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There's a girl who standing far away from him. She has blonde hair and a petite body. The girl offers her hand from afar without saying any words. It's only pitch black that surrounds him. He looks at the girl again. He can't see her face due to the bright background behind her. He feels the darkness keep haunting him and pulls him away from the girl. He trembles and tries his best to free himself.

Once he manages to set himself free, he runs towards the girl with all of his might. Yet the girl getting further from him. He can't find himself catches her from behind anymore. Without his realization, he falls into a deep hole. He keeps falling and falling until he reaches the bottom.

When he looks around he sees dark ground and orangish coloured sky. At the same time, the heat suddenly surrounds him. His eyes widened, that moment he realise, it's the Dark Abyss that where he belongs.

He opens his eyes and sits with a straight back.

"W-what kind of dream was that? Who's that girl?" he said to himself and slowly shakes his head. He takes a deep breath and stands up. He stretches his body and starts walking through the forest. He keeps thinking about the dream. Is there any sign that the dream tries to tell him? Why does he fall to the Dark Abyss- where he belongs?

He decides to ignore the dream and his weird thinking.

He keeps walking and walks back to find the Queen. Like the other day, every creature that he walks past will bow down to him with a lot of respect. As usual, he will keep ignores them and continue with his steps.

He has a meeting with the blood demon Queen, his mother and the Lord Larva. He doesn't sure if Selena is there too. Even though she is always being a busybody and always being clingy to him, she actually has great power. Her power could even match him.

"What am I thinking? Of course, that girl will be there too. Mother likes her too much" he said to himself as he finally sees the castle in his sight. He wonders what kind of topic that they want to discuss.

As he finally arrives there, he walks to the meeting room. He enters the room and his mother is there, waiting for someone. The Lord Lava- Thamuz already there too. He sighs in frustration as he sees Selena is there too who smiles at him. He sighs once again as he sees there's an only available place between Alice and Selena. He doesn't have many choices, he needs to sit there.

"I am sorry for my lateness, mother" said Dyrroth as he drop one of his knees. He needs to show her a lot of respect. She has a higher status than him.

"Stand up Dyrroth. It is fine, sit down beside me. Our guests are still on their way. We need to wait for them to arrive" she said as she looks at him with her pair of red eyes.

He slowly stands up and walks with respect in front of her. He finally settles himself beside the blood demon Queen and Selena. Selena smiles seducingly towards him. He looks at her slightly and rolls his eyes. He looks back to his mother.

"Who's our guest anyway?" asked Dyrroth to the blood demon Queen.

"Well, you'll know later" said Alice to him. Honestly, it's not the actual answer that he wants from his mother. He knows he can't show his disappointment towards her. Instead, he decides to wait for the guess to come.

As they wait for their guest, the blood demon Queen and the Lord Larva have some light chat about the Abyss, it's actually pretty boring for him. At that moment, Selena slowly places her hands on top of his hand. He swiftly moves his hand away from her. He's feeling sick with her presence around him. He doesn't even like her for a little.

Then, Selena places her hand on his thigh. Dyrroth sighs once again. He moves his hand to her and put it away from his thigh.

"Seriously Selena? Don't bother me okay. Stop this already" he said to her with disgust.

"Not until you finally have interest in me, I will seduce you and I won't stop. You know this already right, Dyrroth?" she said with a soft voice as she smile at him.

"Until I die, I can guarantee, I don't have any kind of feelings towards you. Trust me when I said this- I will never like you okay? Stop wasting your time and search for another 'handsome guy' in the Abyss" he said as he sits further from her.

"Oh Dyrroth, stop being mean to her. She just wants to play around with you" said Alice as she hears their conversation.

"I will consider it, I think... No, and that's it" Dyrroth said again as he rolls his eyes towards Selena.

"Whatever" said Selena as she flips her hair with sass.

After some moments, the guest finally come. As the guest enters the room, he looks at them. Two people enter the room. There is a woman with a greenish aura that surrounds her, and she got a long horn on her head. The other one is a man with armour in his body with a sword in his hand.

He knows these two people. It's Vexana and Leomord. Curious written all over his face. His mother Alice and Vexana actually had a terrible past before. Alice made Vexana's life destroyed.

Dyrroth looks back at his mother, he needs an explanation about this.

Of course, Alice could see Dyrroth looks at her with curiosity fills him deeply. Alice gives him a small smile with a pair of secretive eyes.

Dyrroth knows, when the time she gave him that look, he'll never know the real answer. In his head, he knows they made a deal between them. But as a Prince of the Abyss, he at least needs to know about it.


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