demon looks at her from afar.

"With what?" he asked.

"Can you make me chicken soup? I'm starving and I don't have any energy to make it. Please?" she said with a weak voice. She desperately needs chicken soup.

He looks at her- disbelief with what she said. He's sure he doesn't hear that wrong. A chicken soup? He doesn't even have the knowledge to make that thing. Hell, he doesn't even taste any soup before.

But he doesn't think he can say no to the sick girl in front of him.

"I don't know how to make it. Remember, I am a demon, not a human" he said as he slowly approaches the girl. He puts his hand on her forehead. It's hot.

"There's a recipe book in the kitchen, on the shelves. You can read it and make it for me. I really want to have chicken soup today" she said.

Dyrroth falls silent. He still had a doubt. Why would he do it in the very first place? He's not sure himself.

"Please? I don't mind how the soup will turn out... as long as you don't burn the kitchen" she said with pleading eyes. The demon looks at her. He really can't say no to that face. He sighs in defeat.

"Fine. But don't put your hopes too high" he said as he pinches her cheeks before he walks to the kitchen. Ruby yelps when he did that. She doesn't mad at him this time as she's too sick to be bothered about it.

Dyrroth on the other hand tries to find the recipe book that she said. He goes through every shelf in the kitchen but he can't find any. He wants to tell her about it instead, he goes through ingredients that she has in her house.

As if he knows how to make it, he takes every ingredient that he feels will be used to make the soup.

"Here! Let me teach you how to make basic chicken soup. It's easy. First, cut the vegetables"

His eyes widen. A sudden flash of memories just went through his head. He is unsure what is that but it keeps running through his mind. He takes the knife as he cuts the vegetables.

"Are you a little kid?! Who cut vegetables like that. Let me show you. Open your eyes, wide!"

He shivers the thought of Ruby getting mad at him. When the memories flash in his mind about making the soup, he tries to catch it up. He follows everything that popped into his mind as he tries to memorize it.

"Now we just only need to wait for it to boil. Then we are done. It is easy, right? You did a great job, I am proud"

Oddly, he doesn't even have the knowledge to cook- even to cut the vegetables in the right way yet he still doing good. It's all thanks to the sudden flash in his mind. Eventually, he actually success making the soup.

Before he can even shift his body to call for the girl, Ruby is already there, sitting at the dining table- still with a blanket around her body.

"It smells so good. I can't wait to try it" she said as she smiles weakly. Dyrroth serves it to her as he sits in front of her with his face resting on his hand.

As soon as she tries the soup, she looks at him with astonishment as if her eyes are shiny.

"It oddly tastes the same as mine. You did a great job, I am proud" she said as she continue to finish the soup. Dyrroth widen as he heard the word- it's just the same as the thing that keeps flashing in his mind.

Ruby is satisfied as she pushes the empty bowl aside.

"Thank you. I appreciate your hard work. I can sleep peacefully today" she said with a bright smile. She stands up, still with the blanket around her body.

"Goodnight," she said before she walks slowly to her room, leaving the demon Prince alone.

Dyrroth looks at her who closes her room door. For some reason, her impression make his heart beat faster. He smiles. He doesn't think he wants to go back to Abyss again as living with the girl is actually better than ever.


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