Chapter Twenty Six

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Freya's POV:

      As the days went on, I could tell that the pack had finally settled with all of the information I had told them. Sam and I had trained together, mostly to prove that I actually had good combat skills. I had also trained with the rest of the pack to see how well they were in hand to hand combat, as well as in their wolf forms. I needed them to be as strong and fast as I was.

"Sam believes Jacob will be phasing today." Paul commented, causing me to groan.

"I don't even want to see that dumbass." I grumbled, causing him to chuckle.

"I know, but he'll be part of the pack soon. You'll have to train him just like you've trained the rest of the pack." He said, and I scowled.

"I should just let him get his ass best in combat." I retorted, and he laughed loudly.

"If only, but Sam wouldn't allow that, especially after the bombshell you dropped on him. He'd probably have a coronary if he seen or heard you reject Jacob's training." He commented, as I rolled my eyes.

"Serves him right, especially since Jacob was a complete dick the last time I seen him." I replied, and Paul snorted.

      Paul and I walked down from our room and went straight to the table for breakfast. Sam was still out patrolling with Jared, so it was only Paul, Embry, Emily and I. Sam and I were going to patrol tomorrow, seeing as there was a chance that Jacob could phase by then. We needed to be ready to control him, since we didn't know exactly what time he'd phase. Even if I was completely angry with Jacob, I didn't want him to phase and be scared of something happening to Jacob.

"Good morning, you two. Have fun making babies last night?" Embry asked jokingly, causing Paul and I to glare at him.

"Shut up, Embry. I will kick your ass." I retorted, and he chuckled.

"If she doesn't, I definitely will." Paul added, causing Embry's eyes to widen.

"You'll be beat up by both of them if you're not careful." Emily commented, making us chuckle.

     Emily quickly served us breakfast, which we stuffed in our faces almost immediately.

"Did Sam tell you about the red head we're supposed to be finding?" Embry asked, causing me to shake my head.

"No, I've been too busy teaching combat for him and I to have any time to talk." I replied, as Paul nodded in agreement.

"Well, I'm not even sure if I'm supposed to talk about it with you guys now." He said, and I rolled my eyes.

"Wolf's out of the bag, man. You might as well tell us." Paul retorted, as Embry chuckled.

"Fine, apparently, the red head has been hanging around Forks and roaming the woods recently. We're not sure yet who she's after, but once we know, it should be easier to track her down and end her." Embry stated, as we nodded.

       It didn't take a rocket scientist to know the red head was a Cold One, but if she seemed to be on such a mission, there had to be a reason that she was around. If it has anything to do with the Cullens, I'm going to be pissed. It seems ever since they came back to Forks, everything has turned bad. I wouldn't have phased if it wasn't for them coming back. Though, if they never came back and I never phased, I never would've met Paul. I guess I do have to thank them for something.

"I bet that leech is around because of the other leeches in Forks." Embry commented, as Paul nodded in agreement.

"I thought they left." Emily mused, and I shrugged.

"Not sure, but there's a chance they're still the reason the leech is around. She doesn't have a good enough reason to be here, especially since Embry said the leech is on a mission." I replied, crossing my arms under my chest.

"When I get my hands on the leech, I will end her." Paul said, and I could feel his anger slowly rising.

       I placed my hand on his arm, feeling his anger slowly dissipating. Sighing to myself, I stood from the table and grabbed my empty plate. I grabbed Paul's as well, placing them in the sink to be washed later. Once our dishes were put away, I headed upstairs to have a shower and get dressed. I knew I was going to be patrolling tomorrow, but a shower each day was something I always planned to have.

       Standing in the shower letting the water cascade through my hair and down my back, I could hear the rain pounding on the roof of the pack house. I loved to listen to the rain, even though it rained often, the rain was soothing. Rain felt amazing on my skin, especially since my skin was always so hot. The rain seemed to cool both my body and anger down, as long as I was sitting in the rain alone, or with Paul.

       After showering, I threw on a pair of shorts and a vest top, before brushing my hair and slipping on a pair of combat boots. I never really put on makeup anymore, seeing as it never stayed since I phased often. When I first ended up here, away from my brothers, I would put on makeup to look a bit more presentable, but now I really didn't care. I knew Paul loved me either way, so I didn't worry about making myself look flawless.

      Looking out the window into the woods behind the pack house, I could see the rain cascading down the window. The scenery was beautiful, something I didn't enjoy often. If only Dean could hear the chick flick moment going on in my head, he'd laugh at me and call me a "bitch." I honestly miss my brothers, more than anything in the world, but I doubted I'd ever see them again...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. I've been a little busy, but I sure do hope this update made up for it.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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