Chapter Forty Nine

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*Dean's POV*

I didn't want her to leave. I felt that if she left, I knew something was going to happen to her. I wouldn't be there to save her, and I'd lose her again. She was my little sister, and I'm supposed to be the one there to help her. I knew she was just doing what was right, but I didn't like it. I wasn't happy about it, and I knew that she knew this. She promised she'd come home though, and I was holding her to that promise. I don't know what I would do if she didn't come back.

*If Alice's Vision Had Happened*

Dean paced the hotel room back and forth, as Sam sat at the table. Sam had tried multiple times to get Dean to calm down. He knew Dean was worried about their sister, but there wasn't anything they could do but wait on her to come back. She promised, and neither brother was willing to believe she'd ever break that promise.

Hours later, the two heard a quiet knock on the door. When Dean opened the door and only seen Paul, his heart plummeted into his stomach. He knew something was wrong, but he didn't quite know what.

"Where is she? What happened?" He asked, his voice deep and full of emotion.

"I--she's gone. There were too many leeches, and they killed her. They killed more than one of us." Paul said, tears in his eyes.

In seconds, Dean grabbed Paul hy his shirt and threw him against the wall. Sam tried to stop him, but he knew Dean was over emotional and wouldn't let Sam get in his way.

"You were supposed to protect her! You were supposed to bring her back! You knew something could happen, but you did nothing!" Dean exclaimed, his eyes hard.

"I'm sorry," Paul whimpered,"I tried so hard to save her. I love her so damn much, and now she's gone. I don't know what to do." He cried, causing Dean to let him go.

"She promised she'd come back." Dean whispered to himself shaking his head.

"I can't live without her, Dean. I-I just can't. I need you to send a message to the pack later, telling them that I couldn't live without. I just--she's all I had. She was my soulmate, and without her, I'm nothing. I made a promise to her that I'd tell you two if anything happened, but I never promised what would happen to me after," Paul said, his voice shaky,"I'm sorry for not protecting her, and for letting her down. It's all my fault, and I can't live with that guilt. I'm sorry to lay all of this on you two, but you won't have to see me again. I'm going to leave, and I hope to join her, wherever she is." He added, heading towards the door.

Dean couldn't let him go. Paul was Freya's one true love. He was everything to her, and if that meant Dean had to save him, he would. Dean was going to make his sister proud, and one way was going to be protecting Paul, even if it was protecting him from himself. Dean grabbed the boy, seeing the fresh tears running down his face, before he pulled him into his arms.

"Don't go. She would never forgive me for letting you leave. You're staying with us, until the very end." Dean said, as Paul cried into his shoulder.

Sam cried to himself, but he knew what Dean was doing was the right thing. They had to save Paul from himself, and they were going to be with him until the end of the line.

*End of the What If Section*

As the day grew into night, I could feel my heart beating faster and faster. I was terrified that something happened to my sister. Sam had left and grabbed food, but I couldn't even force myself to eat. I felt as though I'd throw up the food if I even put it in my mouth. Moments later, when I heard the handle of the door turning, I quickly jumped up from my seat at the table.

"I'm back, like I promised." She said, before I wrapped my arms around her.

"If you ever do that again, I'm going to freaking kill you myself." I commented, and she laughed.

"I'm back for good, and Paul's staying as well. I hope you don't mind." She replied, causing me to groan.

"I guess I'll deal with him; whatever makes you happy." I answered, and she smiled.

I watched as she went and hugged Sam, as Paul walked over to me.

"There wasn't a fight. Luckily, the leeches left before anything could happen. They might be a problem in the future, but that'll be a problem for the packs and the Cullens. Freya and I are done with that life for good. From now on, we're hunters all the way." Paul said, causing me to nod.

"Thank you, for uh, for protecting my sister," I murmured,"She means everything to Sam and I, and I don't know what we would've done without her." I added, glancing over at my sister.

"It's not a problem, Dean. She's my soulmate, I'd do anything for her." He replied, and I felt a smile try to grow on my face.

This boy was meant for my sister. I might not have been happy with him at first, but he made everything good for her. When she needed someone, he was there. He was her soulmate, and she would always have him to lean on, even if she doesn't have me. I knew that if I were to die one day, she would have him and Sam. She would have someone to love her, watch out for her, and take care of her. She was the princess of our little family, and I knew that Paul would treat her as one. He was a good guy...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, one chapter left. What do you guys think?!

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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