Forty Six

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Everything seems normal for her. She just finished having lunch by herself. For some reason she does feel the loneliness is back- it's because she eat with quite a number of people at the palace for the past week before. She's getting comfortable eating with a companion rather than eat by herself.

The demon Prince still hasn't back- well, she doesn't expect him to appear any sooner. She is actually impressed that Pharsa's potion seems to work perfectly and quickly. She feels glad knowing the demon seems fine or else she doesn't know what to do to make him awake.

Ruby takes a basket with her as she plans to pluck some flowers today. She's planning either to make perfume or scented candle- or maybe both. Ruby wears the hood as she walks out of her house. The weather is nice for her to pluck some flowers today.

As usual, when she walks to the forest, every villager that walks past her will greet her with respect and admiration.

"You looks bright today Ruby. Have a good day"

"Good evening Ruby. It's lovely to see you around"

"Here, I made some cookies for the villagers. Have some"

"You're on your way to the forest right? Take care!"

That's some of the words that she hears as she walks. She even got a bag of cookies from one of villager that walks past her. She can't be any grateful to be surrounded by a kind and caring villager. She values them a lot. Ruby hums happily with the basket and a bag of cookies in her hand.

She can't wait to go to the forest. The excitement for her to visit the forest will never die. Whenever she visited the forest feels like the first time she enters the place.

As Ruby arrives there, she starts to look for flowers of her liking. She knows every part of the forest, so it doesn't take her a lot of time to find it. At the same time, she will ask the animals there which is the best flowers to make perfume and scented candles. So it doesn't give her too much trouble.

As Ruby finishes plucking a flower, she settles herself under a tree as she opens the bag of cookies. She decides to stay here for a while- to feel the nature and the serene of the forest.

"You're here? I tried to find you at your house but you're not there. Guess you visited the forest" the demon said as he suddenly appears out of nowhere. Dyrroth settles himself beside her as he looks at the cookie in her hand.

"Why do you bother anyway? I told you to not meet me again" she said as she glares at him. She actually shocks by his sudden appearance beside her but she hides it.

"And I did tell you I didn't plan to leave any sooner. Anyway, what's that in your hand?" he asked as he studies the thing that she has in her hand. Ruby eyes look at the cookie in her hand then she shifts back to him.

"A cookie. It's food. Why? Do you want to try it?" asked Ruby. He's a demon, after all, she doesn't expect him to know the cookie either.

"Can I?" he asked, interested to taste it.

"Why not? But aren't you just finished having a meal?" said Ruby as she offers him a bag of cookies- she doesn't think she can finish it all by herself.

"Yes, 10 deers," he said as if it's normal- well it is normal for him but not for her. Ruby is stunned at the spot as she looks at him with wide eyes.

Dyrroth looks at her with a questioned look on his face. "What?" he asked.

"That's... quite amazing of you" she said. He shrugs as he bites the cookie.

"Can't be helped, I was out for more than a week. I am hungry and I meant it- hey, this thing is quite good" said Dyrroth with wonders. He does feel the familiarity of the cookie. That thing is to his liking.

"Heh you pity demon" she said. Her words seem to ring a bell to him- even to Ruby herself. Both of them falls silent as they look at each other for a moment. Both of them try to find the exact moment from their pasts but they failed.

Ruby looks away as she takes flowers in her hand. It's awkward for her to look at him for a long time like that. Ruby takes another flower as she joins the previous one.

"What do you expect? I'm a demon and our food is different" he said as he takes another cookie and eats it- it seems like he has a new favourite food. Ruby nods her head as she agrees with him. She takes out another flower and joins them. Without her realisation, she makes a flower crown without her plan.

"I don't know much about demons. Tell me about your kind and how you find the food source" she said as her eyes focuses on her hand which doesn't stop joining the flowers together.

"The Abyss has layers. The highest part is the one which provides food resources. That place is almost similar to another human forest, some animals and even people come to that place and become our food instead" he explained.

"Demons eat humans?" she asked as she shivers to know the truth.

"Some of them, yes. For me, I don't. I don't know why but I can't accept it. It's not to my liking" he said. Ruby sigh in relief as she looks at him. She just finishes making the flower crown. Without her realisation she places it on his head, then she smiles.

"It suits you" she said. She doesn't know why yet it feels right to put it on his head.

"Really? How come a cute thing suits a demon like me" he said as he take off the thing and studies the detail.

"Really? Since you're the one who makes it then I will keep it"

A quick flash about a scene just went through his head. He freezes at the moment. The familiarity of the flower crown with something from his past bothers him. He feels like he has already seen the same flower crown somewhere. He gives up as he can't think of anything.

"It doesn't matter who you are. If it suits you then it is. I need to go back home now. Just come with me if you want. It's not like I can stop you either" said Ruby as she stands up and leaves the forest.

Dyrroth stares at the flower crown for a while. It feels like nostalgia hit him yet he still can't find the exact past in his mind. Guess he will actually keep it with him.


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