Chapter Forty Three

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*Freya's POV*

At the restuarant I had decided to wait to see how Dean's wish had turned out. He had gotten the food he had wished for, but it seemed to give him food poisoning. So, after seeing his wish somewhat fail, I had decided against wishing for anything myself.

"We're going to go find the reason these wishes are coming true," Sam began,"Are you coming with us?" He asked, but I shook my head.

"No, I'll just do some more research about the town. Maybe something weird will pop up that gives us some answers." I replied, and the boys nodded.

"Your laptop is in my bag. You left it on the bed at the last hotel. You're lucky I grabbed it." Dean commented, causing me to roll my eyes slightly.

"Thank you, Dean." I answered sarcastically, before the two boys left.

Once I heard Baby start up and drive away, I began to rush around the room to try and find what Sam and Dean were hiding from me. I didn't quite know what to expect, but I knew they were hiding something. I went through Dean and Sam's bags, making sure to put everything away how I found it; Sam's bag neat, Dean's bag messy, but with a bottle of booze stashed under the clothes.

After almost an hour, I still hadn't found anything. I didn't know what I was really looking for either, but I knew if it was something out of the ordinary, I would've been able to find it. I made sure to do a little research on the town, and I found that some dude had gotten engaged to a lady who was way out of his league. According to the article, she said it was like she had fallen in love with him at first sight, which had been weird, since she swore she had never seen him before, but he was born and raised in the town and went to the same school as her. I emailed the article to Sam, before getting back up to search.

Knowing the boys would eventually be back, I decided to go to the local market and pick up some things. I knew we'd only be in the town for a couple more days, so I just grabbed a couple of things from the store; beer, snacks, soda, and pie. I also bought a few things to cook, since I knew it had been a while since we had food cooked for us, other than diner food. Well, Paul brought cookies and stuff every time he came back, only because Emily refused for me to only eat diner food and gas station snacks.

One time she sent a entire pan full of homemade lasagna. The boys and I ate all of it in one night, since we hadn't had homemade food in a while, and Emily was an amazing cook. Paul was surprised that Dean could eat almost as much as us, but I reassured him that Dean had always been able to eat a lot, especially if it was something he really liked. I sometimes made pie when I lived with Sam and Emily, so I knew one day I'd need to make Dean a homemade pie.

Anyhow, once I had gotten back to the hotel room, I put away all of the groceries, before I started making dinner. It wasn't anything extravagant, but it wasn't diner food either. I had decided to make grilled cheese and tomato soup, with salad on the side. Obviously I knew Dean wouldn't eat the salad, but Sam definitely would. I almost wondered if Sam was completely a vegetarian or something, but the only reason I knew he wasn't was because he ate sausage on pizza.

By the time I was finished cooking, I heard Baby pull up outside of the hotel room. Moments later, Sam and Dean came inside. They both smelt the food, before looking over at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"What made you decide to cook?" Dean asked, as he sat down at the table and opened a beer.

"I use to always cook with Emily, and I guess I miss cooking sometimes." I replied, before placing everything on the table.

"So, the article you sent me pretty much helped us figure out who was behind everything. The guy you seen in the picture, he's the one who made the first wish. Tomorrow we'll be going and seeing how he made the wish come true." Sam said, and I nodded.

"I knew something was off, since that lady was way out of his league." I murmured, causing Dean to chuckle.

"I said the same thing." He replied, smirking slightly.

Once they had finished eating, I picked up everything and cleaned up. Dean went and took a shower, while Sam sat down in front of the tv. As soon as he was sitting down, I walked over and sat down next to him. I stared at him for a moment, causing him to look over and sigh.

"What?" He asked, and I crossed my arms.

"You and Dean are hiding things from me. I can practically smell it, so tell me what you're hiding." I said, causing him to scoff and chuckle nervously.

"We're not hiding anything from you, Freya. You're being paranoid." He replied, and I nodded.

"Alright, fine," I began, uncrossing my arms,"if you're not hiding anything, let me see the paper you and Dean were reading earlier, and you wouldn't let me hear." I commented, but he shook his head.

"What paper?" He asked, standing up to back away.

"Quit lying to me! I know you're lying! Why are you lying?!" I exclaimed, standing up as well.

"I'm not, Freya. I-I" He stuttered, as I practically stomped my way over to him.

"You are!" I yelled,"Why?! Why can't I be trusted?! I'm your sister, and I not trustworthy enough anymore?! Do you guys not trust me?! Have I been gone so long you guys don't believe in me?!" I cried, as Sam stared at me with wide eyes.

"Freya--" He began, but I cut him off with a shake of my head.

"No, don't Sam. You guys just aren't the same brothers I had before," I murmured, walking towards the door,"I get it. I was gone for a long time, and you don't know if I can be trusted. I guess the same thing came be said for the both of you." I added, before opening the door.

I walked out and slammed the door behind me, before I ran to the woods. I quickly slipped out of my clothes, then shifted into my wolf. I picked my clothes up with my teeth, and ran far into the woods. They had lied to me, kept secrets from me, and I just needed to find out why...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, a couple things will happen that didn't happen in this episode of the show, obviously, so I'm just forewarning you guys.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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