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Ruby is on her way to meet the witch that lives on the other side of the village. She brings a bottle of berry jam for her. She wears her usual red hood and she brings her scythe with her- there's a wild animal that lurking around the witch hut area. She brings her scythe with her just to be safe.

It's been a while since the last time she meet Pharsa. Since she doesn't get any injuries and the healing potion that she got from her is still available, she doesn't have any reason to meet her.

Ruby will meet Pharsa if she got any injuries- especially after the wolf attack. Even if she doesn't plan to meet Pharsa for medical attention, the witch will magically appear to heal her- well, she's a good witch, to begin with.

Ruby walks through the village as she greets every person that she meets. It's true what both Alucard and Granger said, everyone seems to value her a lot. 

Ruby maintain her steps as she finally sees a familiar hut in her sight. She's finally arrived.  Without wasting her time, she knocks on the door- expecting the witch to greet her.

"Pharsa, it's me Ruby" she said.

The door magically open- welcoming her to enter the hut. Pharsa is there, sitting on a chair as she pats her crow. 

"It's great to see you, Ruby. What's the reason for you coming here? Is there any injuries?" she asked.

"Oh nope! I just want to give you a berry jam. I made it myself. It's not that valuable but I hope you like it" she said as she places it on the table. Pharsa smiles at Ruby's sincere heart.

"Every gift is valuable for me. Thank you very much. I am sure Diggie likes it a lot. Oh anyway, what a beautiful bracelet you have there" she said.

Ruby looks at the bracelet as she takes it off, gives it to Pharsa.

"Yeah! My friend gave it to me" said Ruby. Phrasa takes the bracelet as she studies it. then she gives it back to the hooded girl. Ruby wears it back as she studies its design one more time.

"The bracelet is ordinary but it's already enchanted with protection by using holy light magic" said Pharsa. Ruby eyes widen, she didn't know this. Since Granger is one of the lightborn squad, probably he knows how to use magic. This makes the bracelet even more valuable for her.

"Thank you for telling me, Pharsa" said Ruby before she walks to the owl as she pats its head.

"How are you doing, Diggie?" she asked as she pats its head.

"I'm doing fine Ruby. I hope you're doing well too. Oh, and thank you for the jam. I like berry so much" it said.

Diggie is a talking owl. During the first time she meet Diggie, she was amazed by its ability. The talking owl has been with Pharsa for a long time. The story between them is unknown to her. She doesn't want to bring the topic about their past as she knows Pharsa has gone through hard times before.

"You are welcome. Now I need to go back. It's good to see both of your well-being. Excuse me" said Ruby as she walks back to the door, to leave the place.

"Ruby, before you leave. I want to say something" said Pharsa. Ruby shifts her body to face the witch.

"Sure, what is it?" she asked.

"Those familiar things that you felt is no coincidence. A familiar soul will appear in your life soon. Believe your intuition, follow your heart. Don't hesitate" she said. Ruby stands there in confusion. She never tells about these familiar feelings that keep bothering her to anyone yet Pharsa knows about it.

"I see, thanks for your advice" she said before she leaves the hut. Before Ruby walks back to her house, she decides to visit the forest like she usually did. Forest is the only place where she can seek serenity. She loves the forest so much.

As she walks around the forest, her eyes catch a rare butterfly that suddenly appears around her.

"This butterfly again? What is going on here?" she asked herself. As the butterfly flip its wing to fly away, Ruby follows it from behind. She runs as she doesn't want to lose track this time. The beautiful creature flies until it reaches a big familiar tree. Then it vanishes.

Ruby sigh in frustration. She hates when this happens. Instead of letting the exasperation control her mind, her eyes look around. She knows this place. She has been crossed this path a lot of times before. She walks to the big tree as she leans her scythe on it.

Ruby sits there as she looks around. For some reason, she feels tired after she tries to catch up with the butterfly. She decides to take a nap there. She closes her eyes as she slowly drifts off to sleep.

On the other part of the Moniyan territory, the demon prince finishes with his tasks. He already learned about the places and has seen enough. He thinks he's done here and he shall give his report to the blood demon Queen. Before he goes back to the Abyss, he decides to visit the forest. 

There's something in his mind keeps telling him to go there. Another reason that he wants to visit the forest is that he feels weirdly peaceful as soon as he stands in the forest. He never experienced such things in his life before.

As soon as he arrives there, the butterfly that he saw before magically appears. He looks at the butterfly- confuses.

"Stop appears and vanishes so abruptly will you? It's only several times but I'm tired with that already" he said. The rare creature flies away. Like before, the demon prince follows it from behind.

Dyrroth's eyes never leave the creature. The demon Prince doesn't even aware of where the butterfly leads him. As he blinks his eyes, the butterfly vanishes. He sighs. Here is he again, in the middle of nowhere and it's all thanks to the damn butterfly.

He studies everything around him. He's not sure where is he right now. Dyrroth decides to wander around the forest for a while. He feels pleasant as soon as he is in the forest. As he keeps moving, the butterfly appears as it lands on a girl's nose.

His eyes widen as he looks at it. He sees a young maiden that repeatedly appears in his mind, sleeping peacefully under the tree. He doesn't expect to meet the girl here. He slowly approaches the maiden. The scythe that leans on the tree beside her does have a strong threatening aura. He doesn't dare to touch the scythe as he focuses on the girl.

Ruby, that's the name of the girl. He remembers her name from what the blood demon Queen said before.

As he stands right in front of her, he slowly squats down to be the same level as the girl's face. He studies her face for a while. This is surely the woman who appears in his mind. This is the first time he meet her but it feels like they have been with each other for a long time.


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