Chapter Twenty Five

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Dean's POV:

      We had found where Dad was located, which was where Sam and I were headed at the moment. I was still so use to hearing Freya talking about finding Dad, but to not hear her made my heart ache. I know we had agreed on leaving her where she was better off, but I couldn't help but miss her dearly. I mean, hell, she had been in my life since I was almost one year old. She was my best friend, my partner in crime, my little sister, but there was a good chance I'd never see her again.

       Sam was reading the stupid Twilight story again, on the second book now, but not much progress had been made for her, at least, not that we had read. Every time we stopped at a library, we'd look her and Paul up to make sure she was still happy there. To even think that she was happier there than with with us, with me, crushed me so much that I would probably never recover from it. Honestly, it hurt more than anything else in my life, even Mom's death.

"Hey, you alright?" Sam asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, fine." I replied gruffly, as I gripped the steering wheel of Baby for a moment until my knuckles were white.

      I knew Sam missed Freya as well, but not as much as me. I doubted anyone could miss her as much as I did. She was my other half, but now all I had was Sam. If I lost Sammy, I don't know what I'd do. I wouldn't be able to survive without both of them. I was barely surviving without Freya, if anyone could even call this surviving. I mean, I was barely sleeping, always researching, and always worrying about Freya, rather she was happy or not without us, without me.

         Once we pulled up outside of the place Dad was staying, I shut off Baby, and then headed to the door with Sam. Dad opened the door once he knew it was us, though he didn't look exactly happy to see us. He looked tired, worn out, but he still seemed strong. I wished I could look like that at the moment, but I knew I looked horrible, as horrible as I felt inside.

"Where's Freya?" He asked, causing me to hold my breath.

"She's, uh, preoccupied with something right now." Sam replied, looking quite uncomfortable answering Dad.

"Really? Doing what?" He asked, before looking down at Sam's hand,"Why do you have a girl's romance novel?" Dad asked, confusion on his face.

"Well, um, I've been reading it-" Sam began, trying not to embarrass himself or give away the truth.

"Why?" Dad asked, almost seeming disgusted by the idea of reading the book series.

       Honestly, if Freya wasn't trapped inside of it, I would've never read the stories either. Though Freya was in them, I still disliked reading them. They were too cliche for me, which wasn't saying much. I mean, I hate chick flicks and everything of that nature, so of course the stories would be too cliche for me. Anyhow, after contemplating the many different lies we could've told Dad, though I wasn't sure if he'd believe them, I finally decided just to tell him the truth.

"Freya's in the book." I stated, causing Sam to look at me with wide eyes.

"Dean." Sam warned, but I shook my head.

"What do you mean Freya's in the book?" Dad asked, and I looked down at the floor.

      I felt tears rushing to my eyes, thinking of telling Dad that I had let him down. I had allowed a witch to take my sister away and banish her into a book series she hated with all her soul. I would have to tell him everything, all the way down to us leaving her there.

"We were working a case. Some witches were terrorizing this town we were in, so we were investigating. I let Freya go off on her own to investigate a house. I feel so stupid for it now, but I let her go. She was on the phone with me when she was attacked. By the time I got there, she-she was already gone." I said, tears falling down my face.

"Are you crazy?! You never let Freya go off on her own! Look what happens when you don't protect your sister!" Dad exclaimed, and I nodded, wiping tears off my cheek.

"I know, okay?! I know!" I retorted, causing him to sigh.

"Is she still there?" He asked, causing Sam to nod.

"We killed the witch, after she said she'd never tell us where Freya was, and that Freya was going to suffer for the rest of her life. We looked into getting her back though." Sam answered, making Dad glare at us.

"Well, why didn't you?!" He questioned, anger evident in his voice.

"She's happy there, Dad. Granted she is a shapeshifter, one that phases into a wolf, she's still happy. She has a pack that loves and protects her. She has an imprint. She's finally happy, and safer than she ever would've been with us." I stated, as another tear fell from my eye.

"What's an imprint?" He murmured, still sounding quite unhappy.

"It's like a soulmate. Once you meet that person, they're your everything. They say, it's like the universe doesn't hold you there, it's them. They're the reason you're living. She'll have the life she deserves, the family she deserves." Sam answered, as Dad sighs.

"What's his name?" He asked, and I sighed.

"Paul Lahote. He's a shapeshifter, too. They both imprinted on each other, meaning their bond is stronger than any other imprint. Separating them could cause more damage than any other had before." I said, bitterness in my voice.

"Is she happy?" He asked, making me nod slowly.

"Happier than she ever was here with us, with me. I miss her, so damn much. It hurts to not have her with us. God, I'm still not use to her being gone. It's hard not to fall apart without her, every single day." I answered, as Dad sighed.

        Dad went to comfort me, but I just shook my head and walked outside. I stood outside of the door, letting tears fall from my eyes. I ran my hands through my hair, trying to calm myself down. I could feel myself getting angrier, as I thought about my sister. It hurt more and more. It was like a knife in my chest, which dug deeper with each breath. I felt myself wanting to scream, but instead I pulled my arm back and swung as hard as I could at the soda machine, managing to shatter the front of it. I could barely take it. She was gone, and I didn't know if I'd ever get her back...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. What do you guys think?! The video in the media is kind of sad, but goes with Dean's feelings and such right now, so go ahead and check it out.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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