Chapter Forty Seven

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*Freya's POV*

Sam, Dean, and I went back on hunts like normal. It almost seemed as if nothing had really changed. I mean, I could tell there was an impending apocalypse hanging over our heads, but for the most part, nothing really changed. I didn't let any of the news slip to Paul when I was on the phone with him, since I didn't want him telling Sam or anyone else in the pack. I knew it was cause major problems, so it all stayed a secret.

The cases all seemed normal, until we came to one that was crazy. There was town where people were pretty much eating each other during sex. It was weird, and oddly enough, it didn't seem like anything we've ever dealt with before. So, the boys and I headed straight to the town. Since I still looked rather young, the boys had to be the investigators, while I stayed in our hotel and did research.

While doing the research though, I kept finding more and more weird things in the town. Dean had come back and picked me up, and we went to a diner for dinner. I wondered what was going on when I seen all the people seemingly sexually attracted to each other in every turn of the building. My eyes widened when I seen Castiel eating a burger, when he never ate anything before. Angels didn't need food, so I was really confused.

When we went back to the hotel, I continued to do as much research as I could. Castiel appeared later with a bag full of burgers. He swore we were dealing with a Cupid, which honestly made me laugh. I thought Cupids were fake, and diaper wearing babies, not angels. So, Castiel brought us to where the Cupid was to confront him.

"Oh dear god." I murmured, turning into Dean's chest, when I seen the fat, naked man in front of us.

I almost screamed when he came over and hugged Dean and I. Castiel said it was Cupid's way of greeting and such, but that didn't make anything better. I couldn't even look at him when we had to interrogate him. Apparently though, he didn't know about the people he had chosen eating each other. Then he swore that the Cupids were behind mine and Paul's happiness, which made me secretly roll my eyes. He also claimed that they had made Mom and Dad be together, which I didn't want to believe, but according to him in was destiny.

Anyway, once we knew it wasn't him, we kept looking into more possibilities. Sam started acting weird as well, and he was craving demon blood. I didn't seem to crave anything, and neither did Dean. Once Castiel realized what was going on, he figured out who it was. We were dealing with one of the Four Horsemen, Famine. We had already handled War weeks ago, when everyone seemed to be at each other's throats thinking they were demons, but now we had another one.

The plan was that Castiel would go and get the ring and it would be all over, but that didn't happen. Instead Dean and I had to go into do it ourselves. We watched as Castiel seemed to eat as though he was starving, and our brother drink the blood of demons. We were disgusted to say the least, but there wasn't much we could do. Sam tried to use his magic on Famine, but it didn't work. He was able to use it on the demons Famine ate though, which made Famine weak.

Once we had gotten Famine's ring, the four of us went back to the hotel room. The room was destroyed, but we had to get our things. As soon as we had the chance, we booked it out of town and headed as far from the area as we could. I wanted to do research to figure out why they couldn't do much without their rings, but I'd have to wait.

When we arrived in another town, Dean booked another hotel room for a few nights. Once we had settled, I recieved a message from Paul asking where I was. I gave him my location, before Dean and I decided it was time to talk to Sam.

"Look, guys, I'm fine now. Whatever Famine did to my head is gone." Sam said, causing me to frown.

"I'm not saying it isn't, Sammy, I'm just wondering how far before you end up thirsting for it again. I'm not saying you will definitely, but I'm wondering if things get too rough, if you'll try to use the blood again to try and win this war." I commented, causing Sam to shake his head.

"That's not going to happen. I promised I would stay away from it. Famine was the reason this happened, and I promise it won't happen again." He replied, and I simply nodded.

I didn't know if I trusted Sam, but I wanted to trust everything that he said. Dean left soon after to get food, as I tried to do more research on the Horsemen's rings. While doing research, I learned about the Horsemen, but I didn't find too much on their rings. I just knew that each Horsemen was worse and worse for the planet. As I was reading another article, I heard a knock on the hotel door. Standing up, I walked over and opened the door. Paul was standing outside, so I let him in, and pulled him into a hug.

"What are you doing here?" I asked,"You're not supposed to be here for another week." I commented, causing Paul to sigh.

"We need your help. Things are about to turn real bad, and Sam sent me to get you. He said he wouldn't have, but we have strength in number." He said, and I nodded.

"Let me wait to say goodbye to Dean and Sam together; explain a few things, then we can go." I replied, sighing quietly.

I didn't know what to expect, but I was worried it wouldn't be anything good...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, Paul came to get Freya to help the pack!

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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