Chapter Eleven

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Freya's POV:

    The next day, Jake had come home early from school. For some reason, the school only had a half a day. I hated when school was only half a day, since it felt like they weren't teaching the kids enough for them to learn much of anything. I still didn't know how I even had the chance to graduate early with all of their half days at school.

     Anyhow, Uncle Billy wanted Jake and I to hang out. He had said that we hadn't been getting along lately, and he hoped that if we spent one-on-one time together without any interruptions, maybe we'd get back into the range of being friendly again. Now, I've never told an elder that they were wrong, but at that moment I wanted to tell Uncle Billy that he was completely wrong.

"Do you want to work on the truck, or you want to toss a football?" Jake asked, causing me to shrug.

"Doesn't matter to me." I replied, making him sigh.

"I guess we can start with football, since I know you like that way better than working on cars." Jake commented, causing me to nod.

    Jake grabbed the football from the counter top, before we both ran outside. We stood in the middle of the field, getting ready to toss the ball back and forth. I looked over and seen Sam watching us from a far, though I had recently become use to it. His intense stare didn't bother me anymore. Anyhow, Jake tossed the ball at me, which I easily caught from the air.

"You've got to throw better than that, Jacob. Be a man." I taunted, knowing it would make him agitated.

"You're telling me to be a man, yet you're the one acting like one." He retorted, causing me to sarcastically laugh.

      I tossed the ball at him, which went way over his head. He had to run a bit to catch it, before he was even able to throw it back. I could see the concentration on his face, as he tossed the ball as hard as he could. Still I caught the ball, making him groan, causing me to laugh.

"I've got to ask you something." He said, as I tossed the ball back at him.

"What?" I asked, wanting to laugh again as he had to run for the ball.

"Do you not like Bella?" He asked, as he tossed the ball back at me.

"I don't know, Jake,"I replied, sighing slowly,"she just kind of irritates me."

"Why? She didn't do anything to irritate you. She barely even talked." Jake commented, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Jake, you don't understand. She literally irritated me with the way she was. She was so awkward and clumsy. I've never been able to deal with anyone like that, so to meet her, it was a bit annoying to me." I said, as he pursed his lips.

"That's literally the most conceited thing I've ever heard from you." Jake retorted, making me mad.

"Are you serious?! You have literally been so rude to me lately for no reason! I've done nothing to you! All of a sudden I don't like someone and I'm the bad guy! It's literally the only time I ever decided I didn't like someone and this is how you treat me!" I exclaimed, causing him to throw the ball to the ground and stalk over to me.

"I've been nothing but nice to you! All of a sudden you're being a bitch and it's not anyone's fault but you're own!" Jake yelled, causing me growl.

    I was breathing heavy and trying so hard not to attack Jake, but when he stepped up in my face, I couldn't help myself. I pushed him away from me, successfully knocking him to the ground. He looked at me shocked, as I glared down at him.

"Hey!" I heard yells, before someone grabbed me.

     I quickly looked up, seeing one of Sam's friends. I believe it was Jared, as Sam stood in front of me, between Jake and I.

"You need to calm down." Sam stated, as he looked directly in my eyes.

"What the hell! What are you even doing here Sam?!" Jake exclaimed, as he stood to his feet.

"I'm here to keep Freya calm, Jacob." He stated, though Jacob glared at him.

"All your little group does is cause problems. I bet you're the reason she's been all bitchy and rude, huh?" Jake spat, making me lowly growl.

     I began to breath heavily again, causing Jared to pull me away.

"Whoa, whoa, where are you taking her?" Jake asked, as Jared pulled me away.

"I'm getting her to calm down." Sam stated, before Jared and I were in the woods.

"Fine! You can keep her! Maybe she'll be less of a bitch!" Jake yelled, and that was it.

     In moments, everything changed. I couldn't hold it in anymore. Jared was standing in front of me, with wide eyes, though he didn't look frightened to worried. I looked down and seen I was now standing on four paws, which scared the hell out of me.

  Calm down. You'll be alright. -Sam's voice rang in my head, as Jared now stood in front of me as a wolf.

   What's happening to me? -I asked, more scared than I had ever been.

  I'll explain everything later. We need to get you to shift back. -Sam answered, as he walked closer to me.

  How do I do that? -I asked, as I looked at both him and Jared.

   Just think of yourself as your human form. Calm down. I'll have Emily bring you some clothes, once you've phased back. -He said, before I breathed slowly and began to calm down.

      Once I felt calm, I was able to picture myself as human. Slowly, I felt myself phasing back, before I was now standing naked behind a tree.

"I would like some clothes now, please." I called, not showing myself to either of them.

"Emily will bring you some in a moment, Jared and I are leaving. Stay where you are and Emily will be out here." Sam stated, before he and Jared ran off.

       Now how in the hell would I be able to understand that I could phase into a big ass wolf? There was no explanation for this...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, she's finally phased. How well do you guys think she'll take Sam's news. Her wolf is in the media.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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