Chapter Twenty Seven

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      Paul and I were the only ones who didn't have patrol tonight. He and I were sitting out over the cliff, watching the waves in the moon light. Paul and I never had time to just relax and enjoy something like this, seeing as we were known as "badasses" who didn't ever enjoy romantic things, such as this.

"We should do this more often." I commented, and Paul nodded.

"Whenever Sam goes on patrol we can do this. I love spending time with you." He replied, and I smiled.

"I feel like so much weight has been lifted off of my shoulders ever since I told everyone about my brothers. I mean, my other life, since they're not my brothers in this life. I feel as if I'm free now, and can do anything without having to be careful and not reveal my secrets anymore." I said, and Paul chuckled.

"Yeah, but now we all have our own secrets that we hid from the humans." Paul commented, and I shrugged.

"That's not hard. I mean, c'mon, we can hide this." I answered, and he looked at me confused.

"What?" He asked, and I smirked.

     I quickly turned around and placed my lips on his, causing him to chuckle.

"Oh, this." He breathed, attaching his lips to mine once more.

       His hands went to my hips, as I pushed him to lay flat on the ground. His hands slowly rose into my shirt, as I slowly began to grind on him. In one swift movement, I ripped his shirt off, causing him to chuckle. He quickly switched our positions, so I was now laying flat on the ground underneath him. Biting my lip, I watched as he quickly ripped my shirt off. As our lips attached once more, we heard a howl in the distance.

"Damn it!" He exclaimed, as we both stood from the ground.

     We both quickly phased and ran towards the howl. When we arrived, Sam, Embry, and Jared were already there, making me sigh. I was looking straight at the new wolf, Jacob Black.

What's going on? What happened to me? He asked, which made me want to laugh.

You phased, Jacob. Sam said, making Jacob jump.

How can I hear you?! How can you hear me?! Jacob exclaimed, scared out of his wits.

We'll explain everything once we get to the pack house. You need to phase back. Sam stated, and Jacob groaned.

How do I do that?! He exclaimed, seeming to be a little irritated.

Think of your human form, dumbass. I retorted, causing Paul to laugh.

Freya! Sam scolded, causing Embry and Jared to laugh as well.

     Jacob phased back soon enough, as did the rest of us. Embry ran Jacob out some clothes, seeing as none of us wanted to see him naked, especially me. I was already irritated that he had kept Paul and I from having sex under the stars and by the beautiful water. It was all his fault, and nobody could change my mind on it either.

"Freya will be training you in hand to hand combat, as well as combat when phased. It'll be over her own schedule though, seeing as she does have patrol often, especially now since the red headed leech came into town." Sam stated, causing Jacob to frown.

"Why is Freya training me? She's a girl." He commented, causing Paul and I to growl.

"She may be a girl, but she's the strongest and she knows the most about combat. She'll tell you her story once she's ready. It is not our story to tell." Sam said, and I smiled.

      I didn't think Sam would be so understanding and respectful. I had believed that he was still pissed at me over the whole story. Maybe it wasn't that big of a secret anymore, but I knew he still wasn't happy that I kept it from him and the pack.

"Is this why you acted so rude to Bella?" Jacob asked, looking over at me.

"Jacob, I will tell you exactly what I told you before, I do not like Bella. She's a leech lover." I said, as Paul nodded in agreement.

"Well, that doesn't mean you have to be so rude about it. Besides, how do you think she'd feel knowing you hate her?" He asked, and I shrugged.

"I really don't care how she'd feel." I answered, as Paul smirked.

"You can not see Isabella again. You have phased and you are a danger to her until you can control your phasing and anger." Sam stated, and Jacob growled.

"What?! That's unfair!" He exclaimed, but Sam sighed.

"You could accidentally hurt her, Jacob. You would hate yourself if you did." Embry commented, causing Jacob to sigh and nod.

"You're right." He replied, and Embry smiled.

        When the questions seemed to fade, I laid against Paul and closed my eyes. I wasn't falling asleep, but I was trying to keep myself from ripping Jacob and Bella's heads off. Paul must've known, since he wrapped his arms around me securely.

"When did you and Paul become a thing?" Jacob asked, even though his question seemed backhanded.

"Once I phased. It was as if we were made for each other." I said, causing Paul to chuckle.

"Yeah, the universe became whole once we were together." Paul added, making Jacob scrunch up his face in disgust.

"Don't mind them, they're mean." Embry said, as Sam and Jared agreed.

"They're imprints. They imprinted on each other." Sam stated, causing Jacob to look at him with confusion written all over his face.

"What's an imprint?" He asked, and Emily smiled.

"Imprints are soulmates chosen by the ancestors; mates that are perfect for each other." Sam stated, and Jacob nodded.

"What's it like to imprint?" He asked, and we smiled.

"It's like the whole world stops, and your world begins to turn only because of them." Sam said, and I nodded.

"It's like every little thing that never made sense in your life, finally pieces together." I added, as Paul smiled.

"It's like they're the reason you're living. They're the reason you wake up every morning. They're the reason you're still breathing." Paul finished, as he hugged me close to him.

"Your imprint doesn't have to be your lover, they can be your friend, your sibling. Whatever they need or want, you will do to make them happy. You will protect them with your life, even if that means losing yours." Sam stated, as he kissed Emily's cheek.

       In this moment, I could tell, without a doubt, imprinting was pure bliss for us all...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. I was unsure of what to write, but then it all came to me in one quick moment. I hope it's as good as I thought. What do you guys think?!

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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