Chapter Thirty

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*Dean's POV*

      As soon as the dream was over, I shot up in bed and looked around. The hotel room was the same, but Freya was nowhere in sight. The dream had seemed so real, but like I said, it was a dream. My sister still wasn't out of the alternate universe she was stuck in. I wanted to figure out how I had talked to her so easily though. She didn't seem like a dream at all. The dream wasn't the past and it wasn't a nightmare, I was literally talking to her and nothing bad seemed to happen.

"Rise and shine, Sammy!" I called, causing him to shoot up as well.

"Wha-? Dean, it's not even six yet." He complained, and I sighed.

"I know, but we have to talk. It's about Freya." I replied, as he turned his whole body to face me.

"What about her?" He asked, making me purse my lips.

"I had this dream, but it wasn't a dream, it couldn't have been a dream-" I rambled, trying to rack my brain around the idea of it just being a dream.

"Dean!" Sam exclaimed, pulling me out of my head,"What was the dream about?" He asked, and I sighed.

"Well, I talked to Freya." I replied, watching his eyebrows furrow.

"You talked to Freya?" He asked, not seeming to think I was telling the truth.

"Yeah, but we were here, in this room. She told me about the world she was stuck in. She told me about Paul. She said to find another witch and get her to make the other Forks real." I stated, as Sam scoffed.

"That doesn't seem even remotely plausible." He commented, making me nod.

"I know, but she told me she didn't want to leave Paul behind. She said something about the ancestors picking them out or something. She said she didn't want, quite possibly her only chance of happiness, to be taken away from her." I said, making Sam frown.

"And if we can't?" He asked, causing me to purse my lips once more.

"She said she'd always pick me, since I'm her big brother." I answered, causing him to sigh.

"So, if we can't get a witch to make her Forks real, we'd be willing to take her away from her only chance at happiness that could last forever?" Sam commented, making me groan.

"When you put it that way, you make me sound like a dick for wanting my sister back." I complained, as he scoffed.

"Sound like a dick? Dean, you were and still are willing to pull her out of that world just because you want her back." He retorted, causing me to glare at him.

"Are you not wanting her back?" I asked, anger evident in my voice.

"Yes, I do, Dean, but I'm not willing to take her away from her soulmate! I knew what it was like to want to be with someone and have it ripped away from me! I don't want to do that to her!" He exclaimed, causing me to growl.

"You're willing to lose her forever?!" I retorted, and he looked away for a moment.

"I don't want to lose her forever, Dean, but to keep her happy, I'm willing to leave her there. She may be gone forever, but at least we know she's not dead." Sam replied, as I narrowed my eyebrows at him.

"She might as well be, 'cause if we follow you, we'll never see her again." I spat, standing up from my bed.

      I went over to the couch and shoved my feet into my boots, before heading to the door and opening it.

"Dean!" Sam called, but I just left the room.

      I couldn't stay in there, especially not after Sam said we should just leave our sister in Twilight forever. I wasn't willing to let her go. I knew that made me sound like a heartless asshole, maybe I was, but I wasn't willing to lose my sister. I was going to try my hardest to find a witch who could do what she wanted, but if I don't find one who can, I will be bringing her back one way or another, with or without Paul. He may be her soulmate, but I'm her brother.

       Climbing into Baby, I closed the door and started her up. Quickly, I pulled out of the parking lot and started down the road. I needed to clear my head, my anger was going to get the best of me. If I wouldn't of left the room when I did, I probably would've beat the hell out of Sam. I mean, he's my brother, but Freya is my little sister. I'm supposed to protect her from the world, but I failed. I almost doubted myself when it came to protecting Sammy, but luckily he was still in the same universe as me. I didn't have to save him with the help of a witch.

"Damn it, Freya! You couldn't have just stayed with me and Sam! You just had to talk me into letting you scope out a place by yourself!" I exclaimed, hitting the steering wheel a couple of times.

      Pulling over, I got out of the car and closed the door. I felt almost claustrophobic inside of my own car. It felt as if my chest was tight, and my eyes blurred with tears. I could feel my rage and sadness building up. I just wanted to scream.

"God, Freya, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." I cried, feeling tears swell in my eyes.

        Putting my head in my hands, I let the sobs run out. I couldn't hold my tears in anymore. I felt broken, inside and out. Everything was crashing around me. My world felt like it was closing in. Not one thing was going right, everything was getting harder and harder. As each day passed, my hope grew dimmer. Soon I'd be a shell of myself, something I never wanted to be. I was losing myself and everything around me...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. So, I decided Dean needed to have a part next. I wanted you guys to see just how the dream affected Dean. What do you guys think?!

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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