Thirty One

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"Yes, Aurelius. Did you heard his name somewhere?" asked Silvanna as she looks at Ruby who suddenly seems to be perplexed by the name.

"N-no. It's such a wonderful name. I wish we could find him in the future. Now, excuse me. Have a great sleep, your highness" said Ruby as she walks to the door and leaves the room afterwards. She needs time to process everything.

Silvanna notices that there's still something that Ruby didn't share with her earlier. She wants to ask Ruby further but she decides to gives her space. The name Aurelius seems to give quite an impact on Ruby. Besides, Silvanna also doesn't even share with her about the flashback that she got when she received her letter. Guess they are even for now.

Silvanna knows there's something between her, Ruby and Aurelius yet she still hasn't discovered any lead to pursue the topic.

At the same time, Silvanna is planning to take Ruby as a royal warrior soon yet she needs Ruby's agreement. She wants to talk to Ruby regarding this right before she left the palace tomorrow. She thought having Ruby around the palace will somehow help her with this familiarity. Silvanna needs to know what is truly going on.

Ruby on the other hand needs fresh air. The girl walks by herself and finds her way to the balcony. She needs the beautiful view of the garden and the plain dark sky. It's a lot for her to take in. The guy that keeps appearing in her dream is from the royal family.

There's a lot of questions lingering in her mind. Why out of all people, he is the one? What with these familiarity feelings that keep appearing? Who is he truly to her? Where is the guy now? Is it even the same Aurelius or not?

As she keeps thinking about it, her head slowly aching. The pressure is too much for her to handle. Her mind is a mess- she doesn't even know why she is stuck in this kind of situation. She wants her normal life back, without this familiarity that keeps bothering her.

As she slowly sees the balcony in her sight, a familiar figure is there too. It was the same guy that she met earlier this morning- who also adores the view.

Ruby stands beside him as she puts both of her hands on the concrete balustrade. She looks at the night view as she takes a deep breath. Granger who enjoys the view notices the girl sudden appearance beside him. He shifts his gaze at her- she looks distressed. He knows she feels miserable at the moment. He wonders what has been making her sad lately.

"Don't worry, the problem will slowly go away. You need your own time. Take a deep breath and enjoy the view, I know you need it. That is the reason why you come here, I suppose" he said as he tries to comfort the girl.

"Thank you, Granger. You can see right through me. It's just... there's a lot to take in" she said as she plays with the bracelet that he gave.

"You can tell me anything if you ready. Okay?" he said. Ruby smiles with his sincerity. She nods as she looks at the night view. There's still a lot of mystery that she needs to know.

"Hey Granger, here's your hot choco- Oh Ruby you're here too? I happen to bring two hot chocolate so here, one for you and one for me" said Alucard as he offers her the hot chocolate in his hand. Ruby hesitates to take it as she looks at Granger. She knows it is for him.

Granger glares at Alucard then he looks at Ruby as he smiles.

"Don't worry, you can have it. You need it more than me" he said.

"Thank you. And oh, we can share" she said as she takes the cup from Alucard's hand. Granger looks at Alucard with a mocking face. Alucard looks away as he takes a sip of his hot chocolate.

"Anyway Ruby, are you feeling better now?" asked the blonde-haired guy- he did witness her crying when she was playing the piano. He doesn't know what problem she has been carrying this whole time. So he thoughts by asking her current state are good enough.

Ruby drinks the chocolate as she asks herself the same thing. Is she feeling better? Or worse? The night view and the hot chocolate does make her feel better at the moment- as well as the two guy existence beside her. Well, except the fact that she just knew who is Aurelius.

"I am. Especially when both of you are around. I feel less lonely and I feel.. happy. Thank you" she said with a small smile.

"That's good to hear. You know, you can always go to my bedroom to sleep with me. So you're not feeling alone even during the night" he said as he winks mischievously to her. Ruby blushes as she gives the cup to Granger.

"Stupid pervert" she said and she punches his hard chest. Alucard winces in pain.

"I am sure she's not interested in any perverted guy. Just give up already" said Granger.

"Oh yeah? Do you think that she is interested in a boring guy? Obviously, she prefers a fun guy like me, right Ruby?" said Alucard as he looks at her with hope. The two of them looks at her, waiting for her to answer.

"E-eh.." said Ruby as she keeps changing glances between the two. Her face is tinted with red colour as both of them stare at her at the same time.

"Back off Alucard. She surely doesn't want to hurt your feelings. She doesn't have any interest in you" said Granger.

"Wait for her answer dumbass, and we will know the truth. You need to get ready because I believe her answer will hurt your feelings" said Alucard. Both of them keep exchanging glares with each other. The friendly rivalry between the two will never end. Obviously, both of them have something in common.

Having a similar type of ideal girl is one of them.

"I- I need time. I hope you can wait. Both of you are precious to me" said Ruby as she looks at the ground- there's still a lot of things that she needs to take care of other than having a relationship. The looks on both guys soften with her replies and the look on her face.

Before any of the guys can reply to her, the sounds of the bell echoed through the whole palace. Both Alucard and Granger look at each other with serious looks on their faces. They look alarmed by the sudden ringing bell sound.

"The bell.. it rang 5 times" said Granger as his eyes widen.

"They are here" said Alucard with worries all over his face.

"What is happening?" asked Ruby as she looks at the guy with concern. It does look serious for her by judging the look on their faces.

"Take your scythe with you and quickly go to the entrance hall. The lightborn squad will be there shortly. The Abyssal demon army is here. Now go!" said Alucard.

Ruby staggered with the news. Without wasting any moments, she runs to her room to take the scythe with her and goes to the entrance hall afterwards.


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