Chapter One

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Freya's POV:

"Freya, we've got a case." Sam said, as I walked out of the bathroom after showering from my sweaty night sleep.

      The hotel room happened to be quite hot this time, which irritated me a bit. I was use to the rooms being cold, so when we came into a hot room I was not very happy. Anyhow, I rubbed the water from my hair, as I walked closer towards Sam.

"What's the case?" I asked, as I sat down across from my brother.

"Well, there's been weird deaths and disappearances going on, and the only similarities between every victim is that they live in the same neighborhood." Sam said, while reading articles on his computer.

"Where's the case?" I asked, running my blue brush through my hair.

"A small town in Washington, close to Seattle." Sam answered, causing me to nod.

      Soon Dean walked into the room, carrying a take-out bag and a drink carrier holding mine, his and Sam's drinks. He set the stuff on the table, before pulling everything out and setting it in front of us. As we ate, Sam filled Dean in on our newest case.

"Luckily it's only like three hours away. We can leave as soon as we're done here." Dean stated, causing Sam and I to nod.

      Once we were done eating, Dean and I carried our bags and stuff out to the trunk, as Sam signed us out of our room. After each of us were done, we climbed into the car and Dean began to drive. The song playing was You Shook Me All Night Long by ACDC. I loved ACDC, as well as Motley Crue, Guns N Roses, even Bon Jovi rocked on occasion.

      After a little over three hours, we arrived at the small town, where we decided to go and talk to the neighbor first. Instead of all three of us talking to the neighbor, I went to the last victim's house. Of course, I made sure to have my badge with me, just in case I ran into a cop or other authority figure or neighbor that I would need to fake my confidentials.

"Be sure to check every corner of that house and be careful, we have no idea what we're going after right now." Dean stated, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Dean, I'm almost twenty five years old, I believe I know what to do on a hunt." I retorted, as he gave me his famous 'bitch' face.

"I know this, but things always happen when you're not prepared, Freya." Dean replied, making me smirk.

"What's the worst that could happen?" I joked, causing him to glare at me.

"Here," Sam began, before passing me a gun,"at least take this, just in case something goes wrong." He said, making a smile appear on my face.

"Don't worry, Sammy. I'll even bring my blade." I replied, as he nodded with a light smile.

"How come Sam can get you to be more careful, but I can't?" Dean asked, with his 'bitch' face still holding strong.

"He wasn't trying to force me. He's not treating me like a child, Dean." I stated, causing Dean to roll his eyes.

"Whatever, we've got to to get to work, otherwise we won't get nothing accomplished today." Dean said, as he walked away.

"He's just mad 'cause I'm right." I commented, causing Sam to chuckle.

"No you're not." Dean called back, as I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

      Anyhow, Dean and Sam walked to the neighbor's house, as I went over to the last victim's house. Not seeing anyone around, I picked the lock and went straight into the house. I looked around slightly, not seeing anything too out of the ordinary. There wasn't much difference in this house, as there was in most every other house we've ever been in. There was a few different things from a normal house, but it didn't help that the lady who lived here was single.

      As I went through each room, looking for anything out of the ordinary, I heard a noise in the closet. I bit my lip, knowing I really didn't want to go in there since I didn't know what could possibly be in there. I pulled my blade out, before walking over to the door and opening it. I jumped back, startled and holding my hand over my heart, as a small black cat jumped out from the closet.

"Damn cat." I muttered, as I walked away from the closet.

      I looked around the victim's room, seeing there really wasn't much of anything in there. That's when I seen she had an air vent above her bed. I climbed on to the bed, reached my arm up, and opened the vent. Looking inside, I seen something in the very back. I reached inside and grabbed what was in the back, pulling it out and seeing a hex bag. I sighed, knowing now that we were dealing with a witch. So, I pulled out my phone and called Dean.

D - Hello?

F - Dean, I know what we're dealing with.

D - Yeah, what's that?

F - Well, when I was sifting through her things, I didn't really find anything out of the ordinary. That's when I looked inside the vent in her room and---

      The phone was thrown out of my hand, scaring me as I was tossed across the room. I groaned, sitting up and seeing a lady standing in front of me.

"Took less time for you to figure me out than I anticipated, but here we are." The lady said, as she stepped closer to me.

"Who are you? Why did you kill all those people?" I asked, causing her to laugh.

"Oh honey, they had it coming. Just like you do." She said, as she raised her hand and began chanting.

"Freya! Freya! Answer me damn it! Freya!" I heard Dean's voice yell through the phone.

"Say goodbye to your brother, Freya Winchester." The lady said, as a smirk appeared on her face.

      I heard Dean yelling more through the phone, before the world slowly began to fade. The last thing I remembered was a bright light, before everything went black and I was unconscious...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, what do you guys think so far? I don't know if the first chapter was good enough, but the next chapters will be better.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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