Chapter Eight

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Freya's POV:

     Once the sun began to go down, Jake and I decided to head back home.

"You guys can come to the house for dinner if you'd like. I'm making dinner, not this idiot over here," I commented, as I pointed at Jake,"or Uncle Billy." I finished, as Embry and Quil laughed.

"What are you making?" Embry asked, as we began our walk back to the house.

      I looked over at him, not missing the fact that Sam watched us, most specifically me, as we walked back towards the house.

"I want enchiladas, so that's what I was thinking about making. Sound good to you guys?" I asked, causing the three boys to nod.

"Sounds great. You do know how to make them, right?" Jake asked, making me roll my eyes.

"I'm smarter than you give me credit for, Jacob." I retorted, though my eyes widened for a second when I realized I had called him by his first name, something I haven't heard since waking up here.

     Though, then I realized that I had read his name in the book before. As I had said before, I was beginning to forget everything in the book though, so I could barely remember much of anything about anyone else. Honestly, it was as if I had the memories from my life here before, instead of my life in the past. I could pretty much only remember my brothers now, everything else was a blur.

    We walked into the house, the boys going straight to the couch to sit down. I rolled my eyes, knowing they were a bunch of lazy buttholes. After getting all my ingredients together, I quickly fixed them up, before placing them in the oven to cook.  Once they were cooking, I came into the lounge room to sit down. As I came in, Billy looked over at me for a moment. I could see the look in his eye, as if he were unsure about me being around the guys. The only reason I knew this look, was because I had seen this look when I was still with my brothers.

"Jake, so you remember Bella Swan?" Uncle Billy asked, as he looked over at Jake.

"Yeah, we use to make mud pies together. I think even Freya was with us sometimes." He replied, causing Uncle Billy to nod stiffly.

"Well, she's going to be back in Forks tomorrow. She'll be living with Charlie." Uncle Billy stated, as a smile came to Jake's face.

      I knew he had some type of attraction to Bella, even from when he was younger. Anyhow, instead of calling attention to his obvious attraction to Bella, I decided to go and check dinner. I made my way into the kitchen, opening the oven and seeing that the enchiladas were finished. I grabbed two oven mitts and pulled the glass pan out, placing it on top of the stove. I then made some taco rice to go with the enchiladas, before plating up the food.

"Dinner is ready!" I exclaimed, before sitting down in my spot.

"It sure smells good." Embry commented, as he walked into the kitchen with the other guys.

    Everyone sat around the table and began to eat the food I made.

"This is great." Jake said, almost sounding surprised.

"Why are you so surprised?! I made food before and it was good!" I exclaimed, standing up from my spot.

"Freya, I didn't mean it like that." Jake said, though I couldn't help but be angry at him.

"No! You've been acting like this all day! God, Jake!" I yelled, before stomping off to my room.

     As I made my way up the steps, I could hear Uncle Billy talking to Jake, Embry and Quil.

"She didn't mean it, Jake. She's just a bit stressed out right now. She'll be calm in a little bit. Go ahead and finish eating. Make her happy that everyone liked her food." Uncle Billy had told them, though all I could do was roll my eyes.

      Of course, I'm stressed to the max. I mean, think about it. I was taken away from my brothers by a damn witch. I was brought into a world I never wanted to be in. I can barely remember anything from my past with my brothers, as it seems to be declining faster and faster. Sooner or later, I'm going to forget everything, but all I can hope is that I don't forget my brothers. They mean the world to me. The only thing keeping me from really freaking out is the fact that I may see my brothers again one day.

      I almost felt like I wanted to cry, as I threw myself on to my bed. I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to calm myself down. I threw my hands down on the bed as fists, as I thought about everything in my life right now. To think that in this life I could've had my parents, but even now they're dead. I could never catch a break. I could never see Mom again, which tears me up inside. I never blamed Sam, though she died protecting him. If anything, I really blamed Dad. He should've tried harder to save her. He was there, in the room with her, yet she was so easily ripped from our lives.

    I understand that she was killed by a demon, but every demon can be killed. At least, that's what we've learned so far. I wished that it was that easy though, but sadly it was not. As I laid in bed, I felt myself begin to fall asleep. Maybe sleeping would calm me down. All the stored anger from before was really getting to me. I needed to let it go before something bad happens. I didn't need to drag everyone down with me. There was no way I would be able to live with myself if I hurt anyone, even if they were the one that caused me to be angry...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, she's starting to get angry. Maybe she'll chill out though, once she forgets all of her past. With forgetting her past though, will she forget her brothers?

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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