Chapter Five

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Freya's POV:

"What's today?" I asked, as Jake sat beside me on my bed.

"Saturday, why?" He replied, causing me to shrug.

"I don't know, I guess my days are running together. I could've sworn it was Tuesday." I replied, making him chuckle.

"You're becoming forgetful in your old age." Jake joked, causing me to glare at him.

"Excuse me, I'm only sixteen." I retorted, trying to come up with an age that seemed believable with my younger body.

"Yeah, me too, but you're still old." He replied, causing me to roll my eyes.

"You're an idiot." I said, as I stood from my bed.

"Whatever you say, Winchester," He retorted, standing up as well, heading towards the door, before turning back towards me,"Do you feel like going down to the water with me? We can hang out with Embry and Quil." Jake asked, causing me to shrug.

"Sure, why not?" I replied, as I then went and grabbed myself a pair of socks.

     I slipped on my short, black socks, before slipping on my black combat boots. I loved boots a lot, which was pretty much all Dean and I would wear. Sam sometimes wore shoes, but you'd never catch Dean and I wearing shoes. Well, now I might wear shoes, though I really won't be use to wearing them. It was honestly weird to see the amount of shoes I had, when I originally only ever owned one pair until they fell apart, in which case, I'd go to the nearest store and buy another pair.

"You ready?" Jake asked, as he came down the stairs.

"Yeah, as soon as you are." I replied, though he gave me a weird look.

"Don't you need a jacket? It's cold outside." He commented, causing me to shrug.

"I would grab one, but I'm burning up. There's no reason for a jacket if I'm not going to be cold." I said, not missing the side glance Uncle Billy gave me once the words left my mouth.

"Alright, but if you get sick, I'll say 'I told you so.'" Jake replied, making me shrug.

"I'll come back and get one if I get cold." I retorted, before opening the front door.

    Anyhow, Jake and I left the house, walking out towards one of the houses to find Quil and Embry, Jake's friends and apparently mine as well. I don't know them, not yet anyhow, but apparently in this life I did. While walking around, I had a feeling that I knew this place, quite well actually, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. I wanted to ask Jake about this place so bad, but I couldn't do that without looking like I was crazy. There was no way I could ask him, so that meant I had to read through the diary some more and try to figure out everything I didn't know already. I tried to remember more of the stuff I read in the Twilight book, but it seemed the longer I was here, the more I forgot. Already, my mind was trying to forget about my past life. I hated it, and I hated the idea of forgetting my past, especially Sam and Dean. They were my brothers and I needed them, now more than ever, but it seemed that sooner or later, I may never even remember them.

"Jake! Freya!" Two voices exclaimed, causing me to look up and see two russet skinned boys with big smiles on their faces.

      I stared at them for a moment, before one of them came over and wrapped their arms around me.

"Embry! Don't hog Freya!" The other boy, which I assumed was Quil, exclaimed.

   Once Embry had let go of me, Quil wrapped his arms around me. After the hugs, which weren't as awkward as I thought they'd be, the four of us headed down towards the water.

"Where's your jacket? You're going to freeze to death." Embry commented, causing me to shrug.

"I'm not cold. Honestly, I went to put on my leather jacket, but I was way too hot and I couldn't deal with the extra heat." I replied, as I looked back at him.

      As we threw a football back and forth between the four of us, I seen a few guys walking up by the cliff. They began messing around, pushing each other and laughing, before one of them jumped off of the cliff. My eyes widened, though I quickly looked away and went back to playing with the football.

   "Freya!" I heard a voice yell, which almost sounded just like Dean's, except it was very distant.

      The voice caused me to lose my focus, which almost instantly became a bad move. As soon as my focus was off the football, it came right at me and hit me in the face. I fell backwards, holding my nose, feeling blood start to ooze out of it.

"Son of a bitch." I groaned, as the three boys came over to me with worried looks.

"I'm so sorry, Freya. Are you okay? What happened?" Quil asked, almost looking scared himself.

"I don't know. I thought I heard something. Did you guys hear anything?" I asked, causing them to shake their heads.

"No, are you sure you're okay? Do you need to go to the hospital? Does anything else hurt? Is your nose broken?" Jake asked, as I shook my head.

"No, I'm fine. It's not broken, it's just busted a bit. I'm going back to the house to clean up. I'll be back in a minute." I said, as Embry held his hand out to help me stand.

      Once I was on my feet, I began to walk back towards the house. As I made my way back, I felt a bit light headed. I just hoped it wasn't too bad of a bleed, otherwise I'd pass out from blood loss. I needed to clean up, otherwise too many questions were going to be asked that I wouldn't be able to answer...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. No lie, I did a lot of research for this book. I googled a lot of stuff about this book/movie series, so that I could try and correctly have some events and stuff happen. I still have more research to do, but I've already got a lot done.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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