Chapter Four

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Freya's POV:

      I woke up around the time the sun was just starting to rise, making me wonder when exactly I was up last night. When I first woke up, I hoped that last night was all just some terrible dream, but unlucky for me, it happened to be very real. Sighing, I slowly stood up from the bed and decided to get dressed for the day. I really needed a shower, but I had no idea where the bathroom was. Well, I could always walk around and find it.

     Anyhow, deciding against getting dressed, I picked up my new clothes and silently opened my bedroom door. Looking around, I seen a room with the door open and light on. Quietly, I tip-toed down the hall and seen that the room was a bathroom. I looked inside, making sure there was girl's shower stuff in there, just to make sure it wasn't the male's washroom, before walking inside and closing the door. I locked it behind me, not sure how comfortable I had been with these people before.

     After figuring out which way was hot water, I finally was able to shower. I was so lucky I never had to shave, since I didn't have any body hair. It's actually awesome, I never did grow any at all. I mean, neither did Sam or Dean, the most they got was facial hair. Even then, they shaved it off most of the time. Once I was done, I dried off my body, before getting dressed in the clothes I had brought into the bathroom with me. For some reason though, I would normally wear my leather jacket, but at this moment I didn't. Well, it's not that I just didn't put it on, I eas too hot to put it on, which never happened to me before, even during the summer. Well, unless it was southern states, which happened to be hot as Hell, but here it wasn't hot out, yet I was fairly hot.

    Shaking it off, I threw my dirty towels in the hamper, bringing my dirty clothes into my room, throwing them into the hamper in my room. I began to brush through my hair, with a black hair brush I found on the vanity in my room. Looking in the mirror, I realized my features seemed more sharp and my body was quite fit like it had been before, maybe even more. As I finished my hair, I heard a noise outside of my room. Deciding to investigate, I opened my door and slowly followed the stairs down to what seemed to be a lounge room.

"You're up early." A voice said behind me, causing me to jump.

"Yeah, couldn't sleep." I replied timidly, as I turned around and seen the man in the wheel chair, Uncle Billy.

"You alright? Normally you sleep until at least nine." Uncle Billy commented, causing me to bite my lip.

"I'm fine. I guess I just wasn't as tired as I normally am or something." I answered, unsure of how I would normally speak to him.

"Well, Jake should be up soon, unless you're both off your sleeping schedule. In which case, I'll have to send you up to wake him in about an hour." Uncle Billy said, as he began to wheel himself to the kitchen area.

"I doubt he's having any issues sleeping." I commented, almost surprising myself by the words that flowed so easily from my mouth.

      I followed Uncle Billy into the kitchen, watching as he began to make himself a cup of coffee. Instead of fixing myself a cup of coffee, I grabbed a glass and filled it with water, drinking all of it in less than a minute.

"No coffee this morning?" Uncle Billy asked, causing me to shrug.

"Figured maybe it's the reason I didn't sleep until my normal time." I replied, causing him to nod slowly.

"Want me to make some breakfast? I'm really craving some pancakes right now." I commented, causing him to nod again.

"Sure, sounds good to me." He answered, as he sipped at his coffee.

      As if I had lived in this house my whole life, I was easily able to find everything I needed. I was surprised, actually almost scared at how well I knew everything around here. Making the batter, I turned on the stove and allowed the pan to heat up before I poured on the batter. By the time I had almost thirty pancakes made, I heard someone else come into the kitchen.

"Well, good morning, Freya. When did you become an early bird that actually cooked?" The person asked, causing me to turn around towards him.

"Would you rather me allow you to go hungry?" I retorted, making him glare playfully at me.

"Make my pancakes, Winchester." He replied, causing me to roll my eyes at him.

"You give me an attitude one more time, boy. I'll take you down." I stated, before finishing the last of the pancakes.

      He smiled sheepishly, before sitting down at the kitchen table. The three of us began to eat some pancakes, loading them down with syrup and whipped cream. I grabbed some fruit out of the fridge, eating the strawberries with the whipped cream.

"You're such a pig." Jake commented, as a playful smile was on his face.

"Say's the one with the pig nose." I retorted, as I threw a strawberry at him.

      I laughed, as whipped cream smeared all over his face. He glared playfully at me. I smirked, as I ate one of my strawberries.

"You two fight like cats and dogs." Uncle Billy commented, as Jake pursed his lips.

"She's the dog." He said, as I gasped.

"Am not!" I exclaimed, though all Jake did was nod with a grin on his face.

        Soon we finished breakfast, before I made Jake do the dishes. If he wanted to call me a dog, I was going to make him work like a dog himself...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I was trying to show you guys the relationship between Jake and Freya. They pretty much act like brother and sister, they're just not related as brother and sister. You all will learn the story behind her parents deaths and stuff later on.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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