Chapter Ten

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Freya's POV:

       After seeing my eyes change, I decided I needed to calm down. I was very freaked out right now and there was no way I could just forget about it. Instead of causing a ruckus though, I headed downstairs and acted as if nothing was wrong. I could see the look from Uncle Billy though, making me wonder if he actually knew what was going on with me. I wondered if he knew that I was changing, now for the better or for the worse was the question. I was honestly scared of myself at the moment. 

"Are you ready to go, Freya?" Jake asked, causing me to nod lightly.

     I really didn't want to call to much attention to myself. If I called too much attention to myself, I was afraid everyone would realize something really was wrong with me. I mean, there was no way to explain what was going on. The only people that may know what was wrong with me, was Uncle Billy, Sam and possibly Sam's friends Paul and Jared. I really didn't feel comfortable talking to people I didn't know though, since there was no definite that they'd even tell me anything. For all I know, they could call me crazy and send me away. So, to keep from the embarrassment, I decided to just put it all off for a while, at least until something else happened to me.

      Jake drove an ugly red truck, whilst I drove a black truck that held Uncle Billy in the very back. He always loved sitting in the bed of the truck, it made him feel alive, free. Once we pulled up outside of a white, two-story house, I seen Charlie's police car. I remembered Jake telling me that Charlie was the police chief in Forks, but it really didn't matter to me, since I never got into trouble.

"Hey Bella, you remember Billy Black and his son Jacob, right?" Charlie commented, as the awkward girl nodded.

     I looked over at her and mentally rolled my eyes. She was way too much for me, I can promise that one. I never understood how someone could be so awkward. Honestly, I didn't see what Jake seen in here either, she wasn't very pretty, nor did she really have a body to die for either. I wouldn't openly tell her that I didn't like her, since she was Jake's friend, but I knew myself that I didn't like her.

"Bella, this is Freya Winchester. She's my adoptive daughter." Billy said, as Bella nodded again.

"We use to make mud pies together." Jake commented, causing Bella to nod again.

"Y-yeah, yeah, I remember. I-I think Freya was the one who threw them at us." She stuttered, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Yeah." Jake replied, laughing quite loudly.

     Charlie then told her how he had bought this ugly ass red truck for her from Billy, in which Jake quite cheerfully said he had rebuilt the engine, though he did have a slight blush on his face. He told her to try it out and she opened the door, causing me to laugh when she hit him with the door. I about died laughing, though I knew it embarrassed both of them even more.

"Don't mind her. She's a grinch." Jake commented, making me roll my eyes.

    He should be happy, since I wasn't being all rude and mean like I had planned on being in the first place. Instead of getting too angry with Jake, I just walked over to the black truck, jumped into the bed, and sat down on the top of the truck. Jake looked up at me, though all I did was glare at him. He knew how easy it was to anger me recently, yet it seemed like he tried his hardest to piss me off on purpose. After about an hour, Uncle Billy decided it was finally time to leave. Jake and I helped him into the bed of the truck, before I begrudgingly sat in the front of the truck with Jake.

"What's up with you today?" Jake asked, though all I did was ignore him.

"Jacob, leave her be." Billy warned, causing Jake to go quiet as well.

      When we arrived home, we helped Billy out of the bed of the truck, before he decided to go inside. Almost instantly, we were met by Embry and Quil. They had smiles on their faces as normal, before we all headed down to the water. I ran over to Embry and jumped on his back, causing him to laugh as he ran around by the water. Embry and I seemed to be the closest, but honestly I believe it was because he seemed to be going through some changes and challenges as well, maybe the same ones as I was.

"Are you making dinner again tonight?" Embry asked, causing me to shrug.

"I don't know, why?" I asked, as another grin plastered on his face.

"Well, you made the best meal I ever had last night. I think I may just move in with you and Jake, so you can cook my every meal." Embry answered, making me laugh lightly.

"Well, I guess I can make dinner, but you'll have to be the one to tell everyone. I'm not listening to Jake's criticism." I replied, causing Embry to nod.

"Alright, that's fine with me. I'll tell Jake." He said, making me smile.

     I was so glad that Embry was so down to earth and so sweet. If it wasn't for Embry, I probably would've killed Jake in the last two days. He's pissed me off so easily lately, making me wonder if it was his passion. If only it were as easy to deal with Jake, as it is for him to piss me off. I was easily angered before, but now it seemed like every little thing made me tick. I was honestly scared to see why I was getting so angry lately...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, she will be figuring things out soon. She'll also realize just how much is leaving her soon as well.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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