Chapter Thirty One

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      Waking up the next morning, I couldn't get the dream out of my head. I was scared that Dean would try and take me away from this world, but I was also scared of never seeing Dean and Sam again. I wished I was able to speak to Sam last night as well, but sadly that didn't happen. It would've been so much better to speak to both of my brothers, but speaking to Dean did make everything a little better. At least, it took away some of the stress I had been feeling recently.

"Goodmorning, want to talk about last night?" Paul asked, causing me to furrow my eyebrows.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, trying to act oblivious to the obvious.

"You looked like you were having a nightmare last night." He commented, causing me to sigh.

"Want the truth, before Sam ends up practically forcing it out of me?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Freya, you know I'm here for you, no matter what." He replied, and I smiled softly.

"Well, last night I had a dream about Dean. He and I were able to talk to each other. It was as if we were in the same world. We were able to talk about what was going on, and he even told me that he was trying to get me back." I said, causing Paul to frown.

"But if you leave, you'll be leaving me." He murmured, but I quickly shook my head.

"No, Dean is going to try and find a way to bring our world into theirs, but if he can't, he'll try to bring the both of us to theirs. I don't want to leave you, Paul." I replied, making him sigh.

"What about the pack? What if Dean can only bring you back?" He asked, causing me to look away from him.

      I knew it seemed selfish, but I didn't even think about the pack. I wanted to be with my brothers again, even if that meant leaving the pack behind. I didn't want to leave Paul behind though, he meant way to much for me. There was no way I'd ever find someone as perfect for me as Paul is.

"Selfishly enough, I really didn't think about the pack." I said, causing him to scowl.

"Freya--" He began, before I cut him off.

"Are you serious right now, Paul? How would you feel if you had two brothers, but you were taken from them--from your own world--and dragged into a complete different one; never allowed to see your brothers again?" I asked, sighing slightly,"I have the chance to see my brothers again, and you have the audacity to think I'd choose them over my own brothers?"

"Freya, I understand what you're saying, but the pack is your family, too." He commented, making me nod.

"I know, and I care for them deeply, I do, but my brothers are my family. I've been with them my whole life. I don't want to lose the chance to ever see them again." I said, making him frown.

"So, if you were given the chance to go back, even if that meant leaving all of us, including me, would you leave?" He asked, causing me to look away.

      I didn't want to leave Paul. I had talked to Dean about Paul, telling him I wanted Paul around, but I couldn't help but wonder who I'd really choose when push comes to shove. Would I choose my brothers? Would I choose Paul? The pack? The answers weren't easy, but neither were the questions. I really cared for them all, but my brothers and Paul were the most important people in my life.

"Truth be told, Paul, I wouldn't easily be able to choose between you and my brothers. I love all three of you, and it's hard to even think I'd ever have to choose between the three of you." I said, causing him to sigh.

"Even though they're your brothers, I have the naive hope that you'd choose me over them, since I'm your imprint, your soulmate. I guess we'll have to wait and see how naive my hope really is." He commented, getting out of bed and leaving the room.

       I placed my head in my hands, as I pulled my knees to my chest. I knew the choice would tear me apart, not including the choice I made. Whoever I hurt would despise me forever, which scared me more than anything I could even consider. Paul was my imprint, but my brothers were my family. I almost laughed at how ironic the situation seemed to be. After everything I had been through, this was going to be the moment that broke me.

       I wondered how much Sam and the pack would hate me for leaving, especially if I took Paul with me, or if they'd even remember us. I wondered if any recollection of us would disappear if we left, but I doubted that would be the case. I never seemed to have that type of luck. I knew if I left Paul behind, he would feel the hurt of our imprint bond, but in my world I would not. I wouldn't even have the chance to feel such pain, but Paul would feel it all.

      I even considered the choice of staying, but I couldn't make that choice if I was given it. The only reason I'd stay in Forks would be if my world was brought into theirs. I almost doubted the two worlds could be collided, but then I remembered how much crazy things were already in their world, ours merging wouldn't be that different. I could only hope the worlds would merge, otherwise I'd have the worst choice of my life. This choice would determine how happy I'd be. It would determine how happy I'd make other people. The question was, would I be able to choose Paul over my brothers, or would I leave behind my only chance at happiness for my brothers...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. I was going to update this chapter tomorrow, but I decided to post it early. What do you guys think?! Who should she choose if given the choice of one or the other?!

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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