Thirty Six

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Harith, Granger and Ruby stand firm, back to back as they fight the undead and demons that circling around them. Ruby really wants Harith to help her absorb the magic energy but it seems like both of them oppose her idea. She needs to convince them more.

"We know that all of us will die if we don't do anything. Allow me, please. I will stop immediately if it's starting to harm me. I beg you" said Ruby, pleading to both Granger and Harith- hoping they will agree with her. She has to do this.


"Granger, please. Don't you trust me?" asked Ruby as she cuts his word. Granger sighs. The leonin on the other hand unsure whether to agree with her or not. It's true that if they doing nothing at the moment, the probability of their win is low. At the same time, he can't just be risking Ruby's life.

"It's not that I don't trust you. What if you die in the process? I can't accept anyone precious in my life dying in front of me anymore. I will keep blaming myself for letting you do it" he said with a serious tone yet his eyes never leave the enemies that lunging in their direction.

Ruby heart soften as she heard his explanation. Granger really cares about her deeply but it doesn't stop her pure heart to help the Moniyan armies. Ruby takes a deep breath as she tries to convince him once again.

"Granger look, I appreciate knowing that you really care about me, but we are really in a critical situation right now. It is better to sacrifice one person than letting the whole empire collapse, right?" she said as she casts a shockwave from her scythe to the demons that leap high in the air.

Granger seems to be lost in word. He admits what she said was true yet he still has heavy feelings in his heart if he let her do it. Even he is in deep thought, he still never misses his target as he manages to shot the enemy precisely.

Ruby who notices Granger's quietness once again tries to convince him as she speaks.

"It's my choice. Even if I perish, it's my fate. At least I did something great before I die right? Granger, I promise to you that I will stop if it's breaking me. Trust me okay?" she said as she take a quick glance at the man beside her.

It takes Granger some time before he makes his decision. Granger releases a sigh as he looks at her with pain. He takes a deep breath before he speaks.

"Fine. If it's your choice then who am I to stop you" said Granger as he finally agrees with her. Ruby grins at his decisions. She couldn't be happier with it.

"Harith, you may give the message to the other mages regarding this. It is better if the mages can use the cloaking spell, so they can focus only to channel the magic power to her scythe. As for me, I will protect her during the process since she can't either move or defend herself" said Granger as he gives the order. Ruby notices how wise he is if he's being a leader.

"Roger that, back me up for a moment, I want to send message" said Harith as he concentrate to send their plans to the other mages using his head- as if it's telepathy to each other. Sending messages during the battlefield between the warriors is one of the abilities that the Lord of Light gave them.

Ruby stands in front of Harith as she helps him to slain every demon and undead that lunges in their direction.

"I'm done, it will happen shortly. Ruby, get ready" said Harith. Ruby nods as she stands in the middle of Granger and Harith. Ruby grips her scythe tights. She's ready for this.

"Ruby, good luck. Remember, don't overdo it" said Granger with a concerned tone.

"Thank you" said Ruby. She tries to calm herself down. She needs to concentrate. So far she doesn't feel anything when she absorbed their magic earlier but still, she needs to be careful. She's about to absorb an enormous amount of magic soon- she's not going to take it easy.

As soon as the Moniyan mages disappear- they start to use the cloaking spell, Ruby can feel the light magic and her scythe links. Now it's her part. She takes a deep breath as she raises her scythe high, starts to absorb the enemies' abyssal magic and the undead necromancy.

As Granger see Ruby raises her scythe, he starts to protect her as he shoots every demon and the undead that tries to kill them. He still concerns about her plans but he has no other reason to oppose her.

Ruby plans seem to work as the demons and the undead near them getting slower and fragile, which makes it easier for Granger to kill them. Her scythe absorbs more dark magic with the help of the Moniyan mages. Ruby closes her eyes as she keeps concentrating to absorbs more magic as she still doesn't feel anything strange just yet.

Every single demon and the undead on the battlefield seems to be affected by Ruby's scythe- even the blood demon Queen seems to be aware of this. As time pass, her scythe absorbs their magic quicker in a large amount.

"W-what is happening?! My Abyssal magic is getting... weaker" said Alice as she leaps backwards. She focuses on her magic as she looks at Silvanna with wide eyes.

"What are you up to?!" asked Alice as she starts to panic. The dark abyssal magic and the power of Vexana's necromancy seems to not give any effect to the Moniyan warriors and troops anymore.

Silvanna smirks at Alice. She was actually clueless about this at first but she can guess the only possible answer to this situation. Only a single person crossed her mind.

"The Lord of Light sends a very powerful scythe user to help us defends our territory from the voracious demons" she said as she smiles knowingly.


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