Chapter Forty One

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*Dean's POV*

Having Freya back felt like a dream; a dream I didn't ever want to wake up from. I was a little disappointed that the moment she found us, she brought Paul, but I had to get use to seeing him. Paul was her imprint, and I doubted she'd ever let him slip through her fingers just because I wanted to hang out with her without him bothering us.

Freya looked way different from before. She was back to her teenage self, but she didn't have any of her scars, and she didn't look as tired. Honestly, she looked better, which hurt me to realize in the first place. I couldn't help but wonder if bringing her back into this life was even a good idea, but I wasn't going to leave her behind. I was leaving the choice up to her. If she wanted back in, especially after her argument with Sam Uley, I was going to welcome her with open arms.

Since she looked like her teenage self again, she wasn't exactly Sam's older sister anymore. It was a bit confusing, but it was also kind of funny. Every time she argued with Sam, and defended herself by saying she was his big sister, we'd laugh and tell her she was actually younger than both of us now. It was weird, but I was happy with it. The years she lost would make up for the little bit of time she was gone from mine and Sam's lives.

Paul came with us it seemed every couple of weeks or so. He didn't stay more than a week, but he wasn't gone very long either. When he was with us, he would ride in Baby and in the backseat with Freya, but when he wasn't Freya wouldn't lay down in the backseat and sleep while I was driving from place to place.

Honestly, I had been surprised that she had kept up with her fighting skills and weaponry skills while she was away, but nonetheless I was happy to see she remembered all of it. I wasn't too pleased about her tattoo though. I mean, I would've agreed to liking her tattoo before, but now that she was back to being a teenager, I wasn't too happy about it.

She had explained the tattoo, and told us that everyone in the pack had the same one on their arm. To prove a point, she showed us Paul's as soon as Paul had come back from the pack. I never really had too much against Paul, other than him being with my little sister, but I did not like that he seemed to never wear a shirt, unless we were outside of our hotel rooms and he had to wear one.

I did find it funny that he sucked at fighting monsters. Freya, Sam, and I were teaching him little bits at a time, but it was still funny sometimes to see him get beat up by a ghost or some other supernatural being. I didn't laugh out loud though, I only laughed when I was back in my hotel room without him and Freya, since I knew Freya would glare at me or throw an insult at me if I laughed at him.

Don't get it twisted, I was never afraid of my little sister. She's always had a glare that could send a shiver down anyone's spine, and her insults were really good if I'm honest, but now that she was a shapeshifter, I knew she could hit me and it would hurt a hell of a lot more than her punches did before. She's hit me plenty of times before when she was training or when she believed I deserved it, and the hits hurt, but those hits were definitely nothing compared to her strength now.

Another thing, her being a shapeshifter was different to me. I was use to shapeshifters being almost like a snake when they peeled off their skin to shift into someone else, but her kind were different. I didn't feel like her kind were dangerous like all other shapeshifters or supernatural creatures, but it could've been because she was my sister, and I was going to accept her in any way that she was. I wouldn't even care if she was a freaking zombie, I'd love her regardless.

One thing that made her different from everyone else, was that if anyone else turned into a monster, I'd kill them, even if it was with some hesitation, but with her, I would never be able to bring myself to put her down. She was my little sister, and pretty much my best friend, so I wouldn't be able to let her go. Hell, even Dad had a soft spot for her. He still trained her the same as he did Sam and I, but she was always going to be Dad's favorite.

I could still remember how angry he had gotten when we had lost her. He knew she could take care of herself, that was how he raised her, but he never wanted her to have to be put in a situation where she had to fend for herself. I understood though, because when I lost her, I felt like my heart had been ripped from my chest. I had been the one to lose her, and it hurt a hell of a lot more knowing that it had been involuntary my fault. Even if Sam said I couldn't blame myself, deep down I was always going to.

Having Freya back felt like a breath of fresh air. I could finally focus on a case again, sleep a few more hours in the night, and eat without feeling like I was going to be sick. When she was gone, I was practically a shell of my former self, but now I could go back to being who I use to be before. She was with me now, and I felt normal again. She was back, and not a damn thing was going to take her away from me...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, I figured you guys would want a chapter from Dean's point of view, explaining how he felt and what had been going on with him.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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