Chapter Twenty

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Dean's POV:

    Weeks. It had been weeks since we had seen Freya. I hadn't even gotten any signs or anything from her. Sam read the stories, over and over again. There wasn't a sign of her trying to ask us for help.

"Dean, I'm telling you, the story doesn't change until she lives through that part. Right now, all I know is that she's with Sam's group and she's in some type of relationship with Paul. Of the things I've read, she's one of the shapeshifters now, the ones that could shift into wolves. Which means, she's Paul's imprint." Sam stated, causing me to look at him crazy.

"What the hell is an imprint?" I asked, needing to know what in the hell was wrong with my little sister.

"An imprint is a way that the universe, or in their case the ancestors, picked their soul mate. It's the person they're destined to be with for the rest of their lives. If they're apart, the imprints will feel sick and slowly it'll get worse until they're back together again." Sam answered, making me sigh.

"So you're telling me, that our sister has some type of soul mate bond with a guy named Paul, that we've never met?" I asked, causing Sam to nod.

"Yeah, not only that, according to what Jacob had said, both of them are hot headed and perfect for each other. From the little snippets I've been able to read about them, I really do think they're in love, or at least that she's actually happy, Dean. Maybe we shouldn't mess with her happiness." Sam said, as I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Are you serious right now, Sam? She's our sister. Why would we leave her in a world that she said she never wanted to be stuck in?" I retorted, causing Sam to sigh.

"Dean, she doesn't seem as unhappy with the world now as she was then. She has a soulmate, a pack that will protect her, and friends she couldn't possibly have in this life. I know you love her, I do too, but maybe we need to do what's right for her." Sam replied, as I frowned.

"Fine, we'll do whatever the hell you want, but when we find Dad, you are the one that gets to tell him where she is and tell him that we should just leave her there since she's happy." I spat, before getting up and storming out of the hotel room.

      I knew Sam was right in some way, since all I ever wanted was for Freya to be happy. She was my little sister though, and it hurt to know I wouldn't see her again. It felt as if I was giving up on her, even if we were doing it to keep her happy. I just wanted Freya to be happy, even if it was in some weird ass universe with some guy I never met. Thinking about it though, I could have Sam look into him, while trying to figure out just what kind of guy he really was.

"Sam!" I exclaimed, as I walked into the hotel room.

      Sam came out of the bathroom, giving me a bewildered look. I kept my gaze hard and stern, not letting Sam see that I had literally cried over our sister while sitting outside of our hotel room.

"What's up?" He asked, as he sat back down at the table where the books were sitting.

"We need to go to the library and look into Paul's character. Maybe we'll get an idea to who he really is and how he treats our sister." I stated, causing Sam to nod.

     He packed up the books, before the both of us headed out of the hotel room. We climbed into Baby, before I drove us down to the library. As soon as we got there, Sam went straight to the computers and typed in the character's name: Paul Lahote.

       As he read through the information, I learned a little bit about him. Such as his father left him when he was young. Reading about Freya as well, we learn both parents died and she had to live with Jacob and Billy Black. Sam read through each article, trying to find out as much as he could. Once he got to a certain article, he began to read it out loud.

"Paul Lahote is known to be a hot head, as is his imprint Freya Winchester. Paul and Freya are both easily angered, though they can calm each other down if need be. Even though Paul is a hot head, he'd never get mad at his imprint and never be able to put her in any danger. It is said, that both of them imprinted on each other, which means their imprint bond is much stronger than any other imprint in history. They love each other with all their hearts. Imprinting is like the whole world stops. The universe doesn't keep them living anymore, it's their imprint. Their imprint is the reason they live, breath and fight every day." Sam read, causing me to sigh.

"I guess maybe she is better off there, even if we miss her every day. It's not always what we want to happen, it's what's best for her is what needs to happen." I said, causing Sam to nod.

"I know it's hard Dean, but it's what Freya wants, it's what she needs." Sam stated, as he closed out of the computer.

     He walked around the library for a while, finding any books he may need later. As he looked around, I went out to sit in Baby. Sitting there by myself, all I could think about was Freya. She would make jokes with me, piss me off for fun, and hug me when either of us were upset. Now I couldn't see her anymore, she was living the life we always meant for her to have. Though, as I thought about her happiness, I couldn't keep from crying. Even though she was happy, I was dying inside...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, it's probably a bit sad, but now you guys know that Freya's brothers have decided to leave her where she is, for her own good.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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