Chapter Nine

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Freya's POV:

    A few hours later, I woke up and it was pitch black in my room. Sighing, I pulled myself out of bed and went to my bedroom door. Quietly opening the door, I realized that there wasn't any noise coming from downstairs. So, I snuck my way down the stairs, seeing that everyone was gone or asleep. I seen that Embry was passed out on the couch, which made me wonder why he had stayed the night. Instead of waking him, I made my way into the kitchen and seen that everything was cleaned up. Looking over, I seen a piece of paper stuck to the fridge. I plucked it from the magnet, reading what it had said.


       We're sorry about the teasing. Normally you'd be okay with the teasing and you'd do it back to everyone, but we've realized that you seem a bit stressed out. It's come to our attention that you're not feeling the same right now, so we're going to try and make everything easier on you. We hope you come with us to see Bella tomorrow, but if not, you can stay back with Embry and Quil. Either way, you'll see them later tomorrow anyhow. They're going to be around more to keep you from being so stressed out. We all love you and only want what's best for you.

Love, Uncle Billy, Jake, Embry and Quil

P.s. Your dinner is in the fridge, you can heat it up when you wake up. We knew you'd be up some time during the night hungry, since you didn't eat earlier.'

      Smiling lightly, I folded the note up and stuck it in my pocket, before opening the fridge and pulling my plate out of the fridge. I placed the plate in the microwave, heating it up to eat. When the microwave beeped, I seen Embry shoot up on the couch. Once he seen me in the kitchen, he got up and walked into the kitchen, whilst rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, as he sat down across from me.

"Hungry." Is all I could answer, since my stomach felt empty.

"I bet, I don't believe you have eaten since breakfast." Embry commented, causing me to nod.

"Yeah, I've been starving all day, but I didn't want to fix lunch if nobody else was hungry." I said, making Embry bite his lip.

"Are you going with them to see Bella in the morning?" He asked, as I shrugged.

"I guess. Might as well see the girl that Jake seems so interested in." I replied, causing Embry to chuckle.

"I thought I was the only one who realized Jake had feelings for a girl he hadn't seen in years." Embry commented, causing me to smirk and shake my head.

"Well, I'll let you know if I see his heart eyes after he sees Bella." I said, as Embry chuckled again.

     After I was done eating, I washed my plate and placed it in the strainer. I then looked over at Embry, and seen he was headed back over to the couch to lay down.

"Ya know, you can come sleep in my room. I promise you won't get in trouble." I said, making Embry blush slightly.

"Are you sure?" He asked, causing me to chuckle.

"I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't sure." I replied, as I shut off the light in the kitchen once more.

     Embry followed me up the stairs to my room, before I closed the door behind us and we both laid down. Embry pulled the blanket over himself, getting comfortable in the bed.

"Are you not going to cover up?" Embry asked, as he looked over at me.

"I don't need the blankets. My body heat is enough for me." I replied, causing him to chuckle.

"More for me." He joked, before turning over and wrapping himself deeper in the blankets.

       Slowly enough, Embry and I both fell asleep. The next morning, I woke up to Jake shaking me. I threw my arm out at him, successfully hitting him in the side, causing him to groan and stop shaking me.

"Dad told me to wake you up, he didn't say you'd break my bones." Jake complained, as I opened my eyes and seen the scowl on his face.

"Hey, I didn't ask you to wake me up." I retorted, as he rolled his eyes.

"Why is Embry asleep in here anyway?" He asked, as I stood up from my bed.

"I found him passed out on the couch last night. We talked while I ate dinner and then I invited him to sleep on an actual bed instead of an old couch." I replied, making him bite his lip with a nod.

"You going to leave him in here while we go see Bella?" He asked, as we walked out of the room.

"Yeah, it's not like he's going to steal my stuff. I can just beat him up and take it back." I answered, closing my door quietly behind us.

        I had already been dressed since last night I never changed, so I didn't have to put on more clothes. Well, until I seen Billy who shook his head with a laugh.

"Don't tell me you're wearing the same clothes today." He commented, causing me to shrug.

"It's only to see Bella." I replied, as Jake rolled his eyes.

"Go change." Jake retorted, causing me to growl, but I slowly made my way to my room.

     I grabbed an outfit, before making my way into the bathroom. Jake had always been a pain in the ass, but now that Bella was involved, he seemed to be even more annoying. Thinking about him only made me more irritated, I felt almost angry at him. Growling, I threw my dirty clothes on the floor, yanking on a new pair of pants and a t-shirt. Once I had my new clothes on, I looked at the mirror to do my hair, before I  practically screamed in fright. I watched my eyes change colors, more noticeably than anything I've seen before. Something was wrong with me and I had no idea what was going on...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, she can tell she's changing, but will she be able to deal with it?

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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