Chapter Thirty Five

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*Freya's POV*

     Days seemed to get longer, the more I tried to train Jacob. He was being more of an ass as each day passed, since he wasn't allowed to see Bella Swan. He claimed he didn't want to see her again because he was dangerous, but at the same time, he's all emotional and bitchy about it. I honestly didn't understand teen drama, especially when it came to emotions, but maybe it was because I never really grew up knowing how to handle too many emotions.

"Have you ever contacted your brothers other than through a dream?" Paul asked, as we walked along the shoreline.

"The first day I woke up here, I swore I heard Dean's voice. It was just like any other disembodied voice; distant, quiet, airy. Since I had heard his voice, I wrote a note on the mirror in Uncle Billy's bathroom. I erased it right after, of course, but I knew he got it. I just knew it." I said, causing him to nod slightly.

"Is Billy really your, uh, uncle, or is it all a cover story?" He asked, making me sigh quietly.

"Well, in this world he is. In the other world, no. None of you exist in the other world, obviously, your world is a set of books, then movies. The actors and actresses in the movies live in the other world, while they don't here. My dad was friends with a man named Bobby Singer in the other world, and I have a feeling Billy is this world's Bobby." I explained, shrugging slightly to show that I'm just working off of assumptions.

"Do you think your world is a book here? Maybe your life there would be a story here, or a movie, possibly." He commented, and I bit my lip.

"Quite possibly, but I really don't know. There's no way a coincidence like that would happen. Just because this world was a book there, doesn't mean the other world is a book here." I replied, and he shrugged.

"You never know. Maybe we should check the library and see. It doesn't hurt to check, does it?" He asked, causing me to nod stiffly.

"You're right, I should check. You'll come with me though, right? I don't know what I'd do if I happen to find a book about my other world." I murmured, and he nodded quickly.

"Of course, what type of person would I be if I didn't?" He joked, and I snorted slightly with laughter.

"Well, if you said you weren't going to go with me, than I would just go to Sam and get him to make you come with me." I retorted, and he gasped in mock anger.

"You would go to our alpha if I didn't agree to go book shopping with you?" He asked, and I grinned.

"You're right, I should just go to Emily." I replied, and his eyes widened.

"Alright, fine. I'll go. There's no need for you to get the lady on my back. She's scary when she wants to be." He said, and I laughed.

"I can't believe you're scared of Emily. She's one of the nicest people I've ever met." I answered, laughing for a good moment.

"Don't laugh at me, or I'll get Sam on you, Miss Winchester." He commented, and I smirked.

"I'm his favorite." I retorted, strutting away with a satisfied smile on my face.

       Walking towards the place where we always cliff dive, I met up with the rest of the pack. Leah and Seth were off somewhere else, probably patrolling in with their mother. They had spent quite some time with her after their father died. I never really trained Seth much, since he was so young, but Leah refused to train with me. She believed I wasn't going to help her, so Sam just shrugged her off. He wasn't dealing with her drama.

"You know there's no real favorites in the pack." Sam commented, causing me to grin.

"He doesn't know that." I replied, and he laughed.

       Paul soon joined us, mumbling about how I shouldn't be the favorite since he's been in the pack longer. I didn't see how that was relevant, but I just went along with whatever he said. Anyhow, after cliffdiving a few times, Sam announced that it was time to head back to the pack house. Soon it would be lunch, and then it would be shift changing, meaning Paul and I would be on patrol for the night.

       As we were walking back to the pack house, we were stopped by Bella Swan. She was yelling at us, Sam especially, saying he had done something to Jacob and that Jacob kept ignoring her. I laughed, of course, and so did Paul, but our laughing triggered the wrong response. She smacked Paul across the face, successfully pissing us both off.

"Paul, Freya, calm down." Sam commanded, but it was too late.

"Too late." Embry murmured, watching Paul and I shift into our giant wolves.

     Bella was scared in an instant, yelling for Jacob to run, as he ran over towards us. Jumping in the air, he turned into his wolf and charged at us. Two against one wasn't working well for Jacob, especially since he sucked in combat. Sam and the others headed back to the pack house with Bella, as Paul and I fought with Jacob.

       After successfully pinning him to the ground and having him submit, the three of us shifted back and headed towards the pack house. Walking inside, Paul falsely apologized to Bella, as I simply glared at the bitchy brunette. I absolutely hated her, especially now that she had hit my imprint.

"Freya." Sam called, trying to get me to apologize to the whiny teenager.

"Not going to happen. You should be happy I haven't tossed her off the cliff." I replied, walking out of the room.

"She's fun, isn't she?" Jacob commented sarcastically, and I heard Paul growl.

"Enough, Jacob." Sam demanded, as Paul roughly shoulder bumped the boy, walking towards me as we headed to our room.

      I wasn't going to patrol today, and Sam knew that. I didn't know who he was going to put in our place, but I was hoping Jacob was one of them, so the patrol could be used as part of a punishment of sorts for the little asshole...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. Soon things will happen and worlds will be turned upside down.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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