Chapter Thirteen

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Freya's POV:

      I looked away moments later, staring down at the table, as I picked at the muffin in my hand. Sam cleared his throat, causing me to look up at him. He looked over at Emily for a moment, a smile planted on her lips, before he stood to his feet.

"Freya, follow me." He stated, before I stood up as well and walked along with him.

       Passing by the guy at the door, I followed Sam outside. We walked for a moment, before we ended up by the cliff. He sat down at the edge, signalling for me to sit next to him.

"What was that?" I asked, unsure of what just happened.

     Literally, when I looked into the guy's eyes, my world seemed to freeze. Events of my life seemed to pass through my mind, every moment holding the guy in them. The last event I seen before I looked away, was the guy holding a little girl in his arms, as she smiled and laughed.

"You and Paul imprinted on each other. I didn't know girl's could imprint, but now I know. Many things are being proved wrong right now." Sam stated, causing me to sigh.

      So I was imprinted with Paul Lahote, the guy I had heard such terrible stories about.

"What's imprinting?" I asked, making Sam look at me.

"It's like you're being linked to your soul mate. You'll never find anyone who you'll attract to as much as your imprint. You can try to fight it all you want, but sooner or later it'll happen." He said, causing me to look down for a moment, before looking back up at him.

"You're talking as if you speak from experience." I commented, causing him to sigh.

"I was with Emily's cousin, Leah Clearwater, when I imprinted on her. I tried to fight off the pull, but at the time Leah and I were going to marry, I couldn't fight it anymore. I left and went to Emily. I was so angry with myself and everything that had happened. I ended up phasing and I accidentally attacked Emily." Sam answered, causing me to bite my lip.

"She told me about the scars. I had seen them, but when I seen them, all I could think about was how much of a warrior she really was. To me, every scar is a story to be shown held by a warrior who survived their battle." I stated, causing a smile to lightly grace Sam's face.

"You sure are something, Paul is lucky to have you." Sam commented, before he stood up and offered his hand to me.

    He pulled me up, before we walked side by side back to the pack house. He opened the door and allowed me in before he followed behind me. When we walked in, the three people in the kitchen became quiet. My smile I had worn while talking to Sam instantly dropped. Seeing my smile drop from my face, Emily quickly came over and wrapped her arms around me.

"Let's go to your new room." She said, before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the stairs.

     I followed her up the stairs, until we made it into the room that she had made up for me. I was actually surprised at how nice the room was. The room was all red, with a very nice king size bed that had a bedset that was Aztec print. It was quite the nice set up and didn't seem to be last minute either.

"I got you some clothes in here, all shorts and t-shirts. Mostly because you're never going to need much clothes to stay warm, you'll have your own body heat." She said, making me nod lightly.

"Thank you, Emily. You and Sam are such wonderful people." I commented, as we sat down on the bed.

"I'm sorry about what happened down there. Paul is having as much trouble as you are trying to figure out this whole imprint thing. You two really need to talk, but I doubt he'll be man enough to talk to you right now. I have to warn you though, he does have quite the temper." She said, making me smile slightly.

"I do too." I replied, making her nod.

"I know, Sam told me about you and Jacob." She retorted, causing me to laugh a bit.

"I need to know, how did you deal with the whole imprint thing?" I asked, making her sigh.

"Well, at first we tried to ignore it, but after a while, it just couldn't be ignored. Soon enough, it was all over. We had to be together, one way or another. When it comes to imprinting, you can be friends, brother and sister, a lover, whichever one you need they'll be." She answered, making me nod slowly.

"I just-I need time to process this before I talk to him." I said, causing her to nod quickly.

"Of course, that makes complete sense. Don't worry about it, if you don't approach him first, he should approach you. Besides, it's not always the girl's job to disperse a situation." Emily stated, as she stood up from the bed.

"Well, I hope one of us get the nerve to talk soon." I replied, making her smile sadly.

"Sooner or later, Sam will make him talk to you, if you or he doesn't do it beforehand. You all are connected by your minds, so whatever you think about and say in your head they will hear in the pack. So, once you or Paul get on Sam's nerves, he'll make Paul talk to you. I'm almost positive Paul will make Sam aggrivated soon enough and you two will speak. Anyhow, get some rest Freya, Sam will want to speak patrols soon enough." Emily said, before she walked out of my new room and closed the door.

      As I laid in the bed, all I could think about was trying to figure out why Jacob was so rude to me. Most of all, the one thought that came to my head the most was Sam and Dean. I missed them so much, but by now, I doubted I'd ever see them again...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, her and Paul are imprinted but they haven't spoken a word to each other. Will they ever speak to each other, or will she disappear to find her brothers once and for all?

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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